| Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS)by Medical Marijuana Research Ages: 18+We have sponsored and supported research with marijuana since our inception. MAPS is the only organization that is attempting to resolve the controversy over medical marijuana via the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) research route.Subjects: resource, research, FDA, clearance, legal, LSD, PTSD, psychedelic, drugs
 History of Medical Marijuanaby Vaporizer Reviews Ages: 18+Medicinal use of marijuana can be traced as far back as 2737 B.C., and has been a commonly used treatment for many ailments for thousands of years. However, to really track the history of cannabis, you have to go back over 10,000 years ago to early Taiwan where its fibers - hemp - were first appreciated and utilized for their strength, softness and durability in making fabrics and rope. Subjects: article, history, synthetic cannabis, drugs, patent, Ebers Papyrus, treatment, symptoms, swelling, fever, pain, epileptic seizures, veterinary medicine, steam baths
Move Toward "Medicalization" Grows In US, Internationallyby Common Sense for Drug Policy Ages: 18+On August 24, 2009, Rhode Island's Providence Journal reported that the state "is moving forward with plans to create (its) first medical marijuana clinic where patients who use the drug for medicinal purposes can legally purchase it.Subjects: articles, blog, medical marijuana, policy, drugs, regulations, legalize
Give Back Our Medical Marijuanaby AlterNet Ages: 18+In a mass legal action on Tuesday, Aug. 17, 38 California medical marijuana patients filed simultaneous lawsuits demanding that state law enforcement entities return almost $1 million worth of pot seized by police in recent years.Subjects: article, california, lawsuit, medical marijuana, Americans for Safe Access, illegal seizure, Compassionate Use Act, patient
Hand Held Thermal Imager and Infrared Scope Lights Ages: 18+FLIR infrared IR cameras were originally developed by the United States Navy to assist in the identification and targeting of opposition forces. FLIR units measure the amount of infrared energy emitted by various objects and life forms. Subjects: links, products, imaging, cameras, marijuana, inspections
Medical Marijuanaby Drug War Facts Ages: 18+Since 1996, thirteen states have enacted laws that allow the cultivation of medical marijuana and protect patients who possess medical marijuana from criminal penalties. Eight of the thirteen did so through the initiative process.Subjects: resource, medical marijuana, patients, legislation, legalization, initiative, drug therapy, cannabis, DEA, therapeutic, study
Should Marijuana be a Medical Option?by ProCon Ages: 18+With respect to medical marijuana, you know I think that we have had a lot of rhetoric and the federal government has been very intent upon trying to prevent states from being able to offer that as an option for people who are in pain.Subjects: resource, research, law, cannabis, THC, studies, statistics, surveys, government report, medical marijuana
The Lancet - Cannabis Remedy - Wonder Worker or Evil Weed?by Larry Husten Ages: 18+This year, both the US National Institutes of Health and the British Medical Association released reports on the potential therapeutic uses of cannabis and cannabinoids. Each report concluded that cannabinoids may be potentially useful as analgesics...Subjects: articles, cannabis, therapeutic, reports, research, memory, disorders
The Medical Marijuana Missionby Alison Myrden Ages: 18+The author is on a mission asking the Canadian government to help find a clean, affordable source of Marijuana for Medicinal purposes for those in need.Subjects: links, videos, medical marijuana, cannabis, prohibition, regulations, political
 An End to Marijuana Prohibitionby Ethan A. Nadelmann Ages: 18+NEVER before have so many Americans supported decriminalizing and even legalizing marijuana. Seventy-two percent say that for simple marijuana possession, people should not be incarcerated but fined. Police make about 700,000 arrests per year for ...Subjects: PDF, article, white paper, marijuana possession, prohibition, prison, legislation, legalization
 Marijuana's Journey to Legal Health Treatment: The Canadian Experienceby CBC News Ages: 18+For more than 70 years, possession of marijuana has been a crime in Canada. For most of that time, there were no exceptions for anyone using it for medical reasons. At first, enforcement of that prohibition was sporadic.Subjects: articles, marijuana, canada, medical, prescription, symptoms
 Is It Time to End the War on Drugsby Milton Friedman Ages: 18+On ethical grounds, do we have the right to use the machinery of government to prevent an individual from becoming an alcoholic or a drug addict? For children, almost everyone would answer at least a qualified yes.Subjects: articles, crimes, civil rights, prevention, alcohol, drugs, reports
Canada: Medical Marijuana Ages: 18+Teenagers who start smoking marijuana before the age of sixteen are four times more likely to become schizophrenic. That's the startling conclusion of some of the world's top schizophrenia experts, whose research is featured in this new documentary.Subjects: resource, pain, relief, compassion, support, research, University of Calgary, medical marijuana, growers, doctors, patients
