Vaccine Resistance Movement Ages: 15+Self-determination of the body is an inalienable right, and yet we, as families, are facing increasingly intense pressure from the Vaccine lobby & big Government to comply with vaccine mandates, pressured, from all sides, into submitting to herd immunity-type policies. Are we any healthier today than our ancestors because of it? Does does the science really add up? Natural Immunity is designed to take on and withstand any incoming infections which threaten your survival. The body can only do this when it is naturally, gradually exposed to disease & infectious agents lurking in the environment. Subjects: organization, vaccination, children, pharmaceuticals, fraud, disease, natural immunity, autism, study, grass roots, activist, unvaccinated, immunization, research,

10 outrageous (but true) facts about vaccines the CDC and the vaccine industry don't want you to know. Ages: 15+Yes, mercury is still used in vaccines, and the CDC openly admits it. There is NO safe level of mercury for injecting into a human child. Not even "trace" levels. There is NO evidence of safety for mercury at any dose whatsoever. Any doctor who says the level of mercury in a vaccine is "safe" to inject into a child is only demonstrating their outrageous ignorance of scientific facts.Subjects: CDC, mercury, vaccines, neurotoxic, cancer, virologists, mumps, polio, court, holocaust, allergies, autism, study, unvaccinated, immunization, research,

Dare Doctor's Thinkby Dr. Hadwen Ages: 18+Verbatim Report of the Great Meeting held at Queen's Hall, London, Fri, Feb 6, 1925 -- In connection with the Rex versus Hadwen manslaughter charge. The whole thing resolved itself into the question as to whether a medical man of the 20th century had a right to think for himself.Subjects: article, transcript, medical, liberty, trial, English Court, justice, vaccination, children, conscientious objector
The Vaccination Racketby Dr. Kalokerinos Ages: 18+The 'victory over epidemics' was not won by medical science or by doctors, and certainly not by vaccines, the decline, has been the result of technical, social and hygienic improvements and especially of improved nutrition.Subjects: myth, medicine, disease, profit, history, vaccines, epidemic, childhood disease, allopathic medicine
A History Of US Secret Human Experimentationby Health News Network Ages: 18+1931 Dr. Cornelius Rhoads, under the auspices of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Investigations, infects human subjects with cancer cells. He later goes on to establish the U.S. Army Biological Warfare facilities in Maryland, Utah, and Panama.Subjects: article, timeline, medical, cancer, treatment, disease
Breastfeeding provides passive and likely long-lasting active immunityby Pub Med Ages: 18+The reader of this review will learn about the mechanisms through which breastfeeding protects against infections during and most likely after lactation, as well as possibly against certain immunologic diseases, including allergy.Subjects: research, abstract, medical, Sweden, human milk, breastfed, infants, immune system, infection, lactation

Vaccination Decisionsby National Vaccine Information Center Ages: 18+Vaccination is a medical procedure which carries a risk of injury or death. As a parent, it is your responsibility to become educated about the benefits and risks of vaccines in order to make the most informed, responsible vaccination decisions.Subjects: article, vaccine, reaction, VAERS, doctor, vaccination, immunization

Eighteen Reasons Why You Should NOT Vaccinate Your Children Against The Flu This Seasonby Bill Sardi Ages: 18+This year it is more important that you protect your children and loved ones from the flu vaccines than influenza itself. Here are the reasons: This flu is simply another flu. The 1st 1000 confirmed swine flu cases in Japan and China produced zero deaths.Subjects: article, flu, vaccine, health, H1N1, virus, vaccinate

