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by Joshua Cook

May 29, 2014

In his first-ever interview with the MSM, Edward Snowden sat down with NBC's Brian Williams and offered his own insights on his alleged espionage.

Snowden recalled when his life changed when he released secret National Security Agency documents with journalists. "It was the most real point of no return," explained Snowden. And at that point he became the "most wanted man in the world," said Williams. But wanted for what? Snowden said he wanted to know. "If this has caused serious harm, I personally would like to know about it," he said. He added that no one in the U.S. government can point to instances of harm caused by Snowden's leaks. And if that's the case, "Is it really so serious?" Snowden wondered.

by Guy Raffa

May 28, 2014

Try as I might, I just can't seem to let it go.

When Laszlo Bock, of Google, tells the columnist Thomas Friedman, of The New York Times, that he would prefer to hire a computer-science student with B grades over an A-plus student who studies English, it doesn't surprise me. Google is in the business of computing, after all. But then I read Bock's rationale, and that's when I nearly lose a mouthful of Cheerios: Unlike English-and presumably other non-STEM fields-computer science "signals a rigor in your thinking," an ability "to think in a formal and logical and structured way." He said what?

May 18, 2014

"The Police are here, they want to talk to me, what do I do?" Watch this video before that ever happens, it could save you 5-10 one day.

In this brilliant video, Prof. James Duane of the Regent University School of Law and Officer George Bruch of the Virginia Beach Police Department present a forceful case for never, ever speaking to the police without your lawyer present. Ever. Never, never, never. Got that part yet? Never.

May 17, 2014

The Community Homeschool Center will be hosting the first annual Bryan-College Station Homeschool Expo in June to connect new and seasoned homeschoolers to local resources.

The event will have vendors, seminars and local businesses that will provide information to help new and current homeschoolers. The expo will inform students and parents on how to get started with homeschooling, where homeschoolers meet and what sports and activities are available.

May 14, 2014

$100 for a first time "offender." A second infraction would cost $200, and a third-time offense could bring a criminal misdemeanor charge.

The nanny police state just got worse. In Carson City, California your 5 year old could be charged with a misdemeanor for normal childhood behavior.

by Joshua Cook

May 13, 2014

Kentucky Republican Congressman Thomas Massie said that U.S. citizens should have to right to read the 28 redacted pages from a report investigating the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001.

Appearing on The Glenn Beck Program, he said there will be "anger, frustration, and embarrassment when these 28 pages finally come out." Despite those negative emotions, Massie is fighting for the document's release. As reported previously on, Massie, Walter Jones (R-NC) and Stephen F. Lynch (D-MA) are sponsoring a bill to unclassify those pages from the report entitled "Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Community Activities Before and After the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001." Without disclosing specifics, the report said investigators found "information suggesting specific sources of foreign support for some of the September 11 hijackers while they were in the United States."

Common Sense with Paul Jacob

by Paul Jacob

May 12, 2014

Apparently, economics is hard. But some things are pretty straightforward. For example, both parties to a trade gain: it's called "mutual benefit through exchange."

Another basic principle? Employers hire labor expecting productivity. Businesses don't hire workers who can't produce enough to more than cover their wages - and managers fire workers when they prove they aren't productive enough. And yet another? Competition for trade increases the quality of products, reduces price, or both and tends to equalize prices for goods of the same quality.Gary Becker: 1930-2014 An appreciation of late economist Gary Becker on shows the consequence of the latter principle in a perhaps unexpected area: discrimination.

by Tom Blumer

May 12, 2014

In what many may see as a "pigs fly" moment, actor Richard Dreyfuss appeared on Huckabee to promote the importance of U.S. citizens knowing "our constitution or our history."

He went further, noting that "the constitution is the most single greatest step toward humans improving civilization since the beginning of man's sojourn on earth." Those aren't exactly the typical messages we see delivered by the Hollywood or media elites these days. Instead, those groups seem to be doing all they can to ignore very significant encroachments on our fundamental freedoms originating in Washington.

by Tom Woods

May 10, 2014

I talked to Georgetown University's John Hasnas the other day about what he calls "the myth of the rule of law." He doesn't mean bad people are in charge, and if we could replace them, we would be able to live under the rule of law.

The problem is far more profound. When I first read Prof. Hasnas on this subject years ago, I indignantly rejected his conclusion. I am now convinced he was right. Listen below. And be sure to check out the show archives and subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher. We hit some juicy topic every weekday.

May 5, 2014

Modern psychiatry has become a hotbed of corruption, particularly the kind that seeks to demonize and declare mentally ill anyone who deviates from what is regarded as the norm.

This is abundantly evident in the latest installment of the industry’'s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or DSM, which dubs people who do not conform to what those in charge declare to be normal as mentally insane. The so-called "condition" for why a person might choose to resist conformity has been labeled by the psychiatric profession as "oppositional defiant disorder," or ODD. The new DSM defines this made-up disease as an "ongoing pattern of disobedient, hostile and defiant behavior," and also lumps it in alongside attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, another made-up condition whose creator, Dr. Leon Eisenberg, admitted it to be phony on his death bed. As you might suspect from this type of open-ended description, almost any personal behavior perceived by someone else to be undesirable or strange might be categorized as symptomatic of ODD. Children who throw temper tantrums or fight with their siblings, for instance, might be declared to have this supposed mental illness, as might children who express disagreement with their parents or teachers.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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