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by Nanice Ellis

October 20, 2015

Traditional schools in the United States and many other countries are training grounds, intentionally constructed to prepare children for the System. Public and many private schools are designed to program children to be asleep, and stay asleep.

Our innocent kids are systematically programmed with worthiness issues, depression and the abhorrent need to fit in. Once a child is programmed for 12 or more years, he or she is well primed to move into the "real world" with beliefs and behaviors that feed and perpetuate a systematic agenda. Schools are structured so that rewards are given for following along, being good, doing as you are told, memorization and repetition. Punishment is given for speaking out, thinking for yourself and not following along.

by No Longer Allowing the Indoctrination of Our Children Into the Emerging 'Beast System'? Remember the Words of

September 15, 2015

All News Pipeline was recently sent an email that contained a very strange warning that was recently given out by a private school near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ahead of the Pope's visit next week in which the date of September 18th was given.

After reading this letter, what do you think? The letter begins: "We are living in very difficult times in this world." Why do they specifically mention September 18th? Much more including a statement from this concerned parent and several more pictures and videos below.

by Andrea Mulder-Slater

September 7, 2015

A few years ago when I was throwing around the idea of homeschooling my daughter, I had a discussion with a friend of mine over coffee and goldfish crackers while our kids played with wooden trains.

It was a reasonable assumption. After all, I'm an introverted artist and writer living rurally with extended family and plenty of bizarre thoughts floating around in my head. Basically, I'm a weirdo. But no, I wasn't homeschooled. I was educated in the public school system. That's right Mrs. Warnica, what I am today is all on you.

by Edgytruth

August 11, 2015

A recent warning from the Food and Drug Administration is telling women to avoid ultrasound scans. In the warning it says: "Ultrasounds can heat tissues and in some cases, produce very small bubbles or cavitation in some tissues."

The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, an organization of women's healthcare physicians, has said for a long time that ultrasounds should be used only if there is a medical benefit to the pregnancy.

July 26, 2015

I have ADHD and so does the Hippy Hubby. It has been a reality for me my entire life. My mom did a good job at trying to avoid diet triggers and shoved me outside to play as much as possible, but sometimes it can still be very difficult.

I have spent the last 9 months developing this aromatherapy blend so that it would be helpful to every member of my attention deficit, hyperactive clan. After doing as much research as I could, as well as testing out my creations on myself and the rest of my hyperactive clan, I have developed this aromatherapy blend, Calm Your Squirrel!

July 16, 2015

Our flexibly structured Home School Days are designed for families to learn together while exploring the Aquarium's exhibits and programs.

Online reservations for Home School Days will be open at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, September 16. The reservation link on the Home School Days page will not be available before September 16.

by Steve Janoski

July 7, 2015

School administrators have called a borough couple's lawsuit "factually inaccurate" and "frivolous" in its claims that a district principal reported them for child abuse in retribution for a bullying complaint.

A statement, emailed this week by a district administrative assistant at the behest of schools Superintendent Marie Cirasella, said that Midland Park Junior/Senior High School Principal Nicholas Capuano has himself been "defamed" by the lawsuit, which says he made "defamatory" statements about the Burkes to the state's Division of Child Protection and Permanency.

Fox News

by Cal Thomas

June 11, 2015

My high school colors were green and white. At graduation the boys wore green robes and the girls wore white. No one considered the girls inferior because of the color of their robes.

Today, we live in different times. My alma mater, Walter Johnson High School in Montgomery County, Md., is one of several schools to have decided that their commencement ceremony this year will feature single-color robes to respect transgender students and those who do not identify as either male or female. In the age of Caitlyn Jenner, any effort to classify the sexes is becoming increasingly difficult, if not downright impossible.

June 4, 2015

Health benefits of molasses include relief from menstruation related problems, obesity, diabetes, stress, cancer, prostate, acne and other skin ailments, constipation, headache and anemia.

Molasses also helps to strengthen the immune system, maintain healthy levels of hemoglobin and aid in the formation of new cells in the body. Molasses contains a number of essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, copper, iron, phosphorous, chromium, cobalt and sodium. It is a good source of energy and carbohydrates and it contains sugars as well. In addition to this, molasses offers various vitamins such as niacin, vitamin B-6, thiamine and riboflavin. Molasses is very low in both fat content and fiber.

by Claire Bernish

June 4, 2015

Yes, you read that right. Warrants have been issued for four people under suspicion of cheering for family and friends at a high school graduation.

Four people in Senatobia, Mississippi have been served with arrest warrants and are facing possible $500 fines and/or up to six months in jail - for cheering at a high school graduation ceremony. "They yelled out and they excessively celebrated during the calling of names," said Superintendent Jay Foster, who pressed charges afterwards on grounds of 'disturbing the peace'. "When you make a conscious decision to disrupt that for that individual, what is too harsh?" Is this a rhetorical question?

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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