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Annette's Favorite Links

Annette M. Hall

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[.] [/CPS]
    • License to Seize our Childrenby Berit Kjos Ages: 18+Can social workers remove children from parents without proof of abuse, without a court order, without explanation, and without liability? On April 25, the U.S. Supreme Court let stand a U.S. Courts of Appeals ruling that social workers are...Subjects: U.S. Supreme Court, liability, values, judge, court, children

    • Dealing With CPSby Separated Parenting Access & Resource Center Ages: 18+When a government agent (social worker, police officer, etc) comes to your door, they are seeking your consent to allow them into your home. Remain calm. You do not have to speak with them or allow them to enter your home without a search warrant...Subjects: warrant, agent, home, authority, cooperate, laws, procedures

    • How the System Worksby William Tower Ages: 18+The actions you take immediately after your children have been removed from your home is critical and can mean the difference between getting your children home quickly or spending years trying to get them back home again. The first thing a parent needs to remember is throughout this entire process, is that you only have (3) three times to have a trial, and only three...Subjects: resource, advice, trial, detention hearing, jurisdiction, termination of parental rights, articles, TPR, CPS, Don Lyons, hearing, court, hearing

    • Fighting Child Protective Services False Accusations Ages: 18+Child Protective Services, CPS, has devastated and destroyed hundreds of thousands of families in America during the last thirty years leaving a trail of broken hearts, broken dreams, and shattered childhoods. Subjects: resource, tips, advice, parental rights, CPS, court, legal help,

    • Suggestions When Falsely Accusedby The Institute for Psychological Therapies Ages: 18+A false accusation of child sexual abuse requires a monumental response to overcome it. Suggestions are given for the innocent person who is accused. A recommended solution to the problem of false allegations is to require videotaping of all therapy...Subjects: custody disputes, list of key points of fighting false accusations

    • 17 Helpful Tips on how to protect your familyby Annette M. Hall Ages: 18+When the Child Protective Service comes to your door, take it seriously. Never think that it can't happen to you because you're a good parent. It can, and has happened to millions of good parents. Good parents lose their children to CPS and foster care everyday. It can take months, even years to get your children back home.Subjects: DHS, CPS, DCFS, tips, scam, control, seizure, signature

    • Parental Rights in Case Lawby Annette M. Hall Ages: 18+Parenting rights are God given. They are also protected by the First, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution.Subjects: case law, Troxel v. Granville, 14th Amendment, Constitution, Reno v. Flores, Meyer v. Nebraska

    • Become Your Best Advocateby CASEassist Ages: 18+Whether you already have an attorney or not, you need to become your own best advocate. You will get the most from your counsel if you are well prepared with the right information and the right plan.Subjects: investigators, deception, motions, sentencing, theory of the case

    • The Nightmare Called 'Child Protective Services' (CPS)by Terry Wanston Ages: 18+Unlicensed Bureaucrats Deny Children Their Parents - All Based On An Anonymous Complaint - Imagine for a moment that you are outside playing with your children and one of them disturbs one of your neighbors. A shouting match ensued...Subjects: rights, warrants, court, visitations, foster parents

    • Child Abuse Defense Kitby Clara A. Thomas Boggs Ages: 18+A state by state resource guide for the wrongly accused or convicted, especially of child abuse.Subjects: links, attorney, resources, child abuse, defense, court, information

    • Testifying on the Witness Standby William Tower Ages: 18+Always tell the truth. In saying that you don't always have to tell all the truth that you know, just the truth. Always go over with the attorney what questions you should be answering and how to answer them. It is up to the attorney to fix it if it needs to be fixed. That is what they are there for. If the opposing counsel can catch you in a lie it will hurt your case worse than you can imagine.Subjects: article, court, attorney, listen, honesty, communication, AFRA, advice

    • Child "Protection" Services?by Mariah Diaz Ages: 18+Responses to 'License to Remove our Children'. The most important thing we can do is know our rights. Even though CPS is allowed to violate constitutional rights, they have lost when those cases have gone to the higher courts.Subjects: CPS, fight, rights, Christian, information, law, action, Skyechell

