$253.5B-Obama Borrowed Nearly 6x as Much in February as Sequester Cuts All Year
CNS News
by Terence P. Jeffrey
March 4, 2013
During the month of February--as President Barack Obama was warning Americans they would see dramatic effects in their lives if "sequestration" of some planned federal spending kicked in--the federal government's debt climbed by $253.5 billion.
That one-month increase in the debt was nearly six times as much as the $44 billion in spending cuts the Congressional Budget Office estimates will take place in all of fiscal 2013 as a result of sequestration. At the close of business on Jan. 31, 2013, the federal debt was $16,433,791,850,294.04, according to the U.S. Treasury. At the close of business on Feb. 28, 2013, the federal debt was $16,687,289,180,215.37. Thus, the federal debt increased $253,497,329,921.33 during the month.