Reliable Answers - News and Commentary

The election news and political items featured here are intended to cause you to stop and think -- and make intelligent decisions about who will represent you. We would be remiss if we didn't take the opportunity to recommend you check out the Libertarian Party.

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." ~Albert Einstein

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Michelle Malkin

by Michelle Malkin

December 12, 2012

Yesterday, Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder signed right-to-work legislation into law. The death threats against him are pouring in.

The Left is blaming the conservative victims of union violence, as usual. The progressive climate of hate is always our fault. Today's column sets the Democrats' call for blood in the context of Obama-era union violence and incitement. He helped build that...

June 15, 2012

President Obama may have just made his most disturbing move yet. Forget the legislative process, he's just granting immunity to illegal immigrants because he wants to. No Congress, no nothing. A cowardly act clearly designed to pander for votes. is reporting that the Obama Administration will stop deporting and start granting work permits to younger illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as children and have since led law-abiding lives. Writers note: Ironic that someone whose starting point of legality is "an illegal immigrant" would be capable of leading a "law-abiding life"- interesting logic.

September 12, 2013

This is without a doubt the most vile and disgusting thing I have every seen in my life. There is nothing human in the way these barbaric animals think or behave.

This is the enemy of America that Barack Hussein Obama and John McCain support in our names. These are Hellish Demons, who defy description. We Must Defeat Them.....We Cannot Permit What Is Supposedly Our Government To Help Them in Their Murder of Innocent Children. You hear their raves of "Allahu Akbar" in this insane fervor they are worked into.

by Nick Meyer

April 7, 2014

Even as the United States government continues to push for the use of more chemically-intensive and corporate-dominated farming methods such as GMOs and monoculture-based crops, the United Nations is once against sounding the alarm.

According to the new UN report, major changes are needed in our food, agriculture and trade systems, with a shift toward local small-scale farmers and food systems recommended. Diversity of farms, reducing the use of fertilizer and other changes are desperately needed according to the report, which was highlighted in this article from the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy.

by Justine Sharrock

July 21, 2013

For nine months, this Utah ISP had a little black box in the corner, courtesy of the NSA. Its owner tells his story.

When people say the feds are monitoring what people are doing online, what does that mean? How does that work? When, and where, does it start? Pete Ashdown, CEO of XMission, an internet service provider in Utah, knows. He received a Foreign Intelligence Service Act (FISA) warrant in 2010 mandating he let the feds monitor one of his customers, through his facility. He also received a broad gag order. In his own words: The first thing I do when I get a law enforcement request is look for a court signature on it. Then I pass it to my attorneys and say, "Is this legitimate? Does this qualify as a warrant?" If it does, then we will respond to it. We are very up front that we respond to warrants. If it isn't, then the attorneys write back: "We don't believe it is in jurisdiction or is constitutional. We are happy to respond if you do get an FBI request in jurisdiction or you get a court order to do so."

November 6, 2012

Many Republicans are expressing disdain at the thought of another four years of President Obama. Some have started blaming Ron Paul and the Libertarians. Others blame the establishment Republican Party for nominating Mitt Romney.

The fact remains, the Tea Party became angry on Tuesday. Ron Paul lost the nomination at the Republican convention although many of his supporters say that the establishment Republican Party cheated. Many Ron Paul supporters refused to compromise and were vocal about the fact that they would not vote for Mitt Romney. After the close popular vote count, some Republicans have said that Ron Paul supporters cost the Republicans the election. "But as the old saying Goes. United we Stand. Divided we fall. All Paul did by continuing to run is divide the vote and in an election this close the few votes that went Paul's way kept Obama in office," said Don Wiggins on The Angel Clark Show fan page on Facebook. Little does Don know, many Ron Paul supporters would have loved to have cost the Republicans the election considering they feel the party betrayed them at the Republican National Convention. Regardless, it may never be able to be proved that Ron Paul supporters actually cost the Republican Party the election as many wrote Ron Paul in, and many states do not count write-ins.

by Radley Balko

July 7, 2013

SWAT teams raiding poker games and trying to stop underage drinking? Overwhelming paramilitary force is on the rise

Sal Culosi is dead because he bet on a football game - but it wasn't a bookie or a loan shark who killed him. His local government killed him, ostensibly to protect him from his gambling habit. Several months earlier at a local bar, Fairfax County, Virginia, detective David Baucum overheard the thirty-eight-year-old optometrist and some friends wagering on a college football game. "To Sal, betting a few bills on the Redskins was a stress reliever, done among friends," a friend of Culosi's told me shortly after his death. "None of us single, successful professionals ever thought that betting fifty bucks or so on the Virginia-Virginia Tech football game was a crime worthy of investigation." Baucum apparently did. After overhearing the men wagering, Baucum befriended Culosi as a cover to begin investigating him. During the next several months, he talked Culosi into raising the stakes of what Culosi thought were just more fun wagers between friends to make watching sports more interesting. Eventually Culosi and Baucum bet more than $2,000 in a single day. Under Virginia law, that was enough for police to charge Culosi with running a gambling operation. And that's when they brought in the SWAT team.

CNS News

by Fred Lucas

June 20, 2012

An Obama administration green jobs grant program that spent $11 billion lacks a verifiable job-counting system and likely created only a fraction of the jobs it claims, according to a staff report by the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

While Energy Secretary Steven Chu said the grants "created tens of thousands of jobs," the government's own National Renewal Energy Laboratory estimates it created 910 direct jobs. The House report criticized even those numbers, saying: "The job creation numbers that exist for Section 1603 are based on models, not actual data from completed projects. Neither Treasury nor DOE have turned over actual jobs data on the Section 1603 grants program to the committee."

CNS News

June 20, 2012

During a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing Tuesday, Rep. Mike Kelly (R-Pa.) questioned Senior Research Fellow Dr. Veronique de Rugy about how many jobs the government actually created from the $16 billion it invested in green tech.

by Alexander Higgins

August 28, 2012

Over the last 286 days the US national debt has rose from $15 trillion to $16 trillion at the record rate of $3.5 billion per day.

Most Americans might not have been paying and certainly aren't paying but they will one European style austerity measures are forced into place alongside a massive tax bill to pay the debt collector. Right now that debt has just passed the massive milestone of $16 trillion and only continues to skyrocket at astronomical rates as the economic prosperity of our future and are children's future is being sacrificed to fund illegal foreign wars, to plant seeds that assure more future wars in places such as Syria and Iran, and to implement a massive totalitarian domestic surveillance state to protect those responsible for said bills from the blowback being created as a result said imperialistic foreign policy.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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