    • Improving Courts’ Handling of Child Abuse and Neglect Casesby Mark Hardin Ages: 18+This paper lists reforms to improve (accelerate) the litigation process involving child abuse and neglect cases. One such stated goal: Develop local demonstration projects to reduce delays in the termination of parental rights, to include representatives of the agency, courts, and advocates, based on New Jersey and New York model projects...Subjects: report, recommendations, law, improve litigation, Court Improvement Projects (CIPs), TPR, foster parents, case law, lawsuit, attorney, lawyer

    • Hardwork and Heartbreakby Josette Alvarado Ages: 18+CPS became involved in my life when my youngest daughter was born and I tested positive for methamphetamine but my daughter didn't. I went through the court process and completed most of what they asked of me. I went to outpatient substance abuse classes and was still doing drugs. Not thinking all this stuff was real, my outpatient counselor had given me a drug test and it came back positive.Subjects: article, CPS, methamphetamine, drugs, court process, treatment, adoption worker, caseworker, judge, termination of parental rights

    • CPS Comes Callingby Kidjacked Ages: 18+Do you know what to do when that knock comes to your door and you are standing face to face with a child protection worker?Subjects: tips, citizen rights, testify, links, resources, CPS, investigation

    • Through a Child's Eyesby Annette M. Hall Ages: 18+Yes, Christmas preparations are underway. For those with family close and friends so near, the days filled with expectation can fill a heart with joy and thoughts of happy times. Making the season almost magical in nature. But for those with loved ones lost, making it through just one more day can seem like a tremendous chore. For those seemingly alone the emptiness can echo through a burdened heart like a canyon.Subjects: article, Christmas, magical, loved ones, parents, CPS, family, compassion, government, foster care

    • The Dynamic of Shame in Interactions Between Child Protective Services and Families Falsely Accused of Child Abuseby Sabrina Luza and Enrique Ortiz Ages: 18+Twenty families who reported that they had been wrongly accused of child abuse completed a questionnaire. The respondents indicated feelings of powerlessness, self- doubt, depression, and isolation, and perceived the CPS as omnipotent, abandoning them...Subjects: child abuse, children, intervention, social work, report, study

    • Child Protective Services and the Juvenile Justice Systemby Kidjacked Ages: 18+Know your rights before you talk to anyone from CPS, they won't tell you your rights. CPS can't do anything without your consent, demand a warrant and speak with an attorney first before speaking with anyone from CPS...Subjects: CPS Handbook, rights, law, investigation, neglect, Constitutional Rights, parents

    • Victims-of-Law Ages: 18+Victims-of-Law are persons who have been subjected to tyrannical or arbitrary rulings or edicts in violation of constitutional and civil rights under the democratic maxim reminiscent of our Republic...Subjects: news, corrupt, unethical, legal, activist, judicial, attorney, investigation, abuse, crime

    • Standards of Practice for Lawyers Representing Childrenby American Bar Association Ages: 15+All children subject to court proceedings involving allegations of child abuse and neglect should have legal representation as long as the court jurisdiction continues. These Standards apply only to lawyers...Subjects: Word Doc, child abuse, neglect, lawyer, legal representation, standards

    • Family Survival Informationby American Family Rights Association Ages: 18+Approach people with children wherever you find them and quickly bring up the subject along the line of "Have you heard about CPS?" "Do you have any idea how much danger you are in?"Subjects: brochure, PDF, index, family, survial, help, CPS

    • American Family Rights Associationby Helen Weathers Ages: 18+The almost Orwellian operation was captured on a very sad series of pictures - one showing a blanket thrown over Betty's head by social workers to shield her from photographers - which have since been published in newspapers, prompting a public outcry.Subjects: fight CPS, miranda rights, constitutional rights, news

    • Parents victimized by children's protective services Ages: 18+Throughout North America, social workers employed by children's protective services are hopelessly overworked. There are over three million reports of alleged child abuse and neglect each year in the U.S. Two million of them are found to be without foundation; each of the remainder has to be thoroughly investigated by an insufficient numbers of workers who have inadequate support and often have inadequate training. The stakes are high! CPS workers are required to make judgments that seriously affect each family on their case load. Subjects: article, CPS, child abuse, neglect, Pagans, Wiccans, SRA, Neopagan, parenting, history, interrogation, The Family, maltreatment, sexual behavior, VOCAL, religious bigotry,

