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Annette's Favorite Links

Annette M. Hall

Thanks for visiting "Annette's Favorites"! I am so excited about all my new features. We've added age ranges, subject tags and a short description to make a good resource even better. Can't find what you need? Use the Google search box at the top of the page to search the database. It's quick and easy.

This is an extensive list of resources, which are continuously being updated. I've included everything from camping tips, recipes, anatomy, biology, pet care, natural health, civics lessons, holiday fun, parenting helps, biology, and so much more. You are sure to find something for everyone. Just keep digging! Or use the search box at the top of the page to find exactly what you need.

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[.] [/Health] [/GMO] [/Non-GMO]
  • The World According to Monsantoby Marie-Monique RobinThe book tells the shocking story of how the new "green" face of the world's leading producer of GMOs (genetically modified organisms) is no less malign than its PCB- and Agent Orange-soaked past. Following its long history of manufacturing hazardous chemicals and lethal herbicides, Monsanto now controls the majority of the yield of the world's genetically modified corn and soy-ingredients found in more than 95 percent of American households-and its alarming legal and political tactics to maintain this monopoly are the subject of worldwide concern. Subjects: book, Monsanto, documentary, food, health, GMO, chemicals, environmental, food supply

  • Christopher Ranch Ages: 18+Christopher Ranch's organic garlic is 100% natural and contains more vitamins, minerals, proteins, amino acids than imported varieties according to the National Food Laboratory, verifying that Christopher Ranch grows more nutritious garlic. All of our organic products are certified by CCOF, the leading organic certifier.Subjects: garlic, organic, roaster garlic, Monviso, heirloom seeds,

  • Green Ripe California Medium Pitted Olives Ages: 18+These natural, freckled beauties are harvested just once a year to capture the smooth, buttery flavor. With no added preservatives, green ripe olives are melt-in-your-mouth unique. Slightly salty. Subtly nutty. And milder than most other olive types. Absolutely nothing like the tart Spanish green 'martini' olive. Voted "favorite olive" by Lindsay Olives employees.Subjects: olives, black olives, nutty, buttery flavor, no preservatives,

  • Iceberg Lettuceby Ocean Mist Ages: 18+Core Iceberg Lettuce by cutting the base out with a sharp knife. Some cooks loosen the core by rapping the head sharply, core down, on the kitchen counter. Rinse the head under cold water. Using a salad spinner or patting leaves dry is recommended to remove excessive moisture.Subjects: food, crisphead Lettuce, year-round, hand cut, moisture and cool temperatures, vegetable crisper,

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