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Annette's Favorite Links

Annette M. Hall

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    • Online Asperger Syndrome Information and Support (OASIS)by MAAP Ages: 18+This web site provides articles, educational resources, links to local, national and international support groups, sources of professional help, lists of camps and schools, conference information, recommended reading, and moderated support message boards.Subjects: asperger, syndrome, support, autism, developmental disorder

    • Asperger Syndromeby Keep Kids Healthy Ages: 18+Asperger Syndrome (AS) or disorder is a neurological disorder characterized by poor social interactions, obsessions, odd speech and mannerisms. The syndrome is condidered part of the spectrum of pervasive developmental delay...Subjects: asperger, syndrome, autism, children, social interactions, medical

    • 20 Facts about Asperger's Syndrome in Childrenby Debbie Roome Ages: 18+Understanding the implication of Asperger's Syndrome can bring a greater level of tolerance and acceptance for those with the conditon. Here are some traits and behavior patterns commonly seen in the syndrome...Subjects: article, facts, asperger, autism, intelligence, obsessions, social settings, behavior, perfectionists

    • An Autism Spectrum Disorderby KidsHealth Ages: 18+Asperger syndrome (AS) is a neurobiological disorder that is part of a group of conditions called autism spectrum disorder. The term "autism spectrum" refers to a range of developmental disabilities that includes autism as well as other disorders...Subjects: resource, asperger, disorders, disability, medical, autism, children, characteristics, behavior

    • Coping with Asperger's Syndrome in Children: Making Sense of Asperger's Syndromeby Debbie Roome Ages: 18+There is a tendency to overprotect these children. Excuses are often made for inappropriate behaviour and discipline is neglected. This allows a shift in authority, with the child gaining more and more control.Subjects: article, pain, overprotecting, obsessions, depression, physical pain, obsession

    • Asperger's Syndromeby Mayo Clinic Ages: 18+Asperger's syndrome is a developmental disorder that affects a child's ability to socialize and communicate effectively with others. Children with Asperger's syndrome typically exhibit social awkwardness and an all-absorbing interest in specific topics.Subjects: asperger, autism, disorder, communication, treatment, social situations

    • Austism-PDD-Asperger's Syndromeby MDOE Ages: 18+Autism means a developmental disability significantly affecting verbal and nonverbal communication and social interaction, generally evident before age 3, that adversely affects a child's educational performance.Subjects: autism, asperger, children, training, developmental disability

    • High Functioning Aspergers Syndrome in Childrenby Dr. Weathers Ages: 18+The range of children diagnosed as Aspergers syndrome has grown immensely as the diagnosis has become more popular. The diagnosis, treatment and prognosis for a high level Aspergers Syndrome child is very different than those approaching classical autism.Subjects: asperger, high functioning, social interactions, speech, depressed

    • Summer Camps and Academic Programs for Kids with Asperger's Syndromeby Your Little Professor Ages: 18+He described a pattern of behavior known as "autistic psychopathy" that included a difficulty feeling empathy, forming friendships, one-sided conversation, a tendency to become obsessively interested in a subject or interest, and some clumsiness...Subjects: asperger, behavior, empathy, clumsiness, activities, programs, interaction

    • NINDS Asperger Syndrome Information Pageby National Institute of Neurological Disorders and S Ages: 18+Asperger syndrome (AS) is a developmental disorder. It is an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), one of a distinct group of neurological conditions characterized by a greater or lesser degree of impairment in language and communication skills...Subjects: asperger, syndrome, autism, treatment, organizations, prognosis

    • Asperger Syndrome and Anxietyby Meena Dasari Ages: 18+Children with Asperger Syndrome (AS) have average intelligence, but have difficulty in grasping social interactions and in understanding emotional experiences. Asperger Syndrome affects about 2 in 10,000 children in the U.S. Subjects: asperger, anxiety, symptoms, syndrome, irritability, repetitive behavior

    • Asperger Syndrome and Childrenby Asperger-Advice Ages: 18+Asperger syndrome is an autistic disorder. However unlike other forms of autism Asperger is not marked by severe delay in language acquisition before the age of three. The cognitive development of Asperger children before that same age is not delayed...Subjects: autistic disorder, asperger, preperations, support, self esteem

    • Asperger's Syndrome - Symptoms & Diagnosisby Neurology Channel Ages: 18+Parents who suspect their child may have Asperger's syndrome, should talk with his or her pediatrician about their observations and concerns. To rule out other conditions that may be causing the child's symptoms, the health care provider will perform...Subjects: signs, symptoms, complications, diagnosis, asperger

    • Children with Asperger's Syndrome: Characteristics/Learning Styles and Intervention Strategiesby Susan Stokes Ages: 18+Each person who comes in contact with a child diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome (either school staff or peers) should receive training on the unique characteristics and educational needs of such children. Subjects: social interaction, flexible thinking, cognitive development, speech, language

    • Signs of Asperger's Syndrome - Natural Remedy for Asperger's Diseaseby NativeRemedies Ages: 18+The causes of Asperger's Syndrome remain unknown, although there appears to be a definite genetic component, as it tends to run in families. Asperger's is NOT caused by bad parenting or problems in the family.Subjects: asperger, diagnosing, causes, natural remedies, products, links

    • The Six Characteristics of Asperger's Syndromeby FamilyEducation Ages: 18+Those with Asperger's syndrome display varying difficulties when interacting with others. Some children and adolescents have no desire to interact, while others simply do not know how. More specifically, they do not comprehend the give-and-take nature...Subjects: social interactions, language skills, set routines, motor clumsiness

    • What is Asperger Syndrome?by WebMD Ages: 18+Asperger's syndrome, also called Asperger's disorder, is a type of pervasive development disorder (PDD). PDDs are a group of conditions that involve delays in the development of many basic skills, most notably the ability to socialize with others...Subjects: asperger, autism, syndrome, disorder, PDD, intelligence, symptoms

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