    • Tape-recording laws at a glanceby Kristen Rasmussen, Jack Komperda and Raymond Baldi Ages: 18+A majority of the states and territories have adopted wiretapping statutes based on the federal law, although most also have extended the law to cover in-person conversations. This guide is meant as a general introduction for journalists to the state of the law concerning electronic recording and its implications. It does not take the place of legal advice from a lawyer in your state when you are confronted with a legal problem. Subjects: wiretapping, communication, Federal law, civil law, criminal law, state guide, tape recording, laws, phone calls, FCC, criminal, state by state

    • Keeping Your Feet on the Ground After a CPS Visit by SusieQ - Kidjackedby SusieQ Ages: 18+All those horror stories I am privy to as an advocate kicked in my memory as she began hurriedly off to her car on the street 100 feet away. Motherly instincts and my own personality mixed causing me to yell at her while she ran to her car, the nice policemen stood in the middle. I couldn't help but call her a child stealing witch. I knew that people like her took pleasure in lining their pockets with the bodies of stolen children from innocent families.Subjects: article, advocate, CPS, DCFS, child protection reform, case worker, foster care, parental rights, family law, family court

    • Introduction to Law and the Legal System, A Course in Practical Law Ages: 18+Have you ever heard about a policy or a law that you thought was totally unfair? Something so unjust, so unreasonable, that you said, "Someone ought to do something!"?Subjects: unit study, advocacy, legislation, law, lawsuit, legal system

    • A Kid's Right to Both Parentsby A Kids Right Ages: 18+Our kids have rights too...and their most important right is: To be with your Mom and Dad...Subjects: mailing list, events, court action, legislative action, public action

    • Organized Crime Management in Governmentby James Roger Brown Ages: 18+Throughout this series on organized criminal exploitation of children, always keep in mind that it is the consequence and tool of an alliance of political extremists and white collar criminals working in and through government agencies and program...Subjects: stop allegations,political extremists, corrupt investigators

    • The Ted Gunderson Filesby Ken Adachi Ages: 18+In November of 1999, I acquired an enormous amount of paperwork from retired FBI Senior Special-Agent-In-Charge Ted L. Gunderson who had compiled box loads of research and had assembled a number of reports...Subjects: abuse, CIA, Congress, government, false, conviction, drugs

    • A Criminal Defense Attorney's View of the Family Violence Industryby Paul G. Stuckle, Esquire Ages: 18+Problems arise when laws designed to protect a victim of domestic violence are used too broadly and are applied to normal families. A big difference exists between an abusive spouse repeatedly committing violent acts, and a nonviolent family...Subjects: report, domestic violence, victim, advocate, evidence, conviction, attorney

    • Best Interests Ages: 18+Best Interests is dedicated to providing news and resources to professional and volunteer advocates for children, including court appointed special advocates, attorneys, social workers, judges, police officers, foster care parents, child therapists...Subjects: news, links, abuse, neglect, children, advocacy, kinship care, social work, CPS

    • Self Help Magazineby Marlene M. Maheu, Ph.D. Ages: 18+The Internet's oldest and largest self-help & psychology network, developed by hundreds of volunteer professionals as a labor of love. Our mission is to provide you with reliable, trusted information and respectful, social support communities.Subjects: divorce, marriage, mediation, attorney, custody, children

    • Child Protective Services (CPS)by Executive Director Heather Smith Ages: 18+We are very concerned about Child Protective Services legally forcing children, even in foster homes, to take psychotropic drugs. These psycho-stimulant medications are comparable to cocaine and the antidepressants are now known to cause suicidal thoughts and suicide among children. Subjects: lethal, drugs, antidepressants, children, CPS, ADHD, government

    • Divorce Help For Menby Joseph E. Cordell Ages: 18+It's become common practice during the litigation process of a divorce that the man takes the brunt of financial and property responsibility while losing vital custody battles. This isn't necessarily because the father deserves it; instead the man just doesn't have the right representation. We inform fathers about their rights during divorce litigation, while providing them with concrete, practical resources to achieve the best results in the courtroom.Subjects: custody, law, attorney, restraining order, injunction, seminars, moving, alimony, support, resources for men, documention, asset protection, forensic accountingLocation: Nationwide

    • Lifting the Veilby Rick Thoma Ages: 18+Examining the child welfare, foster care and juvenile justice system.Subjects: CPS, foster care, child welfare, reform, news, information

