| Drug Awareness Blogby International Coalition for Drug Awareness Ages: 18+Individual users of antidepressants report such adverse effects as insomnia, indigestion, diabetes or hypoglycemia, fibromyalgia, MS, weight gain, asthma, high cholesterol, bloating, high blood pressure, rashes, memory loss, etc...Subjects: video, withdrawal, FDA, adverse effects, drugs, antidepressants, withdrawal, medical, help, Prozac, Zoloft, foster care, violence, suicide, risk
Depression, Stress & Anxiety Herbalsby Stress Group Ages: 18+Herbs have been successfully used to help with physical and mental health for thousands of years. Herbal supplements are the precursor to modern prescription medications...Subjects: herbs, cure, flu, depression, stress, sleep,
Tracking Your Digital Trailby Beverly K. Eakman Ages: 18+The U.S. Department of Education began demanding that states create assessments that combined both cognitive and noncognitive questions as a prerequisite of receiving any sort of federal funding. Noncognitive questionnaires entail nailing down controversiSubjects: tests, school, drugs, children, political, parents, tracking, experts, data, collection
The Horrible Truth About Psychiatric Drugsby Shemuwel Antoine Moser Ages: 18+The purpose of this report is to prove conclusively that neuroleptic drugs (Also known as antipsychotics or antipsychotic drugs, tranquilizers, psychotropics or psychotrophic drugs) shorten life span, destroy sexual function and fertility...Subjects: antipsychotics, drugs, tranquilizers, violent behavior
What is clinical depression?by University Health Services Ages: 18+Clinical depression is a serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act. Individuals with clinical depression are unable to function as they used to. Often they have lost interest in activities...Subjects: symptoms, types, stress, causes, bipolar disorder
Antidepressants Alter Rat Brain Cells In Only Four Daysby Ian Goddard & Rense Ages: 15+I became aware of the dangers of antidepressants after Littleton gunkid Eric Harris was found to have been on the antidepressant Luvox, prompting me to research the topic. I then realized there was probably a good reason...Subjects: drugs, Prozac, study, Luvox, brain cells, media
Antidepressants Facts Ages: 18+Pediatricians and psychiatrists then "treat the mental illness" with some of the most dangerous and addictive substances known to man. The result for far too many of these children is a personal disaster.Subjects: links, articles, children, side-effects, support, information
Antidepressants in Cardiovascular Diseaseby Priory Ages: 18+Previous studies have found a relationship between cardiovascular disease and depression. Other studies have emphasised the potential dangers of prescribing tricyclic antidepressants to patients who have had a recent history of heart disease and recommendSubjects: study, drugs, depression, patients, SSRIs
Antidepressants May Trigger Violent Behaviorby Kelly Patricia O'Meara Ages: 18+The kid spoke unsteadily: "I was sitting on a hill outside the school eating lunch with my best friend when Eric Harris came over and started shooting me. I was shot between seven and 13 times...Subjects: violence, drugs, Luvox, shooting spree, lawsuit
Eli Lilly Zyprexa RICO Lawsuitby Daniel Haszard Ages: 18+Eli Lilly adopted a sick marketing mindset: profits over patients, sales over safety.Driven by fierce greed, Eli Lilly corrupted...Subjects: Eli Lilly, medicaid, medicare, treatment, mental illness, antipsychotics, children
Medications Libraryby How Stuff Works Ages: 18+There are medications for just about anything, whether it's a headache or something more serious. Get informed about prescription and over-the-counter drugs and medicine. Some of the articles covered on this site: How Antidepressants work, etc...Subjects: blood pressure, side effects, antidepressants, links, articles
Overcoming the Dangers of Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil and Other Antidepresssantsby Joseph Glenmullen Ages: 18+It seems like it was just yesterday that Prozac was a miracle pill, a medication that could not only make sick people well, but "better than well." By the end of the 1990s, Prozac and similar drugs -- Paxil, Zoloft, and others -- were being prescribed...Subjects: prozac, depression, anxiety, drugs, studies, reviews
Peter R. Breggin and Psychiatric Drug Facts Ages: 18+Since the early 1970s, Dr. Peter Breggin has been active as a medical expert in malpractice and product liability suits, as well as criminal cases in which psychiatric or psychoactive drugs have contributed to abnormal behavior.Subjects: links, articles, books, antidepressants, mental dysfunction, addiction
Natural Energy Herbs to Support Healthy Energy Levels & Staminaby Native Remedies Ages: 18+Increased Age Commonly Effects Our Energy Levels and Stamina. Fatigue Fighter Boosts Your Intake of Herbs that Support the Body's Natural Energy. Fatigue Fighter Benefits: Supports healthy energy levels, stamina and vitality. Subjects: benefits, overview, ingredients, links, articles
Prozac. What is the Truth behind itby Jane E. Brody Ages: 18+Post-menopausal women taking selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressants have a small, though statistically higher risk of stroke, according to a newly published study. SSRIs include the drugs Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Lexapro, and Celexa.Subjects: antidepressants, links, articles, books, prozac, side effects, trials