Deadly Immunityby Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Ages: 18+When a study revealed that mercury in childhood vaccines may have caused autism in thousands of kids, the government rushed to conceal the data -- and to prevent parents from suing drug companies for their role in the epidemic.Subjects: article, mercury, vaccine, autism, kids, government, epidemic
Are New Vaccines Laced with Birth-Control Drugs?by Think Twice Ages: 18+During the early 1990s, the World Health Organization (WHO) had been overseeing massive vaccination campaigns against tetanus in a number of countries, among them Nicaragua, Mexico, and the Philippines. In October 1994...Subjects: article, antibodies, drugs, WHO, vaccination, tetanus, hCG, pregnant
Hadwin - The Fraud of Vaccination
Hadwin Documents - Table of Contents
Medical Doctors Vaccine Webinar Seriesby Medical Voices Ages: 18+What is a philosophical objection to vaccines? What is a medical exemption to vaccines? Can the state decide if your religious exemption is valid? What is a religious exemption to vaccines? Can I give some of the mandated vaccines and not others? What is a personal religious exemption? If I home school my children do I have to give childhood vaccines?Subjects: resource, webinar, vaccine, information, waivers, therapy, vaccine damage, swine flu, children, education, professionals, medical advice
Vaccine Development Strategy in the Marsupial CRCby David Kay Ages: 18+Biological Management of Possums - The drive to develop an immunocontraceptive, particularly in humans, is not new. There are many instances where spontaneously arising sperm antibodies in both men and women has resulted in reduced fertility...Subjects: research, marsupials, fertility, study, New Zealand, birth control, wallabies, vaccine
Campaign Against Fraudulent Medical Research
Cancer & Vaccines
Cancer Causing Vaccines.....Monkey Business
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Critique of Government-Funded Epidemiologyby Harris L. Coulter PhD Ages: 18+Since I have been occasionally criticized for adopting, as it were, too acerbic a tone in my contributions on vaccination questions, I will try to demonstrate why those of us who have opted to contest the position of the medical-industrial-governmental complex on this issue at times feel overcome with rage at the abominably poor quality of the pro-vaccination epidemiological research which is foisted on the public in the hope and expectation that no one will ever take the trouble to check it out and criticize it. Subjects: article, vaccination, medical, research, vaccines, children, adverse reaction, epidemiology, primitive techniques, SIDS, epilepsy, asthma
Development of Polio Vaccines
Diet Prevents Polio by Dr Benjamin P Sandler MD
Dr Scheibner, Ph.D - Links and Articles
Feingold Association Vaccinations
Hadwen Anti-Vaccination Talk - The Case Against Vaccination by Walter Hadwen
HcG Vaccine for Population Control
Homeopathic treatment of Chicken Pox by Dr Taylor
HPV - Human Papillomavirus Vaccine - Making an Informed Choice
Immunisation - Institute of Child Health (UK)
Immunization Dangers -Tetanus Vaccine
Immunization Dangers -Vaccine Package Inserts
Immunotherapy for Cancer - Waisbren Clinic
Informed Choice
Introduction to Homeopathy Online Courseby Well Within Ages: 18+Homeopathy is a very complete medical system that works with the whole person and helping the body get rid of the disturbance that the vaccine may have caused. Homeopathy works best if you work with a qualified Classical Homeopath...Subjects: links, articles, cures, courses, books, remedy kits, homeopathic
Legislative Survey of State Confidentiality Laws
Mechanism of vaccine induced diabetes and autoimmunity
National Network for Immunization Information
Parents Requesting Open Vaccine Education (PROVE)
Protecting Against the Protectors - Mercury-laced vaccines
Review of Evidence of Vaccine - Autism Links
Search VAERS Database
Shaken Baby Syndrome - The Vaccination Link
Stress may Affect Vaccines
Tertiary Contact Vaccinia in a Breastfeeding Infant
Tetanus from Emergency Medicine - Infectious Diseases
Tetanus vaccine may be laced with anti-fertility drug
The Case Against Vaccines According to God's Word - Audio and print
The Flu Scare Game
The Poisoned Needle by Eleanor McBean
The push for the Vitamin K - given to babies at birth... unless
The Spanish Influenza Epidemic of 1918 was caused by Vaccinations - Zeus Information Service
The Truth Behind the Vaccine Coverup 9-22-04
Think Twice - Articles, studies, personal stories and more
Vaccination Liberation
Vaccination News
Vaccine - Picks of the day archives
Vaccine information
Vaccine Manufacturers Shirk Potential Autism Liability
Vaccine Mongering - Will Government Experimentation Cause An Avian Flu Epidemic - Share The Wealt
Vaccine package inserts - Information For The Medical and Pharmaceutical Professions
Vaccine-Vaccination-Immunization Dangers - Polio Vaccine Page 1
Vaccines & sterilisation - Unethical vaccine agendas
Vaccines - Government Enforced Vaccinations - Vaccination Tracking Registry
Vaccines - Reaching Adulthood
Vaccines found to contain mercury_ are vaccinations safe
Vaccines Putting Children at Risk 10-15-00
VAERS - The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System
Varicella - Chicken Pox
What's the Real Story on Anthrax
When Parents Say No to Child Vaccinations
WHO Tetanus Program - Trojan Horse for sterilization
Why Judges Should Make Court Documents Public
Why You May Not Want to Vaccinate
Without Bars - by Steve Ransom