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by Claudio Sanchez

December 12, 2017

In 2001, not long after Oklahoma had adopted one of the nation's first universal pre-K programs, researchers from Georgetown University began tracking kids who came out of the program in Tulsa, documenting their academic progress over time.

In a new report published in the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management today, researchers were able to show that Tulsa's pre-K program has significant, positive effects on students' outcomes and well-being through middle school.

by Tyler Durden

November 29, 2017

So...some people actually want to be microchipped like a dog. They're lining up for it. They're having parties to get it done. It if isn't available to them, they're totally bummed out.

I'm not even going to venture into the religious aspect of having a microchip inserted into a human being. Let's just talk about the secular ramifications. Certain folks won't be happy until everyone has a computer chip implanted in them. Here's how this could go. Initially, it would be the sheep who blindly desire to be chipped for their own "convenience" leading the way. Then, it would become remarkably inconvenient not to be chipped - sort of like it's nearly impossible to not have a bank account these days. Then, the last holdouts could be forcibly chipped by law. Read on, because I could not make this stuff up.

by Satya Dev

September 14, 2017

In Egypt, a team of nine scientists from prestigious Egyptian medical schools and universities have found that one in every 50 children in America have metabolic brain disease, and it could be a result of the mercury contained in vaccines.

Mercury exposure is measured by examining children's urinary porphyrins (excreted organic compounds that are biomarkers for mercury toxicity). The presence of mercury within blood and urine exploits the well-known link with vaccines and metabolic brain disease (autism), but the severity of autism is closely linked to the levels of exposure to this harmful neurotoxin.

by Bruce Finley

September 3, 2017

Wild bison grazing on sunflower-studded prairie at Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge are in business - as greeters of millions of travelers.

Federal wildlife refuge managers also this summer doubled the fenced space at the refuge, north of Denver, for their bison herd, which grew this year, with 18 calves, to a record 122. The feds plan to import 25 more genetically robust bison in October. And wild bison behavior, such as raging bulls battling for females and tearing through fences, is on the rise.

September 1, 2017

A white nationalist rally that turned violent in Charlottesville, Va., on Aug. 12 brought renewed attention to dozens of Confederate monuments around the country.

Many government officials, including Representative Nancy Pelosi of California, the House Democratic leader, have called to remove statues, markers and other monuments that celebrate controversial Civil War era figures from public grounds. There are likely hundreds of such monuments in the United States.

by The Last Years of the War

September 1, 2017

It was, at least in the beginning, the total incarnation of the Paradise for most of the despaired people in germany. Of course, you had to be a part of the white, ethnic-German majority proactively following the upcoming Nazi-pseudo-religion.

After the (lost) war, life continued to get worse for average people from year to year, people who witnessed at the same time the fantastic financial gains of a very small upper class, driven by available cheap labor and the mathematics of capitalism. This effect of a deep split within the society and it's interpretation was important for later, the "guilt" had been transferred entirely and exclusively to the German-Jewish upper class and eventually to any people of Jewish descent in Germany. This happened openly even through newspapers from 1933 on. Most notorious and prevalent was the infamous "Der Stürmer" publication.

by Phillip Reese

August 29, 2017

More than 97,000 California public school students have been diagnosed as autistic, a number that has risen seven-fold since 2001, according to the latest special education data from the California Department of Education.

The figure represent a jump of about 6,500, or 7 percent, from 2014-15 to 2015-16. The increase was especially sharp among kindergartners, where autism cases grew by 17 percent last year. More than one of every 65 kindergartners in California public schools is classified as autistic. Since 2006, the number of autistic students statewide has risen by between 5,000 and 7,000 every year, state figures show.

by Xochitl Garcia

August 11, 2017

The 2017 solar eclipse is approaching - but what if you don't have eclipse glasses? No worries, you can appreciate this solar phenomenon using some simple projection devices you can make at home.

Projection devices work by focusing the sun's light onto another surface so that you can safely view the sun indirectly. During a partial solar eclipse, projections of the sun's rays will appear in a crescent shape that changes with the position of the moon! Pinhole projectors are very cool, very old devices that date back thousands of years.

by HyMark High Spots

July 24, 2017

Aluminum is not an essential plant element and can be harmful to crop growth. One of my young friends called this week and we talked about what we would do to raise our crop yields. He had tried gypsum but did not notice results.

Fly Ash Gypsum from scrubbing coal powered electric plant stacks is helping keep fly ash our of our landfills and onto our soils. Are we scrubbing the aluminum off the clay particles for better soil air and water movement and less damage from aluminum? This is probably ten years old but I get these questions almost every day.

by Marcia Sirota, MD

June 20, 2017

Helicopter parents think that they're doing what's best for their kids but actually, they're hurting their kids' chances at success. In particular, they're ruining their kids' chances of landing a job and keeping it.

Helicopter parents don't want their kids to get hurt. They want to soften every blow and cushion every fall. The problem is that these over-protected kids never learn how to deal with loss, failure or disappointment -- inevitable aspects of everyone's life. Over-protection makes it nearly impossible for these young people to develop frustration tolerance. Without this important psychological attribute, young people enter the workforce at a great disadvantage.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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