Antidepressants Facts Protect Your Children Against Screening - the PPRAby Vera Hassner Sharav Ages: 18+Protect Your Children Against U.S. Government/Pharmaceutical "Mental Health" Screening Program. It is critically important to stay alert and be informed, especially regarding your rights as a parent and a child.Subjects: screening, anit-depressant, children, investigations, law, rights
AntidepressantsFacts: Natural Solutions to Depressionby Dr. Julian Whithaker Ages: 18+Doctors are quick to prescribe drugs for depression. The three major classes of antidepressant drugs are monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants, and the most popular, SSRIs, which increase the amount of serotonin in the brain. Subjects: depression, anxiety, anti-depressants, dangers, natural protocol
Children & Adults Against Drugging America (CHAADA Ages: 18+Our goal is to raise awareness about the overmedicating of America & the deception occurring within the psychiatric profession, the inhumanity of involuntary hospitalization, the preying on innocent people, especially children...Subjects: drugs, medications, treatments, dangers, anti-depressants
DCF Psychotropic Medicationby Department of Children and Families Ages: 18+The mission of the Department of Children and Families is to protect children, improve child and family well-being and support and preserve families. These efforts are accomplished by respecting and working within individual cultures and communities...Subjects: programs, services, links, children, policy, abandonment
Doctors Group Opposes Mandatory Mental Health Tests for Kidsby Dave Eberhart Ages: 18+Under new law being condidered, the federal government would require that every child in America undergo psychological screening and recieve recommended treatment, including drug therapies. One of the most "dangerous side effects" from anti-depressants...Subjects: kids, screening, treatment, drug therapies, side affects, depression
Just Say NO to Universal Psychiatric Screening and Drugsby Association of American Physicians and Surgeons Ages: 18+Bill includes funding for universal mental health screening & recommendations for treating children with psychotropic drugs.Subjects: screening, links, anti-depressants, downloads, articles
Kids on Antidepressants Suicide Alert by MedicineNet Ages: 18+We believe this is a very important matter. Physicians are not the only ones who need to be aware of the risk of suicide among children and adolescents who are on or coming off antidepressants. We all need to be concerned and alert to this possible...Subjects: antidepressants, suicide, kids, links, articles, FDA, trials
Lawsuits -- Only Weapon Available Against Giant Big Pharma Pushers - Media Monitors Network (MMN) 7-16-06by Evelyn Pringle Ages: 18+Over the past several years, new studies have shown the new generation of psychiatric drugs to be not only extremely dangerous but also ineffective, and the majority of these medications in fact now carry black box warnings...Subjects: studies, drugs, antindepressants, lawsuits, links, articles
Mental Health Center, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Depression by The Health Center Ages: 18+People with major depression can not simply "shake off" their feelings. Depression does not go away by itself; however, almost all people with depression can overcome it with the proper treatment.Subjects: symptoms, types, causes, depression, treatment, links, articles
Paxil Banned For 18 And Under In UK And Irelandby Dr. Ann Blake Tracy Ages: 18+Paxil was banned for the use in children and teens in the UK and Ireland. Warning letters were sent to all physicians asking that Paxil no longer be given to children or youth because of the potential for violence, suicide, self harm and medical damage.Subjects: paxil, side effects, studies, facts, antidepressants
Prozac Backlash Overcoming the Dangersby Joseph Glenmullen Ages: 18+Prozac Backlash provides authoritative, balanced information on the efficacy of these drugs, explaining how they react chemically in the body, when they should and should not be prescribed, and what risks they present. Subjects: prozac, zoloft, paxil, antidepressents, dangers, alternatives
Psychiatric Drugs - An Assault on the Human Condition - Street Spiritby Street Spirit Ages: 18+Investigative reporter Robert Whitaker, author of the groundbreaking book Mad In America, is now pursuing a fascinating line of research into how the mammoth psychiatric drug industry is endangering the American public by covering up the untold cases...Subjects: drugs, assault, anti-depressants, prozac, antipsychotic
Various naturopathic treatments for stress reliefby Life Positive Ages: 18+Various therapeutic methods of Naturopathy are found to minimize the effects of stress such as unfocussed anxiety, depression, hypertension, chronic lethargy, infectious diseases and neuro-hormonal imbalances. Natural elements such as colors, aromas...Subjects: links, stress, natuopathy, therapy, healing, health
Zyprexa-Victims sue Eli Lilly Ages: 18+My name is Daniel Haszard from Bangor, Maine. I was prescribed Zyprexa from 1996 until 2000. In early 2000 I was shocked to have an A1C test result of 13.9 (normal is 4-6). I have no history of Diabetes in my family. In Dec. 2005 I made first discovery...Subjects: links, zyprexa, videos, lawsuit, legalities, medication