The Reason Agenda 21 Is About To Change Your Life Forever
by Neon Nettle
April 17, 2015
Whilst we are being distracted with our favorite sports team, program or the latest celebrity gossip the wall is being pulled over our eyes greatly. Ladies and gentlemen, Agenda 21 is coming and let's not be fooled by the flowery plan.
Agenda 21, everyone, will unknowingly look a little something like this: An end to national sovereignty, State planning and management to all land resources, ecosystems, deserts, forests, mountains, oceans and fresh water; agriculture, rural development, biotechnology and ensuring 'equity'. The state is to define the role of business and financial resources, Abolition of private property (it's not sustainable they say), Restructuring the family unit, Children to be raised by the state, People told what their job will be, Major restrictions on movement, creation of human settlement zones, Mass resettlement as people are forced to vacate land where they live, Dumbing down education Mass global depopulation Obviously these facts are not clear and factual to the public as they are hiding it, well. And how are they hiding it? By setting up Agenda 21 organisations all over the world in local communities by giving the impression that each of them is a independent local community enterprise when it's all being controlled by the big boys.