    • Family Plan of Actionby Kidjacked Ages: 18+Emergencies happen all the time, as parents we do our best to prepare for them. While we may be prepared for the next hurricane, blizzard or flood many of us have not made preparations to protect the most precious people in our lives... our children!Subjects: children, protect, planning, parents, CPS, rights

    • Research Guide: Family and Child Welfareby Social Work Library Ages: 18+The focus of this guide is family and child welfare as a field of practice of social work. This area of study may include: adoption, child abuse, neglect, poverty, parents, correctional measures, development...Subjects: parenting, social work, resource, child welfare, guide

    • Child Abuse and Neglect: Warning Signs of Abuse and How to Report Itby Joelle Belmonte Ages: 18+Child abuse is more than bruises and broken bones. While physical abuse might be the most visible, other types of abuse, such as emotional abuse and neglect, also leave deep, lasting scars. The earlier abused children get help, the greater chance they have to heal and break the cycle-rather than perpetuating it.Subjects: child neglect, abuse, stress, warning signs, emotional, force, behavior, eating disorders, additions, suicide prevention, sleep, relationships,

    • Grandparent Access To Their Grandchildren A Contemporary Issueby Judy Atkinson Ages: 18+Grandparent visitation legislation has risen quite differently from other domestic relation laws, which generally follows social change. The changes in grandparents visitation legislation is seen as the product of intense political activity by today's older citizens who are greater in number, healthier and more politically conscious and powerful than in the past. The formation of grandparents rights groups is a growing phenomenon across Canada and the United States.Subjects: resource, article, advice, divorce, grandparents, kinship care, nuclear family, extended family, minor children, foster care

    • Domestic Relations: Childrenby Law Guru Ages: 18+The Internet Law Library is the work of many hands. The site provided links to a large number of legal resources Subjects: links, Internet Law Library, federal, law, articles, legal dictionary, legal forms

    • Courtroom Demeanorby Annette M. Hall Ages: 18+It is essential that your appearance, actions and your speech reflect the appropriate courtroom presence. Whether we like it or not, our appearance the way we speak, and the words we choose, tell a great deal about us and can make a difference...Subjects: court, dress, appearance, behavior, transcripts, witness, hearing

    • Kidjacked Education & Resource Networkby Annette M. Hall Ages: 18+Your Children are at risk and face a sinister threat, which is controlled, funded and supported by every state child welfare agency in the nation.Subjects: legal resources, case law, court, children, CPS, parental rights, information

    • A Foster Parent Speaks Outby Mary Callahan Ages: 18+As new leadership faced up to the problems in Maine, Mary Callahan became a respected voice for reform. Callahan was invited to give a presentation to an Advisory Commission working on restructuring human services in Maine. That restructuring now is complete, and there have been dramatic improvements in Maine child welfare since Callahan gave this presentation, on August 7, 2003. Indeed, Maine is now one of NCCPR's "Twelve Ways to do Child Welfare Right."Subjects: article, foster parent, CPS reform, child welfare, parental rights, child abuse, DHS, CPSLocation: Maine

    • Psychologists Who Make Unqualified Public Statements About Litigants Whom They Have Not Examinedby Jack S. Annon Ages: 18+Psychologists who provide expert testimony in court without properly qualifying their opinions may be violating ethical codes and specialty guidelines. The relevant sections of the Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct and the Specialty Guidelines for Forensic Psychologists are discussed in terms of this issue.Subjects: Abstract, psychologists, forensic psychology, affidavit, psychological evaluations, diagnoses, intervention, alleged child sexual abuse

    • National Coalition for Child Protection Reform Ages: 18+The members of the National Coalition for Child Protection Reform have encountered the child welfare system in their professional capacities. NCCPR advocates for systemic reform. We regret that we cannot provide advice in dealing with individual cases.Subjects: child welfare, resources, witness, expert, ASFA, youth advocate

    • Child Abuseby Almanac of Policy Issues Ages: 18+In most cases an initial report of abuse or neglect can come from anyone. In 1998, (53.1%) of all reports came from professionals; medical and mental health professionals, teachers, child care providers, social service providers, and law enforcement...Subjects: child abuse, head start, poverty, welfare, neglect

    • Revealed: Past Lies of Abuse Witnessby Stephen Breen Ages: 18+An investigation by this newspaper has revealed that Stretton was convicted of making false allegations of child abuse in 1987, and that Scots police were aware of her track record of false claims before deciding to press charges. What also remains unexplained is why the case got so far when there was considerable evidence that Stretton's testimony needed to be treated with the utmost caution.Location: testimony, police witness, abuse, court, false allegations, Stretton, investigation, social worker,

