"Sluts Unite" against Rush
Hot Air
by Tina Korbe
March 11, 2012
The new social liberal theme: Sandra Fluke proves sex shaming is impossible in the face of relentless sex positivity.
Sex positivity? It's sexual liberation on steroids: Not only is it OK for anyone and everyone to have sex whenever, wherever, however, but it's positive, desirable. The only taboo is rape, which, according to the sex positivists, is now defined as "penetration, no matter how slight" that occurs "without the consent of the victim." (Little is said about various forms of sexual deviancy - prostitution, sadomasochism, bestiality - but - if it's all about subjective pleasure and very little about the objective end of procreation - it's hard to see why these behaviors would be discouraged.) To a sex positivist, "sl-t" is - you guessed it - a positive word. Want proof?