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Annette's Favorite Links

Annette M. Hall

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[.] [/Faith]
    • A High Price For Keeping Faithby Nanette Asimov Ages: 18+Ex-church member in battle over daughter's future - Mason McKinley's minister presented him with this simple test of faith: He should give up his baby daughter and never look back. The year was 1997. Subjects: article, faith, Spiritual Rights Foundation, custody

    • The Art of Cold Readingby James Randi Educational Foundation Ages: 18+The currently-popular "psychics" like Sylvia Browne, James Van Praagh, and John Edward, who are getting so much TV space on Montel Williams, Larry King, and other shows, employ a technique known as "cold reading."Subjects: article, psychic, cold reading, deception, TV program

    • The Hidden Costs of Doing Business Outside of Your Philosophical Neighborhoodby Harvey Bluedorn Ages: 18+We are commanded, whenever we have an appropriate occasion, to work what is good toward all kinds of men ­ rich and poor, acquaintances and strangers, friends and enemies ­ yet we are to show preference to those who live in our "household of faith"...Subjects: article, faith, Christian, family, preference, brethren

    • Christian Answers Networkby Films for Christ Ages: 18+A mega-site providing biblical answers to contemporary questions for all ages and nationalities with over 45-thousand files.Subjects: Bible, teens, Kid Explorers, movie reviews

    • Christian Broadcasting Networkby Pat Robertson Ages: 18+Above all, you must live as citizens of heaven, conducting yourselves in a manner worthy of the Good News about Christ. Then, whether I come and see you again or only hear about you, I will know that you are standing together with one spirit ...Subjects: The 700 Club, spiritual, God, prayer request, partner

    • Christian News Service - Worthy News

    • Coral Ridge Ministriesby Dr. D. James Kennedy Ages: 18+People across America and the world tune in each week on radio and television to hear Dr. Kennedy present the Gospel and offer biblical insight on contemporary issues. Hearts and lives are being touched and changed ...Subjects: Christian, ministry, faith, salvation, resources, articles

    • NEWS You Won't hear on the News!

    • ChristianAnswers.Net

    • Christmas in America becomes battlegroundby Joe Kovacs Ages: 16+Every December, a call goes out from the nation's pulpits to "put Christ back into Christmas," but growing numbers of Americans - including fundamentalist Christians - are claiming Jesus Christ had nothing to do with the holiday...Subjects: holiday, Christmas, battleground, religion, Christian

    • Chronology of Major Movements

    • Churches located in Michigan

    • ESP Ministries - Exposing Satan's Power

    • Merovingian Signature of the hurricanes

    • Prove All Things

    • Traditional Values Coalition

    • Your Christian Family Center

    Please contact Annette M. Hall, to report a bad link.

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