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BC Teacher’s FederationAges: 18+Providing teaching resources and informational services for teachers and parents to enhance professional practice, develop leadership skills, learn together with colleagues, and advocate for students.
Historic American Buildings Survey-Historic American Engineering Record (HABS-HAER) Collections Find documented measured drawings, photographs, and written historical and architectural information for about 37,000 structures and sites in the United States and its territories.Subjects: Library of Congress, artichitects, land preservation, heritage, buildings, public, residental, monumental
Research at the School of EducationProviding information of what the School of Education is researching at the University of Michigan including new ideas for teachers, schools, and the public at large.Subjects: University of Michigan, research activities, research, research projects
What Does the Research Say?Is full-day kindergarten hindering or helping young students? Find information on the exploring options of extended learning for full-day kindergarten.Subjects: kindegarten, full-day kindegarten, extended learning, research
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