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Reliable Answers
Content-Type Listings

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 Class   Content Type   Submissions 
.sdp application/vnd.stardivision.impress-packed 9
.mkv video/x-matroska 8
.m4v video/mpeg4 8
.vdproj text/plain 8
.vdp text/plain 8
.vddproj text/plain 8
.vbdproj text/plain 8
.cur text/plain 8
.csdproj text/plain 8
.plg text/html 8
.asp text/asp 8
.java java/* 8
.xmta application/xml 8
.svc application/xml 8
.asa application/xml 8
.pl application/x-perl 8
.slupkg-ms application/x-ms-license 8
.dif application/ 8
.ogm video/x-ogm 7
.mpg video/mpg 7
.mpeg video/mpg 7
.divx video/avi 7
.upt txt/plain 7
.tli text/plain 7
.tlh text/plain 7
.rte text/plain 7
.odl text/plain 7
.mdp text/plain 7
.idl text/plain 7
.hxx text/plain 7
.hpp text/plain 7
.h text/plain 7
.gs text/plain 7
.dsw text/plain 7
.dsp text/plain 7
.cxx text/plain 7
.cpp text/plain 7
.c text/plain 7
.skp skp 7
.sifz image/x-sifz 7
.sif image/x-sif 7
.mp3 audio/mp3 7
.one application/msonenote 7
.dia application/dia 7
.mps video/x-mpeg 6
.divx video/divx 6
.wpj text/xml 6
outlook.file.vcf text/x-vcard 6
outlook.file.ics text/calendar 6
.svg image/svg+xml 6
Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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