| Elementary Biology Instrument Dissecting Kit
The Condition of Education 2009: Homeschooled Studentsby National Center for Educational Statistics Ages: 18+In the spring of 2007, about 1.5 million, or 2.9 percent of all school-age children, were homeschooled in the United States, an increase from both 1999 and 2003.Subjects: homeschool, statistics, report, 2009, DOE, U.S., national
Printable Calendarsby Donna Young Ages: 12+Find easy to use resources: daily planners, homeschool journals, schedules, attendance forms and so much more. There are two daily planner styles, a Lesson Plan Timer and a Daily Lesson Planner.Subjects: resource, calendars, teach, days of the month, printables, teaching pages, dates, helpful hints, household planner, organization
Common Objections to Homeschoolingby John Holt Ages: 16+People, especially educators, who hear me talk about homeschooling, raise certain objections so often that it is worth answering them here. Questions like, "If children are taught at home, won't they miss the valuable social life of the school?"Subjects: socialization, education, faq, social life, community, doubts, diversity, enthusiasm, public school, civics, social sciences
Action Research Resourcesby Bob Dick Ages: 14+Action research can be described as a family of research methodologies which pursue action (or change) and research (or understanding) at the same time. Research studies can differ on many dimensions. they may be participative or not. They may take place in a situation where everything can be measured or controlled, or in the confusion and unpredictability of a live and complex situation. They may be qualitative or quantitative. And so on...Subjects: research, comments, methodolgy, theory, discussion, technologies, learning, science
Education Week - Independent K-12 education
Alliance for the Separation of School & Stateby Alan Schaeffer Ages: 18+We believe parents, and not the state, should be in charge of their children's education. That control may take many forms and levels of involvement, but the state will never be part of the picture.Subjects: resource, freedom, education, parental rights, children, independence, organization, networking, articles, schoolLocation: Nationwide
How Videogames Blind Us With Scienceby Clive Thompson Ages: 16+One of the reasons kids get bored by science is that too many teachers present it as a fusty collection of facts for memorization. This is precisely wrong. Science isn't about facts. It's about the quest for facts -- the scientific method, the process by which we hash through confusing thickets of ignorance. It's dynamic, argumentative, collaborative, competitive, filled with flashes of crazy excitement and hours of drudgework, and driven by ego: Our desire to be the one who figures it out, at least for now. It's dramatic and nutty and fun. Subjects: article, technology, education, science, scientific method, gaming, gamers,
Local Homeschool Support Groupsby Local Homeschool Ages: 18+Homeschooling children should have every opportunity to socialize with children of all ages and your local support group provides an excellent opportunity for kids to meet and get to know one another. Is your group listed?Subjects: field trips, ideas, eduation, news, support, workshops and classes
Guilt-Free Homeschoolingby Carolyn Morrison Ages: 16+Helpful advice from an 11 year homeschool veteran. Whether you have a specific question, want some general advice, or just need a dose of encouragement, Guilt-Free Homeschooling is the place to be! Subjects: socialization, education, blog, doubts, diversity, enthusiasm, public school, civics, social sciences, network, advice
Answers Domain Directory - ChristianAnswers.Net
California Historical Society Programs
Cathy Duffy Homeschool Reviews
Content Standards for California Public Schools, K - 12
Dissection Kit - General Biology Dissecting
Eclectic Homeschool Online
Education Testimony in the House
End of the Year Comment Ideas for Report Cards
Fact Monster Online Almanac, Dictionary, Encyclopedia
Federal Resources for Educational Excellence (Free)
Homeschool Chat
Teaching Tolerance Ages: 12 - 20Using Photographs to Teach Social Justice is a series of 12 lessons. Each lesson focuses on a contemporary social justice issue. These lessons are multidisciplinary and geared toward middle- and high-school students. Teaching Tolerance's educational kits and subscriptions to its magazine are FREE to classroom teachers, school librarians, leaders of homeschool networks, youth directors at houses of worship and employees of youth-serving nonprofit organizations.Subjects: resource, classroom activities, reading, social studies, Language Arts, ESL, Art, caricatures, debate, lesson plans, students
Your Brain on Video Gamesby Steven Johnson Ages: 18+A host of new studies suggest that video games build rather than diminish cognitive skills. Even a relatively simple tiling puzzle like Tetris has been shown to boost brainpower. Moreover, learning expert James Gee's research reveals that typical teenage gamers are anything but addlebrained. "We had a hard time finding kids who were bad at school but good at games," Gee says.
Subjects: article, sci-fi, technology, games, video games, cognitive skills, puzzle, teenagers, school, learning science, challenge, human brain, physical activity, Tetris, PET scan, brain function, Haier's Study
Crafts for Kidsby Enchanted Learning Ages: 4 - 19These crafts projects use materials found around the house, like egg cartons, cardboard, paper, boxes, string, crayons, paint, glue, etc. See a page about color mixing to see how to combine paint to make all the colors of the rainbow.Subjects: crafts, preschool, activities, art materials, holidays, seasons
Home School Internet Resource Center
IPL Kidspace
Reverse Dictionary
Society for Quality Education Sharing Proven Effective Practices - SQE
Standardized testing info
Socialization: A Great Reason Not to Go to School Ages: 18+I've observed hundreds of home-schooled children of various ages in various places in two countries, so I'm confident that home-schooling children doesn't harm them socially. But...Subjects: Socialization, homeschooling, public school
Alliance for the Separation of School & Stateby Alan Schaeffer Ages: 18+We believe parents, and not the state, should be in charge of their children's education. That control may take many forms and levels of involvement, but the state will never be part of the picture. If this seems like an impossible idea, consider that 8 million children already learn free of state control.Subjects: resource, education, school, learning, freedom, control, independence, facts, stats, quotes, solutions
Game Listing with descriptions for parents
Gateway to Knowledge - Education Help for Teachers and Students
HeartLand Institute
JBQ Information - Junior Bible Quiz resources
Kids Mag - Cobblestone Publishing Magazines - order info and teachers guides
Left Brain-Right Brain - Pathways to Reach Every Learner (Diane Connell)
Methods & Styles - A to Z Home's Cool Homeschooling
Nationwide Homeschool Resources - ReliableAnswers.com
Research Resources for Social Sciences
Right Brain vs. Left Brain - Funderstanding
San Diego Kids Ages: 1+The Web Directory for Parents living in or visiting San Diego, California. A continuous parent's resource center dedicated to listing the places, activities, festivals, events, and things for children in San Diego County.Subjects: resource, activity, visitor, music, coloring, camping, art, events, fun, learning, fun, sports
Scholastic - Helping Children Around the World to Read and Learn
Sites for Teachers
Starting a Local Homeschool Support Groupby Shauna Smith Duty Ages: 16+I live in Roanoke, Texas, a small suburb between Dallas and Fort Worth, and the few homeschooling moms I knew drove miles for park days, field trips, and special events. I hate driving to the grocery store, so this routine did not appeal to me. Subjects: homeschool, group, support, help, activities, relationships, socialize, local group
Teaching Left-Handers to Write - Handedness Research Institute
The Music Rack
The Urban Institute Research
U. S. Founded Without Public Schools