Drug Warriors Try to Censor their Opponentsby Ted Galen Carpenter Ages: 18+Regardless of one's position on drug legalization, Americans who believe in freedom of expression and in the importance of political debate ought to condemn Istook's measure and all other attempts to stifle the pro-legalization case.Subjects: articles, groups, books, legalize, marijuana, policies, views
Drugs and the Nervous System Ages: 18+The activity of the nervous system is mediated by many kinds of interneurons releasing one or another neurotransmitter such as: noradrenaline, dopamine, glutamate, serotonin, etc...Subjects: articles, links, stimulants, marijuana, opiates, anesthetics, cocaine
Effectiveness of the War on Drugsby Drug Policy Alliance Ages: 18+A 1998 University of Illinois study found that kids enrolled in the D.A.R.E (Drug Awareness and Resistance Education) program used the same amount of drugs as non-D.A.R.E students. Researchers also found that D.A.R.E actually has an adverse effect on ...Subjects: resource, war on drugs, prison, federal, policy, report, Lindesmith Library
Marijuana, Science, and Public Policyby Drug Science Ages: 18+This almanac provides the largest collection of detailed data about marijuana arrests in the United States ever released to the public. It contains detailed data at the national, state, county, and local agency level about marijuana arrests and related topics, such as marijuana use, criminal justice costs, and clearance rates for serious crimes.Subjects: links, studies, history, reports, medicine, marijuana, coalition, Marijuana Policy Almanac, marijuana arrests, taxes, revenue
Marijuana-the Forbidden Medicineby Lester Grinspoon, M.D. and James Bakalar, J.D. Ages: 18+This site is devoted to the exchange of information about the use of marijuana as a medicine. We are members of the faculty of the Harvard Medical School who have been studying marijuana for many years. Subjects: resource, teachers, medical, Harvard Medical School, Marihuana Reconsidered, advocate, author
Medical marijuana (Cannabis)by American Alliance For Medical Cannabis Ages: 18+We at AAMC are dedicated to bringing patients, caregivers and volunteers the facts they need to make informed decisions about whether Cannabis is the right medicine for them, the laws surrounding Medicinal Marijuana in your area, political activism...Subjects: links, studies, research, investigations, cannabis, marijuana, medical, cancer
Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP)by State of Oregon Ages: 18+The Oregon Medical Marijuana Program is a State registry program within the Public Health Division, Oregon Department of Human Services. Our role is to administer the Oregon Medical Marijuana Act as approved by the voters of the State in November 1998.Subjects: resource, rules, application, registration, medical marijuana, statistics, forms, application
The Coalition For Medical Marijuana Ages: 18+Cannabis, or marijuana as it is often called when referring to the drug form of the plant, is an effective medicine that is relatively safer than many comonly-used pharmaceutical products. In the last several decades US doctors and patients...Subjects: links, articles, raids, war, safety, state by state, marijuana
The Illegality of Pot Is Criminalby Tracy McLellan Ages: 18+The illegality of marijuana/hemp is criminal. Its psychoactive properties are what are dearest to me. It is something other than society's obey, consume, go to work, wathc TV, no free thought. Marijuana's illegality engenders so much stigma...Subjects: articles, illegality, marijuana, laws, medical, treatment
The November Coalitionby The Nation Ages: 18+Working to end drug war injustice, the November Coalition, a non-profit grassroots organization, was founded in 1997. Members educate the public about destructive, unnecessary incarceration due to the U.S. drug war, and advocate for drug war prisoners.Subjects: links, organization, marijuana, drug war, education, studies
WA - Initiative 692 - Medical Marijuana Ages: 18+The use of medical marijuan, whithin the state of Washington, is now legal for certain, limited conditions. However, due mainly to the existing conflict with Federal law, there remain many questions regarding the application and implementation...Subjects: links, articles, washington, marijuana, illegal, laws, conditions
War on Drugsby Wikipedia Ages: 18+The War on Drugs is a highly controversial campaign of prohibition and foreign military aid being undertaken by the United States Government, with the assistance of participating countries, intended to both define and reduce the illegal drug trade...Subjects: links, articles, laws, policies, drug war, distibution, subatances
Wo-Men's Alliance for Medical Marijuana (WAMM) Ages: 18+WAMM is a collective of patients and caregivers providing hope, building community and offering medical marijuana on a donation basis. We offer a safe, organic supply of medical marijuana to patients with a doctor's recommendation for the treatment ...Subjects: resource, news, patients, organic, treatment, terminal illness, chronic illness, grow club
 Medical cannabisby Wikipedia Ages: 18+Medical cannabis (also referred to as medical marijuana) refers to the use of Cannabis (marijuana), including constituents of cannabis, THC and other cannabinoids, as a physician-recommended form of medicine or herbal therapy.Subjects: links, definition, marijuana, cannabis, therapy, history, effects
