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May 18, 2015

If you've ever doubted the notion that the government can be a bully, this story should change your mind.

On Thursday, the Fairfax County School Board in Virginia voted overwhelmingly to expand its non-discrimination policy to accommodate transgender teachers and students despite the outcry of dozens of concerned parents.

by Sheri L. Williamson

May 7, 2015

A recent visitor to the Field Guide to Hummingbirds Facebook page asked a question that comes up frequently in discussions of the use of petroleum-based food dyes in hummingbird feeder solutions:

Have any scientific studies been conducted to determine the effects of these chemicals on hummingbirds? Some people are surprised to learn that the answer is an emphatic "NO." Despite oft-repeated (and oft-debunked) urban legends that the San Diego Zoo, Audubon Society, or some other trustworthy source tested red dye on hummingbirds and found one or more specific effects (liver damage, kidney damage, cancer, tumors, "birth defects," weakened eggshells, or, in some versions of the story, no harm at all), there is no evidence that any such testing has ever been conducted on hummingbirds by anyone anywhere.

by Susan K. Livio

May 1, 2015

The Barbours are suing for their daughter's right to use medicinal marijuana in school, while attorneys for the Maple Shade school district say doing so would run afoul of the law because marijuana is still considered a controlled dangerous substance.t

It's prompted a landmark legal battle that could reverberate in New Jersey and beyond. The Barbours are suing for their daughter's right to use medicinal marijuana in school, while attorneys for the Maple Shade school district say doing so would run afoul of the law because marijuana is still considered a controlled dangerous substance by the federal government with no medicinal value.

by Charlene Aaron

April 14, 2015

A West Virginia college student is back in the classroom after the school kicked him out because he was homeschooled.

In March, 22-year-old Jacob Berry was dismissed from West Virginia Junior College in Bridgeport. Berry was homeschooled by his father, Dr. Nathan Berry, and his mother, Cynthia Berry, who holds a lifetime teacher's license. Upon graduation, he worked a few odd jobs before deciding to study information technology at the local community college this past Fall.

by Jay Syrmopoulos

April 10, 2015

Texas State Representative Jason Villalba (R-Dallas) is once again in the spotlight after submitting yet another Orwellian proposal, H.B. 985.

Now with H.B. 985, Villalba intends to give school officials the authority to force psychological screenings of students that teachers and staff diagnose as having mental health issues. Once the process is set in motion by school officials, parents would be forced to take their child to a mental health professional within 30 days, under threat of suspension of the child from school.

by Ama Mazama

April 10, 2015

Eurocentric school curricula continues to prevail in a society that is increasingly brown.

Homeschooling, common among white Americans, is showing an increase among African-Americans kids, as well. African Americans now make up about 10 percent of all homeschooled children in this fastest-growing form of education. However, the reasons for black kids to be homeschooled may not be the same as for white kids. My research shows that black parents homeschool their children due to white racism.

March 22, 2015

In the battle against the Common Core, there is good news and bad news. The good news is that the proliferation of these top-down education standards is driving a massive increase in the number of homeschoolers.

Families are realizing that if they want their children to benefit from individualized education, if they want to protect their children from data mining, and if they want to be free of the Common Core's one-size-fits-all approach to education, homeschooling (and certain private schools) is the only way to go.

by Kyle Becker

March 12, 2015

The Common Core testing standards, not passed through state legislatures and forced upon schoolchildren without parental consultation or consent, are obviously a subject of much debate.

An Arkansas mom encapsulated just how brazen the manner of implementing these standards was when she confronted the Arkansas State Board of Education and questioned how well the testing was preparing kids for college.

by Drew Zahn

March 8, 2015

According to an article in New Scientist, the Internet search giant is considering a new algorithm for ranking its search results: one based not on how commonly a site is linked - which is central to its current system - but on how "trustworthy".

In other words, those sites Google says print truth would come up first in user searches, while those sites Google thinks stray too often from the truth would be buried on a later page. New Scientist author Hal Hodson explains: "The Internet is stuffed with garbage. Anti-vaccination websites make the front page of Google, and fact-free 'news' stories spread like wildfire. Google has devised a fix - rank websites according to their truthfulness."

by Kyle Feldscher

March 5, 2015

Michigan's teacher of the year railed against standardized testing while emphasizing that teachers should be respected during a speech in front of a crowd of education and business sector officials Tuesday.

Arabo is the 2014-15 Michigan teacher of the year and teaches third grade at Keith Elementary School in the Walled Lake Consolidated School District. During her speech, Arabo gave a list of qualities that employers want from employees, nearly all of which were intrinsic human qualities and not facts that are taught in school. She said the private sector is telling educators that they want well-rounded people, but those in charge of education policy have yet to figure out how to measure those qualities.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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