Reliable Answers - News and Commentary

The election news and political items featured here are intended to cause you to stop and think -- and make intelligent decisions about who will represent you. We would be remiss if we didn't take the opportunity to recommend you check out the Libertarian Party.

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." ~Albert Einstein

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Gun Rights Examiner

by David Codrea

January 13, 2009

It has begun. Despite assurances to the contrary, some democrats are champing at the bit to institute citizen disarmament, and like impulsive children, can't even wait for their guy to be inaugurated.

If passed, this bill would require that anyone wishing to purchase, own, or possess a "qualifying firearm," would have to be licensed by the state or the federal government in a licensing program managed by the Attorney General. To get a license you would have provide a passport-style photo, a thumbprint, and take a written exam which includes questions about firearms safety, safe storage, the risks of firearms ownership...

Big Journalism

by John Nolte

December 5, 2011

To anyone paying attention, the so-called Birther, or birth certificate controversy, surrounding those misguided rumors that questioned whether or not President Obama had been born in this country, was a controversy both Obama and his MSM allies loved and maliciously stoked to keep alive. For them, it was a beautiful issue that gave them a racial brush with which to tar all Republicans and, better still, it worked as the perfect distraction to keep conservatives off message and on defense.

CNS News

by Matt Cover

May 7, 2012

The "real" unemployment rate - a broader, more inclusive measure of the country's jobless picture than the one usually used - remained unchanged at 14.5 percent in April, as the economy created a paltry 115,000 jobs.

Known formally as the U-6 unemployment rate, this measure includes those formally counted as unemployed, those known to be marginally attached to the workforce, and those who are working part-time because they cannot find full-time work. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the U-6 unemployment rate remained flat in April at 14.5 percent - meaning some 22.8 million people are either unemployed, have stopped looking for work, or need full-time work but can only find part-time employment.

by Tim Lynch

July 8, 2012

In late May, the Justice Department finally completed its three-year investigation of the miscreant prosecutors who obtained an illegal verdict against Sen. Ted Stevens in 2008.

That verdict caused the Alaska Republican to lose his reelection bid and changed the balance of power in the Senate. The department's actions in this matter have fallen too far short. After the trial, new prosecutors - appointed after the original prosecutors were held in contempt for failing to produce documents - discovered that the government had engaged in wrongdoing affecting the case's most important evidence. The conduct was so outrageous that newly appointed Attorney General Eric Holder concluded the case should immediately be dismissed. And when trial Judge Emmet Sullivan (no relation) dismissed the case in April 2009, he said it was the worst misconduct he had seen in 25 years on the bench.

December 26, 2011

For many Republican politicians, being a "conservative" is similar to flying American flags at a used car lot. It's not that used car salesman are extra-patriotic, they just know that such symbolism is good for business. For them, it's mere marketing.

The same is true of many "conservative" Republicans. Every Republican from Sen. Lindsey Graham to Mitt Romney claims to be a "conservative" these days, without having the slightest semblance of a voting record to back up such a claim. Ron Paul has always remembered and represented what it means to be an actual conservative within a Republican Party that has largely forgotten what that term means in any substantive way. NPR's John Nichols elaborates on this important point further: Ron Paul represents the ideology that Republican insiders most fear: conservatism. Not the corrupt, inside-the-beltway construct that goes by that name, but actual conservatism.

Michelle Malkin

by Doug Powers

October 24, 2012

The additional material will definitely not include footage of President Obama speaking at a $35,000 per person fundraiser this summer at the Connecticut home of the movie's producer, Harvey Weinstein.

I'm guessing that by now the film has been digitally altered in post production to remove any visible bayonets. There was a scene in the movie depicting Mitt Romney opposing the Bin Laden raid, and it was reportedly cut at the insistence of the National Geographic Channel's CEO. They wouldn't want a film touting Obama's role in the death of the world's most wanted terrorist that was produced by a huge supporter of the president and set to air two days before the general election to appear to be politically motivated, would they?

by Patrick McGreevy

July 15, 2014

An eccentric Silicon Valley multimillionaire who dabbles in bitcoins and calls himself the "riskmaster" said Tuesday that his proposed voter initiative to break California into six states has enough support to qualify for the 2016 ballot.

Draper, 56, said that California's government is dysfunctional in part because the state is too large. Cleaving California into six smaller pieces would create states with governments closer to the people, he said. "When the people and their state are no longer in sync, and large populations feel that they are not being represented and when the state fails to provide the services that it promises to our citizens, then we lose our democracy," Draper said, reading his speech from an iPad.

by Laura Mandaro

July 15, 2014

A proposal backed by venture capitalist Tim Draper to divide California into six states has received enough signatures to make the November 2016 ballot, according to the non-profit Six Californias.

Draper is a founding member of the venture capital firm Draper Fisher Jurvetson, known for its investments in successful growth ventures such as Hotmail, Baidu, Tesla Motors and Skype. Recently, Draper won the federal government's auction of bitcoins once owned by online drugs portal Silk Road. He's championed the political break-up of the state for over a year, but it's taken until recently for the plan to gain some momentum.

June 27, 2014

Covert tactics have become legally accepted and increasingly popular.

A little-known police tactic allows cops to covertly enter private residences, perform searches, seize property, and then leave quietly without notifying the homeowner. These searches, affectionately known as "sneak and peek" warrants, have been performed at a rapidly rising rate since 9/11. "Sneak and Peek" warrants in actuality a more extreme version of the over-used "no-knock" raids that we cover so often. After seeking out a judge's authorization, police are allowed to secretly break into private property without first announcing themselves or presenting the subject of the search with a signed warrant. Using this variety of warrant, officers intentionally wait until the subject is not present. The operations are performed covertly, and with the intention of masking the fact that any police activity took place.

by Posting Your Comment

July 18, 2013

EU apologies for the aerial blockade that forced the Bolivian president's plane to land are "not enough," said Bolivia's foreign minister.

The presidential plane was grounded amid suspicions that NSA leaker Edward Snowden had stowed away onboard. The Bolivian Foreign Minister, David Choquehuanca, confirmed on Tuesday that Bolivia had received official apologies from Italy and Portugal, adding to those of Spain and France. "Not only Spain has sent a verbal apology, but also Portugal and Italy have sent messages accounting for their actions," said Choquehuanca at a press conference in the Bolivian capital of La Paz. However, Choquehuanca stressed that the apologies were not enough and the four countries "must identify those responsible and punish them in an exemplary fashion so that such an incident does not happen again."

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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