    • A Nation in Crisisby Nancee Crowell Ages: 18+Georgia Child Protective Services is not unique in its handling of child protection issues. It is a national tragedy as untrained, uneducated "wanna be" social caseworkers strive to line their pockets and budgets with huge amounts of federal funding.Subjects: court, system, family, McCarthy Act, caseworkers, social worker, inexperience, corrupt

    • Mothers Against Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy Allegations Ages: 18+M.A.M.A. was begun in response to the fast growing number of false allegations of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (MSBP). Parents are being accused of making their own children ill.Subjects: SIDS, medical, investigation, America, Britain, doctors, malicious, allegations

    • Government Abuse of Citizens: Bringing Justice to Wenatcheeby Paul Craig Roberts Ages: 18+Two decades ago hysterical liberals created a monster ---- an unaccountable Gestapo known today as Child Protective Services. Crazed therapists testified before Congress that 75 percent of parents were child abusers and that a new national bureaucracy was necessary to protect children. Congress obliged the therapists' request and unleashed a Frankenstein. Subjects: article, liberals, Gestapo, Child Protective Services, bureaucracy, Juana Vasquez, lawsuit, falsely accusedLocation: Wenatchee, Washington

    • Kearl's Guide to the Sociology of the Familyby Trinity University Ages: 18+The overall pattern is clear: today's parents expect to make fewer sacrifices for their children than in the past, but they also demand less from their offspring in the form of future obligations than their parents demanded of them.Subjects: parenting, children, family, dynamics, research, social

    • The Adoptee Rights Organizationby Bastard Nation Ages: 18+Bastard Nation advocates for the civil and human rights of adult citizens who were adopted as children. Millions of North Americans are prohibited by law from accessing personal records that pertain to their historical, genetic and legal identities.Subjects: civil rights, legal, identity, adoption, sealed records, campaign, adoptee

    • Once Fallenby Derek "The Fallen One" Logue Ages: 18+Once Fallen is a resource and fact page on sex offender laws and issues, as well as a support and referral service for registrants and their families. ONCE FALLEN Study guides were intended for use in personal research and as a reference for pamphlets...Subjects: support, treatment, answers, advice, resources, law, links

    • Sex Registry Flawsby Operation Awareness Ages: 18+This page is devoted to the inherent flaws in a broken system attempting to deal with sexual offending. Adhahn was convicted in 1990 of violently raping his half sister. He served an unbelievable, mere 2 month sentence for this crime.Subjects: law, sex offender, Megan's Law, information, articles, links

    • Practical Ways to Reform the Child Welfare System HSLDA National Center Special Report

    • Youth Law Newsby National Center for Youth Law Ages: 18+NCYL publishes Youth Law News, a quarterly legal journal that raises the visibility of children's issues among youth advocates nationwide, and keeps them informed of key policies and new developments in the law.Subjects: journal, child welfare, foster care, education, justice, court, mental health

    • Sexual Abuse Statisticsby N. Faulkner Ages: 18+Dissociation, often employed by children who cannot escape from the threat of abuse, is a means of mentally withdrawing from a horrific situation by separating it from conscious awareness. The skill allows the victim to feel detached from the body...Subjects: resource, child abuse, statistics, neglect, reference, research

    • Cost of foster-care abuse - $3.5 million in 13 months - Mareva Brown

    • Law & Psychiatry Child Abuse Reporting Laws Time for Reformby Paul S. Appelbaum, M.D.  Ages: 18+Nothing should be less controversial than protecting children from abuse. As the prevalence of the "battered child syndrome" came to popular attention in the 1960s, every state in the country required certain classes of professionals to report abuse...Subjects: law, child abuse, psychiatry, reform, mandatory reporting, neglect, data, report

    • The Center for Research on Child Wellbeing - Princeton University

    • The Scandal of the Centuryby The Fifth Estate Ages: 18+It was called the Scandal of the Century. A Saskatchewan foster family stood accused of committing unspeakable acts of murder and ritual sexual abuse upon their young charges.Subjects: testimony, abuse, broadcast, court, Saskatchewan, prosecutor, malicious prosecution

    • Protect Our Families - committed to advocating for the rights of children with bone disorders

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