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by Mockarena

July 22, 2014

I just read the most awesome and powerful column about the transition that one person made from liberalism to reality EVER, and you should read it too.

Danusha Goska, a professor, wrote for the American Thinker recently about the ten reasons she's no longer a leftist, and it's a truly fascinating read. Goska was as left as left could be - a degree from Berkeley, Communist relatives, the whole nine yards. She says she used to wear a button that said, "Eat the Rich" on it, even. But now she votes Republican, and she explains why in great detail. You can read her in-depth account at the sourcelink, but I wanna tell you about my favorite parts...

by Robby Soave

July 22, 2014

A just-released study from the University of Arkansas provides a substantial endorsement of charter school education. U.S. students who spent several years in charter schools were found to score significantly better on tests and make more money than their counterparts in traditional K-12 public schools, when adjusted for funding discrepancies. Researchers examined data from 21 different states. While the results varied, charter schools were found to be more productive-and generate a higher return on investment-than traditional public schools (TPS). On average, charter school students scored so much better on assessments that spending money on charters was roughly 40 percent more efficient than spending money on TPS.

by Conor Friedersdorf

July 21, 2014

A former Obama administration official calls attention to unaccountable mass surveillance conducted under a 1981 executive order.

John Napier Tye is speaking out to warn Americans about illegal spying. The former State Department official, who served in the Obama administration from 2011 to 2014, declared Friday that ongoing NSA surveillance abuses are taking place under the auspices of Executive Order 12333, which came into being in 1981, before the era of digital communications, but is being used to collect them promiscuously. Nye alleges that the Obama administration has been violating the Constitution with scant oversight from Congress or the judiciary. "The order as used today threatens our democracy," he wrote in The Washington Post. "I am coming forward because I think Americans deserve an honest answer to the simple question: What kind of data is the NSA collecting on millions, or hundreds of millions, of Americans?"

July 21, 2014

New York City politicians-including Mayor Bill de Blasio-want to change the admissions system for the city's nine highly-selective premiere public high schools, including nationally-renowned Stuyvesant High School.

The schools currently use a single exam, the Specialized High Schools Admissions Test, to determine admittance. Less than three percent of applicants are admitted to Stuyvesant. The problem, in the eyes of some, is that black and Latino students are increasingly underrepresented at the elite schools. So are white students. When a test score is the only criteria, it seems that Asian Americans are more likely than other racial groups to gain admission to Stuyvesant.

July 20, 2014

A Christian student was told he wasn't allowed to read his Bible during free time and was asked to give it to the teacher, which he refused to do.

Freedom of religion is a fundamental right given to people by God, but that doesn't stop the government and liberals in all levels of society from trying to strip that right from individuals any time they are given an opportunity. Reading the Bible or any religious material, regardless of a person's location, is guaranteed under the First Amendment, yet that hasn't stopped schools and teachers in Florida from doing everything in their power to prevent this kind of material from being read by students.

by Susan Callaway

July 19, 2014

I'm sure a lot of people would consider that a harsh thing to say, but if you'll stay with me a bit you should easily see that it is the only real answer to the whole "politically correct" thing sweeping this country and, incidentally, the world.

"You made me mad. You didn't make me happy. I'm offended." You can probably add a hundred more such phrases people use to control what you do, say and even what you believe. That's exactly what happens when a few people can choose any word or object, assign a specific (often NEW and ugly) meaning to it, and then demand that nobody use that word or object because it "makes them feel"... whatever. Let's look first at the premise that someone can actually "make" another person FEEL anything. How does that work, exactly? Vulcan mind meld? Is it not a fact that each person simply REACTS to outside stimulus, and the perception of sad, mad, happy, etc. is actually their own response?

by Dennis Cimino with Jim Fetzer

July 19, 2014

"It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled" - Mark Twain

Called "the iconic photograph" of the Sandy Hook school massacre and attributed to the Newtown Bee Associate Editor, Shannon Hicks, it was transmitted around the world and created an indelible impression of police leading students to safety away from the crime scene. The only problem with this story is that it is false: the photo was taken at an earlier time. It was staged, which means that Shannon Hicks and The Newtown Bee were complicit in the fraud, the full dimensions of which are becoming apparent.

July 17, 2014

Earlier this week, a little-known rapper who goes by the monicker "Rob Hustle" released a song that's quickly racking up views on Youtube.

Titled 'Call the Cops,' it's a catchy tune, but a depressing catalogue of some of the most prominent recent abuses committed by law enforcement in recent years. Hustle warns that when you call the cops, you often put your own life at risk. It's a problem that Reason readers are certainly familiar with. His music video shows countless clips of officers punching, pepper spraying, and otherwise brutalizing people.

by Ryan McMaken

July 16, 2014

The first transcontinentals were all creatures, not of capitalism or the private markets, but of government.

When Barack Obama used the transcontinental railroads as an example of the wonderful things that can be accomplished with grandiose government programs, he was attacked for mistakenly referring to the railroads as "inter continental." Notably, he was attacked by approximately no one for talking up a government program that in reality should be best remembered as a pioneering feat in government corruption, corporate welfare, and immense waste.

July 15, 2014

A prominent law professor and avowed supporter of the Obama White House will tell the House on Wednesday that the president has created one of the biggest constitutional crises in the country's history and will endorse House Republicans' effort to sue to rein him in. Jonathan Turley, a professor at George Washington University, will say President Obama is trampling the founders' vision for the country in his push to circumvent Congress, and he will demand Republicans and Democrats alike forget their party labels to unify against this White House's power grab.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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