Reliable Answers - News and Commentary

The election news and political items featured here are intended to cause you to stop and think -- and make intelligent decisions about who will represent you. We would be remiss if we didn't take the opportunity to recommend you check out the Libertarian Party.

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." ~Albert Einstein

 Title   Date   Author   Host

by Op-Ed by Congressman Ron Paul

January 13, 2012

Maryanne Godboldo, a mother in Michigan, noticed that pills prescribed by her daughter's doctor were making her condition worse, not better. So Mrs. Godboldo stopped giving them to her. That's when the trouble began.

When Child Protective Services (CPS) bureaucrats became aware that the girl was not receiving her prescribed medication, they decided the child should be taken away from her mother's custody on grounds of medical neglect. When Ms. Godboldo refused to surrender her daughter to the state, CPS enlisted the help of a police SWAT team! On March 24 of this year a 12 hour standoff ensued and young Ariana was taken into custody.

Michelle Malkin

by Michelle Malkin

July 18, 2012

The pushback against President Obama's diss of business owners continues to mount - and it's coming from surprising places.

by Tim Brown

June 16, 2013

Well now, here is evidence of what I've been saying all along and that is that you cannot be religiously neutral. It just can't happen.

Religion is at our very core and if we will not honor the true and living God as God, then we will fill that vacuum with a false god. Exhibit A: Rocky Mountain High School in Colorado. Outrage is building over the fact that students were encouraged to recite the Pledge of Allegiance over the loudspeaker in Arabic replacing "one nation under God" with "one nation under Allah." The school's principal, Tom Lopez, is standing by his decision to allow the pledge after receiving a flood of complaints from parents outraged over the incident. He claims to not be pushing an Islamic agenda.

by Matt Palumbo

August 3, 2014

If you waste much time on Facebook, you've probably stumbled upon at least one of the memes I address in this article.

If you waste much time on Facebook, you've probably stumbled upon at least one of the memes I address in this article. The style of the meme is to take individuals, have them explain how their country is able to accomplish some national goal, then state that it's the "opposite of what America does." None of the quotes are real, and indeed the Facebook page that creates them acknowledged this: "the Opposite of America memes were created by US Uncut and have reached 30 million people. The reason you know the quotes are fake is because the series is so popular-it's not too different than the Onion. We aren't trying to fool anyone and we don't use fake quotes on anything else."

October 13, 2013

On Tuesday, October 8, I participated in a New York Times debate about the effects of the government shutdown and budget sequestration.

"What federal spending are we better off without?" asked the Times of analysts from the left, right, and libertarian parts of the ideological spectrum. "What have we learned, seven months into sequestration and one week into a government shutdown?" Here's my answer...

The American Spectator

by Aaron Goldstein

August 21, 2011

Michele Bachmann is being criticized for making reference to "the rise of the Soviet Union" during a radio interview with Jay Sekulow on Thursday.

Fair enough. The Soviet Union hasn't existed in nearly twenty years (indeed, this weekend is the 20th anniversary of the coup against Mikhail Gorbachev​). But I am sure Bachmann meant to say Russia. I am sure she knows there's no USSR. Just as I am sure President Obama knows he hasn't visited 57 states with one to go. I am also sure President Obama knows full well there isn't an Austrian language and in his capacity as Commander in Chief can flawlessly pronounce "corpsman."

Hot Air

by Tina Korbe

March 11, 2012

The new social liberal theme: Sandra Fluke proves sex shaming is impossible in the face of relentless sex positivity.

Sex positivity? It's sexual liberation on steroids: Not only is it OK for anyone and everyone to have sex whenever, wherever, however, but it's positive, desirable. The only taboo is rape, which, according to the sex positivists, is now defined as "penetration, no matter how slight" that occurs "without the consent of the victim." (Little is said about various forms of sexual deviancy - prostitution, sadomasochism, bestiality - but - if it's all about subjective pleasure and very little about the objective end of procreation - it's hard to see why these behaviors would be discouraged.) To a sex positivist, "sl-t" is - you guessed it - a positive word. Want proof?

News With Views

by Devvy Kidd

February 6, 2008

Where to start. Let's begin with the statement I made in my last column that women will vote for Marxist Hillary Clinton just because she has two mammary glands and a vagina.

The day before and "Super Tuesday" itself, I watched female political pundits and party strategists (Democrats) literally salivating as they spoke of Marxist Clinton winning and taking the White House. These are the voices of America's destruction.

August 10, 2013

by Nick Gillespie & Matt Welch

April 12, 2012

Sen. Jim DeMint talks about the looming fiscal crisis and the future of the GOP.

"A lot of the libertarian ideals that Ron Paul is talking about...should not be alien to any Republican," Sen. Jim DeMint said during an interview at reason's Washington, D.C., offices in late January. Encouraging words from a South Carolina Republican who has earned a reputation as one of his party's strongest voices for fiscal conservatism during his six years in the House of Representatives and six years in the Senate. Yet right after the 2010 midterm elections brought a wave of DeMint-backed Tea Party freshmen to Capitol Hill, the Palmetto State's junior senator proclaimed that "you can't be a fiscal conservative and not be a social conservative," a comment that was widely viewed as a slap at libertarians.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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