Seven Reasons to Vote for the Libertarian Party
by Nicholas Sarwark
November 4, 2014
Only the Libertarian Party puts up candidates who are working to dramatically reduce big government spending, taxes, debt, regulations, bureaucracies, foreign meddling, and invasions of our personal freedoms.
Voting for a candidate with a D or an R by their name sends a message. It says, "keep doing what you're doing," i.e., "raise taxes, spend more, add to the nation's debt, invent more doomed-to-failure government programs, and start more wars." It gives them permission - or license - to keep government big. Voting for the "lesser evil" is indistinguishable from voting for team R or D because you think everything they do is awesome. It will be taken as approval for more big government, which leads to higher taxes, higher spending and debt, more government and more war.