Reliable Answers - News and Commentary

The election news and political items featured here are intended to cause you to stop and think -- and make intelligent decisions about who will represent you. We would be remiss if we didn't take the opportunity to recommend you check out the Libertarian Party.

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." ~Albert Einstein

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by Colleen Conley

May 13, 2015

A shocking new video blows the Obama Administration's covert plans to bus hundreds of illegal Muslim Somali's into California and other states to "resettle".

According to the DHS, all that any of the African refugees must do is find a border agent and say "I am in danger in my home country, and want asylum in the United States." Once they utter those words, they are off limits to deportation and are turned over to DHS resettlement specialists who help them move into communities across the country.

PJ Media

by Vik Rubenfeld

September 5, 2012

Alinsky-style behavior in the workplace itself may have been the key.

Recent studies have confirmed that American universities have become bigoted and biased against the expression of conservative views. One new study documents bias against the expression of conservative views among social and personality psychologists, including those at universities...

by David McElroy

April 28, 2012

It's a bad movie that you might have seen before. It tends to show up whenever an advocate of voluntary cooperation explains how society could operate without state coercion.

Right on cue, the zombies from "Night of the Living Statists" rear their heads and mindlessly intone, "But if there's no government, who will build the roads?!" The zombies can't hear your response, so it's useless to try to give them facts and explain how things could be done in a way that's better for everyone if roads and other such things were provided as private services rather than as coercive government monopolies. For those who are open to the facts, though, is there any evidence that people can actually cooperate voluntarily for their own interests? As a matter of fact, there's quite a bit of evidence of that.

Personal Liberty Alerts

by Upi - United Press International, Inc.

December 7, 2012

George Zimmerman, charged in Florida with shooting an unarmed black teenager, sued NBC Thursday, charging an edited 911 tape defamed him.

In a complaint filed in Seminole County in Florida, Zimmerman said the network edited the tape to make him appear racist, CNN reported. Two former reporters were also named as defendants. "NBC saw the death of Trayvon Martin not as a tragedy but as an opportunity to increase ratings, and so set about to create the myth that George Zimmerman was a racist and predatory villain," the complaint says.

by Andrew Chow, JD

August 29, 2012

George Zimmerman's judge must step aside because of bias, a Florida appellate court ruled Wednesday.

The ruling means a new judge will soon preside over Zimmerman's second-degree murder case in the killing of unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin, according to a website set up by Zimmerman's defense team. Zimmerman's lawyer Mark O'Mara filed a motion in July to disqualify Judge Kenneth Lester Jr. But Lester denied the motion, finding it "legally insufficient." O'Mara appealed to Florida's Fifth District Court of Appeal, which disagreed with Lester's finding.

CNS News

December 15, 2011

Fast-food restaurant operator Yum Brands Inc. spent $200,000 lobbying officials in the third quarter, focusing on legislation dealing with tax depreciation for restaurant improvements, health care and the dairy industry, according to a recent disclosure report.

by Art Carden

January 19, 2012

How to Win at Voting. Here's a sad truth: if you're going to vote in the 2012 election because you're afraid the Right Candidate won't win (or the Wrong Candidate will) if you don't, then you're wasting your time.

The probability that you die in an auto accident driving to the polling place is higher than the probability that you cast the decisive ballot. I'll be blunt: if you vote for Obama because you're afraid of a Republican win, or if you vote for the Republican because you're afraid of an Obama win, then you're wasting your time. You're also wasting your vote. You've probably heard the claim that politics is too partisan, too nasty, and too disingenuous. This is perhaps to be expected; to paraphrase the philosopher Jason Brennan (whose excellent The Ethics of Voting I just reviewed for Public Choice and will discuss here in greater detail later), elections encouraged civilized conversation and thoughtful, reasoned reflection the way fraternity parties encourage temperance and sobriety. This is especially true of Presidential elections.

Hot Air

by Tina Korbe

June 20, 2011

Remember those taxpayer-funded commercials with kindly Andy Griffith - the ones that promoted the ways the so-unaptly-titled Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act supposedly strengthens Medicare?

Donald Berwick, director of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, says these ads are fundamentally different than the Andy Griffith ads, even though they also use taxpayer funding to tout the still-highly-controversial law. "Everyone is interested in prevention," he said. "I don't think this is a partisan issue." But even if that's true - that most people recognize preemptive care goes a long way to lower costs - does that mean it's the federal government's responsibility to provide, advertise and urge preventive services on the public?

Hot Air

by Allahpundit

September 20, 2012

Let me recycle a few lines from the post on Martin Dempsey phoning Terry Jones because this is where I think we're headed, at least as long as American troops are stationed in large numbers in the Middle East:

"Loyola's right that military leaders phoning citizens to ask them to pipe down for the sake of the troops sets a bad precedent. If more copycats do emerge, will Dempsey phone all of them? Will the Pentagon set up a special phone bank for officers to phone critics of Islam and let them know that they're hurting national security by giving fundie nuts a pretext to make trouble? If we're going down this road, let's just establish a PR bureau inside the Defense Department to issue official statements of patriotic disapproval anytime a U.S. citizen says something that's unhelpful to the wider strategy in the Middle East."

Hot Air

by Jazz Shaw

September 5, 2011

In an era where virtually every phone is a combination audio recorder, still shot and video camera, one disturbing trend of late has been the increasing habit of police to arrest citizens who record their activities in the public square.

Glenn Reynolds, in the Examiner, goes on to detail the additional case of Simon Glik in Massachusetts, who recently won an appeal in the United States Court of Appeals For The First Circuit. Mr. Glik was arrested for videotaping police in the act of detaining a suspect on a public street and subsequently charged with "wiretapping." I should say up front that I'm pretty much always a big supporter of the police, having had more than a few of them in our family. But when they conduct their business out in public, they are held to a high standard. If they are dong their jobs properly, they should have nothing to fear from the scrutiny of the rest of the citizens.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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