Reliable Answers - News and Commentary

The election news and political items featured here are intended to cause you to stop and think -- and make intelligent decisions about who will represent you. We would be remiss if we didn't take the opportunity to recommend you check out the Libertarian Party.

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." ~Albert Einstein

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by Ashley Kirk

October 10, 2016

The clash between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton is dominating America as the race to replace Barack Obama in the White House reaches into its last month.

In the Telegraph's poll of polls, which takes an average of the last five polls published on RealClearPolitics, he first pulled ahead of Hillary Clinton on 19 May 2016. Clinton once held a double-digit lead over Trump, but this has been eroded by the appeal of Trump. She also suffered a dip in the polls after facing pressure over her health as she fainted in public after suffering from pneumonia.

October 10, 2016

The Republican nominee denied ever sexually assaulting women, but turned his fire on ex-President Bill Clinton in a bitter US presidential debate.

Mr Trump's attack on the Clintons came after moderator Anderson Cooper asked him about a 2005 video released on Friday that revealed Mr Trump bragging about groping women. The 70-year-old billionaire dismissed the remarks as "just words" and "locker room talk". When pressed on whether he had engaged in sexual misconduct, he denied doing so and instead focused on Mr Clinton's previous indiscretions.

by Kelsey Snell and Juliet Eilperin

October 10, 2016

House Speaker Paul Ryan's (R-Wis.) decision Monday to not campaign with or defend Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump through the November election sparked a public feud with his party's standard bearer within a matter of hours.

Ryan's move-and the blunt assessment of the race he and other congressional leaders delivered during a conference call with House GOP lawmakers Monday morning-underscored the perilous choice Republican officials now face in the wake of Friday's release of a 2005 videotape in which Trump made lewd comments about women.

October 8, 2016

With regard to self-granted federal regulations, the federally controlled medical management agencies in this country, have granted themselves the right to declare someone a medical threat for an absolutely harmless illness.

"Today, the American people are challenged, as they have never been before, to confront the expansion of government authority over our bodies and the bodies of our children, specifically the exercise of police power to take us into custody and isolate us without our consent whenever public health officials believe we are sick or could become sick."

October 8, 2016

Two of China's main state-run newspapers heaped scorn on the U.S. presidential elections on Saturday, saying the endless stream of scandals surrounding both main candidates showed the United States had no right to lecture others on democracy.

While Beijing has largely avoided commenting on the elections, not wanting to be seen to interfere in the internal affairs of another country, the government-run media has been given more leeway. China frequently takes umbrage at foreign criticism of its one-party political system, particularly from the United States, and says no country has the right to try and force China to change a system it says best suits China's situation.

October 3, 2016

Earlier this year we announced that NBC said all children would be micro-chipped by the year 2017, but it looks like Australia might have beaten us to the punch.

Back in 2010, CBS news reported that the Australian government had a major RFID micro-chipping plan in the works related to the health care system. Now it seems that this plan is beginning to unfold but the push is not a result of mandated health care reforms, but rather an extremely clever propaganda campaign that equates RFID micro-chipping to becoming a superhuman.

September 27, 2016

Nestlé is draining California aquifers. From Sacramento alone they take 80 MILLION gallons annually. They then sells the people's water back to them at huge profit under dozens of popular brand names.

Nestlé has been draining California aquifers at an alarming rate. In Sacramento alone 80 they extract MILLION gallons annually. Nestlé then turns around and sells the people's own water back to them at a massive profit in the form of bottle water. But this is not even the worst of it, the multinational mega corporation has also been extracting this water with a permit that expired over 2 decades ago!

by David Gutierrez

September 14, 2016

The campaign to prevent cannabis legalization in Arizona recently accepted a half-million dollar donation from a pharmaceutical company accused of peddling a dangerous narcotic painkiller off-label.

Drug company Insys made the donation to Arizonans for Responsible Drug Policy on Aug. 31, according to information posted by the Arizona Secretary of State. The revelation has lent support to longstanding claims by legalization proponents that drug companies view cannabis as a source of competition for their more addictive, dangerous and expensive products.

September 7, 2016

All in all, it's just another day in Sweden, where multiculturalism is pushing the once famously liberal Nordic society to the breaking point. Mass immigration, mostly from Muslim nations, has utterly transformed many Swedish cities.

"No-go zones are becoming a fact of life throughout much of Europe and especially those countries that have been most committed to a welcoming policy toward Muslim immigrants," said Davis. "Far from demonstrating a sense of gratitude, Muslims are insisting on ever-greater privileges against the norms of the indigenous society. While individual Muslims may seek to integrate into their host societies, the political nature of Islam means that, as Muslim immigrant communities grow in size and presence, their resistance to the surrounding political regime will necessarily increase."

by Mike Adams

September 2, 2016

The clock is ticking for America. There are 70 days remaining until the presidential election, and after the results are counted, America will be a tinderbox ready to explode no matter who wins.

What follows is an educated analysis of the political friction now escalating in America. Note carefully that nothing in this article should be construed as any intention to call for violence of any kind. I do reference such acts, however, as part of human history as well as likely outcomes in our near future. What I'm offering here is an analysis and a warning, along with a call to prepare for what's coming.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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