Americans For Safe Access Ages: 18+Americans for Safe Access is the nation's largest organization of patients, medical professionals, scientists and concerned citizens promoting safe and legal access to cannabis for therapeutic use and research.Subjects: research, resource, legislation, medical marijuana, patients, scientists, therapeutic, marijuana, legalization, state law, federal, DEA, dispensary
An Unwinnable War on Drugs by End the War on Freedom Ages: 18+The war on some drugs has nothing to do with drugs. It is a war on freedom, a war on the bill of rights, a war on America's soul.Subjects: article, commentary, freedom, congress, libertarian, advocate, drugs
Between Politics and Reasonby Drug Policy Alliance Ages: 18+It is time to end "The War on Drugs"? Are we facing a "new crisis of legitimacy" in the criminal justice system when there are more inmates incarcerated today for drug violations than for violent offenses?Subjects: articles, books, drugs, justice system, evidence, facts
Cannabis Dependenceby Phillip W. Long, M.D. Ages: 18+When an individual persists in use of alcohol or other drugs despite problems related to use of the substance, substance dependence may be diagnosed. Compulsive and repetitive use may result in tolerance to the effect of the drug and withdrawal symptoms wSubjects: resource, self-diagnosis, self-monitoring, mental illness, illegal drugs, treatment, dependence, tolerance, withdrawal
Cannabis Dependence Researchby Phillip W. Long, M.D. Ages: 18+A 22-year-old man with a long history of cannabis-use presented with a full blown mania. According to recent population-based studies, someone who starts using cannabis early in life runs the risk of developing not only psychosis but also manic symptoms.Subjects: research, diagnosis, therapy, topics, behavioral therapy, health, mental
DRCNet Online Library of Drug Policyby DRCNet Ages: 18+Major Studies of Drugs and Drug Policy, History of the drugs and drug laws, Medical Marijuana Research, Government Publications on drugs and drug policy, Charts and graphs of drug war statistics, Information on specific drugs and much more.Subjects: links, studies, drug policy, history, medical marijuana research, government publications
Dutch example laws beneficialby Craig Reinarman Ages: 18+In 1972, after an exhaustive study by a team of top experts, President Richard Nixon's hand-picked National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse recommended decriminalization of marijuana. Five years later, President Jimmy Carter...Subjects: articles, drug laws, benefits, policies, false claims, dutch reaction
How State Medical Marijuana Laws Vary by Drug Policy Research Center Ages: 18+Although the federal government formally opposes using marijuana for medicinal purposes, many states have had laws enabling such use since the mid-1970s. Driven by the attitudes of various medical, professional, and policy groups...Subjects: articles, research, reviews, marijuana, program, physician prescription
Human Rights and the Drug War Ages: 18+Originally developed as Human Rights Atrocities of the Drug War, this project was a special photo exhibit showing nonviolent drug offenders and their families that was held in 1995 in conjunction with the United Nations' 50th anniversary festivities...Subjects: links, articles, rights, drug war, campaign, inprisonment, investigations
Marijuana: The Factsby Drug Policy Alliance Network Ages: 18+In 1978, the federal government was forced to allow some patients access to medical marijuana after a "medical necessity" defense was recognized in court, creating the Investigational New Drug (IND) compassionate access program.Subjects: resource, support, federal law, alerts, legislation, news, medical marijuana, research, advocate, cannabis
Medical Information on Hemp - Marijuanaby Schaffer Library of Drug Policy Ages: 18+Medical Marijuana Strain guide: Hundreds of different varieties of medical marijuana ranked and reviewed for their various qualities. Cannabis Research Library: A collection of medical research on cannabis.Subjects: links, books, history, guides, marijuana, hash oil, effects, research
Medical Marijuana - Courts in California and Colorado Rule Cops Must Return Patient's Medicineby Stop the Drug War Ages: 18+Court rulings in two medical marijuana states this week slapped down law enforcement agencies who don't want to uphold the law. In both cases, judges ordered law enforcement agencies to return marijuana seized from patients or providers.Subjects: articles, court rulings, marijuana, plants, appeals, charges
Medical Marijuana - Master Referenceby Schaffer Library of Drug Policy Ages: 18+In all my study and review of the information regarding this issue, one question keeps coming back to me. Let's assume - for the sake of argument - that marijuana has no medical value whatsoever, despite the fact that it has a several thousand year...Subjects: links, articles, marijuana, resources, research, studies, history
Raising Awareness of the Consequences of Drug Prohibition by StoptheDrugWar Ages: 18+Recent press coverage about synthetic marijuana products (commonly known as Spice and K2) is unsurprisingly leading more people to try them. Interestingly, the drug is catching on with sick people in Kansas, where medical marijuana remains illegal.Subjects: links, articles, guidelines, colorado, mexico, iowa, synthetic