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by Daniel Barker

February 8, 2016

California health authorities are increasingly applying police state measures by forcing vaccinations and practicing genetic discrimination - violating constitutional principles and privacy rights.

The state's schools are now being penalized financially for not enforcing mandatory vaccinations; meanwhile children are being expelled for having a genetic predisposition to certain diseases - even when they don't actually have the diseases in question. Despite much controversy and outrage over California's vaccination laws, it seems that now health officials are emboldened to push even more authoritarian measures regarding the 'health' of the state's citizens.

by Dane Wigington

January 25, 2016

The walls of the power structure are beginning to buckle, those that have served the power brokers are beginning to respond to their own instinct of self survival.

Climate engineering is weather warfare, nothing less. The highly toxic materials being used in the ongoing atmospheric aerosol spraying programs all settle down through the air column, this makes geoengineering a form of biological warfare as well. Unimaginable and irreparable decimation is being inflicted on the biosphere and the entire web of life by the ongoing climate modification SRM programs. How long can the insanity in our skies continue without the consequences to the Earth and the human race becoming total?

by Jeremy B. White

January 8, 2016

Colleges students across California would need to stub out their cigarettes and ditch their vape pens under a bill before the Legislature.

Assemblyman Kevin McCarty, D-Sacramento, wants to make California's public college campuses smoke-free zones. His Assembly Bill 1594 would ban both traditional cigarettes and vaping on the grounds of California State University and community college schools. While the University of California has had a blanket prohibition on both smoking and vaping since 2014, individual community colleges and CSU schools set their own smoking policies. Six of the 23 CSU schools currently ban smoking, and a system-wide proposal is in the works. Read more here:

December 8, 2015

Sonora, CA - Would the world be a better place if more of us were trained to take a mindful moment to connect emotions we are feeling to our brains before we act?

After recently learning mindful behavioral training in their classrooms, a number of elementary school students think so. When asked if the learning is making any difference in their lives, almost every one of them indicates it has. Equally impressive, the sentiments of queried local educators and counselors working with Mindful Schools teacher and mentor Sally Arnold, a Sonora resident, also seem to lean that way. Advocates say that mindfulness, a behavioral learning approach that is experiencing exponential growth in schools across the country, develops a moment-by-moment awareness of one's thoughts, emotions, sensations and surrounding environment. It has been shown to strengthen our ability to pay attention where and when we want. It can also help us regulate our emotions; grow understanding and compassion for what others are experiencing; wisely adapt behavior patterns; increase our ability to calm ourselves; and build resilience to life's ups and downs. Hand-in-hand with this learning comes the nurturing of kindness and compassion to create a positive mind state called "heartfulness."

by Scott McQuiggan

November 25, 2015

The FREE SAS Writing Reviser Add-on for Google Docs helps writers of all ages think like a professional writer. Improve your writing in Google Docs.

We all write-for school, for work, and for myriad other reasons. It's how we demonstrate comprehension, how we communicate knowledge, ideas, and experiences. It's how we connect with each other. But the revision process is complex. Revisers must be sensitive to your goals and reconsider the focus, meaning, and effectiveness from your perspective.

by Jenny Anderson

November 12, 2015

A new study from Stanford University shows that Danish kids who postponed kindergarten for up to one year showed dramatically higher levels of self-control.

"We found that delaying kindergarten for one year reduced inattention and hyperactivity by 73% for an average child at age 11," Thomas Dee, one of the co-authors and a Stanford Graduate School of Education professor, said in a release.

November 9, 2015

I want to protest in the strongest possible terms two stories in the Oct 14 News by Tyler Olsen; they look very much like a one-two punch of propaganda from a malignant campaign to force so-called early childhood 'education' on British Columbia families.

The first story was headlined Number of 'vulnerable' children entering school on the rise, with the sub-head Increase related to lack of core 'emotional and social competencies'" The 'vulnerabilities' and 'emotional and social competencies' are vaguely explained as a lack of self-control; but there is no indication of any research that identifies the cause of that lack.

by Kathy Lee

November 9, 2015

When my son was four years-old, I bought him his first journal. I had no idea how he would fill the pages, but I knew there were stories inside of him that needed to come out.

At first, I questioned my decision. Even though my son was a very verbal child, I struggled to get a story out of him. However, I didn't give up. We kept at it on a regular basis. He seemed more comfortable and confident each time and the pages began to fill up. JM's original stories were only 2-3 pages, but eventually they grew to 15-20 pages. He told stories about things that were important to him...

by Tom Bender

October 28, 2015

The number of wineries in San Luis Obispo County has exploded over the past decade, and while my focus was on connecting with some new properties along with checking on developments at long-time favorites.

"Hard cider" is not new to American culture. It was a staple of early settlers in the British colonies. It is reported that, in the 1670s, some New England villages with apple orchards were producing upward of 500 barrels or about 25,000 to 30,000 gallons of cider a year for their community! Even children drank hard cider with breakfast and dinner.

by Christine Rousselle

October 27, 2015

A new study out of Tennessee is indicating that the universal preschool program in the state may be a complete waste of money that doesn't actually benefit the children enrolled and may actually harm them.

This study has similar conclusions as one in Quebec that examined low-cost daycare programs, as well as studies that suggest that Head Start has little to no academic benefits for the children who enroll in the program. In many cases, putting a child into a low-standards pre-k classroom led to a worse outcome than a child who didn't receive any care.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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