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Disputed Air ID Law May Not Existby Paul BoutinAges: 18+A recent lawsuit filed by Electronic Frontier Foundation founder John Gilmore against U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft, United Airlines and several others challenges the requirement that airline flyers present government-issued identification in order
Experts Blast Airport Securityby Elisa BatistaAges: 18+Airport security in the country is so poor, they say, that bypassing security measures and wreaking havoc onboard a flight is easy. Tuesday's quadruple hijackings were the first incidents of an American aircraft hijacked on domestic soil since 1987. Subjects: security, jets, hijacked, attack, terrorist, airport
Privacy Activist Takes on Deltaby Michelle DelioAges: 18+Bill Scannell, organizer of the successful Boycott Adobe campaign launched when Russian programmer Dmitry Sklyarov was arrested in the summer of 2001, is now calling for a boycott on Delta.Subjects: boycott, Delta, passengers, threat, security check, boarding
The Myth of Airport Biometricsby Robert McMillianAges: 18+In the airport's new international terminal, the INS has installed a number of ATM-like machines designed to take precise measurements of your hand, confirm your identity and whisk you through U.S. customs...Subjects: INS, immigration, biometric, ID, border, security
Will Airport Security Plan Fly?by Ryan SingelAges: 18+Critics, who include the American Civil Liberties Union and the Association of Corporate Travel Executives, have already criticized the program as both invasive and ineffective.Subjects: screening, CAPPS II, birth date, commercial, database
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