Reliable Answers - News and Commentary

The election news and political items featured here are intended to cause you to stop and think -- and make intelligent decisions about who will represent you. We would be remiss if we didn't take the opportunity to recommend you check out the Libertarian Party.

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." ~Albert Einstein

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by Yelena Sukhoterina

April 6, 2016

There are few things as difficult as the physical and emotional implications of a terminal cancer diagnosis. But even worse is that most of these patients go on to receive unnecessary medical treatments.

Dying in a hospital, hooked up to tubes is not only unnecessary, but often kills the patient faster. A new study from Japan just concluded that terminal cancer patients who choose to die at home, live longer. Patients who Died at Home Lived about 45% Longer

April 5, 2016

Much has been written about the 1000 UN sponsored Temple of Baals being constructed in China, UK and the US. What is not being talked about enough is the fact that this represents the establishment of a one-world religion and the elimination of all other

This religion guided by Satan is pitting Muslims vs. Christians. It promotes pedophilia and every other perverted form of human interaction! This religion will cut out our soul and be used to depopulate the planet by 95%. When will this happen? It will happen yesterday. This is already underway. The interview with Dr. Broer commences about 8 minutes into the hour. Dr. Broer links the Temple of Baal to every occult practice and the elimination of all free will. This is spiritual genocide.

by David Shukman

April 3, 2016

Schemes to tackle climate change could prove disastrous for billions of people, but might be required for the good of the planet, scientists say. That is the conclusion of a new set of studies into what's become known as geo-engineering.

This is the so far unproven science of intervening in the climate to bring down temperatures. These projects work by, for example, shading the Earth from the Sun or soaking up carbon dioxide. Ideas include aircraft spraying out sulphur particles at high altitude to mimic the cooling effect of volcanoes or using artificial "trees" to absorb CO2.

by Phillip Schneider

March 29, 2016

In a battle to halt government sponsored wide-scale climate modification, also known as 'solar radiation management,' two Rhode Island legislators have introduced a bill that seeks to stop geoengineering in the state.

The two representatives, Karen MacBeth (Dem), and Justin Price (Rep), have teamed up in a bi-partisan effort to pass "The Climate GeoEngineering Act of 2016", a bill that would help the state of Rhode Island monitor this largely secretive program, potentially revealing more information to the public about geoengineering projects happening around the United States.

by Julian Sonny

March 25, 2016

Stoners looking to live a medicated lifestyle with zero life problems often have to relocate to a city like LA or Denver to be able to fully enjoy that way of life.

Over 200,000 people moved to Colorado after marijuana was legalized and according to a recent Harris poll, 20 percent of millennials said recreational weed is a factor they consider when moving to another state. So what does that tell us? People are trying to get hiiiigh.

by Mike Adams

March 15, 2016

U.S. presidential candidate and Texas senator Ted Cruz went all-in for Monsanto on the campaign trail in Iowa, parroting Monsanto's propaganda by proclaiming that GMOs are feeding the world while insulting health-conscious consumers.

By equating support of GMO labeling with "anti-science zealotry." At the Iowa Agricultural Summit, Cruz revealed that he in effect fully supports the mass poisoning of the American people with hidden (unlabeled) GMOs, cancer-causing glyphosate herbicide, farmer suicides caused by GMO crop failures and the widespread genetic pollution unleashed by genetically modified crops. "[W]e shouldn't let anti-science zealotry shutdown the ability to produce low-cost quality food for billions across the globe," he stated, invoking a false claim that's actually a widely disproven Monsanto talking point.

March 13, 2016

Washington, DC - President Barack Obama shocked the country this morning with news that he is running for a third term.

"I can't abandon the American people now when they need me more than ever," Obama told reporters at a press conference this morning. "We've come this far as a nation, now is not the time to do something different. This is the change you wanted and this is the change you're getting."

by Nick Gillespie

March 8, 2016

Yeah, yeah, with the rise of Der Trumper and the ascendance of Ted Cruz to serious candidacy, the Libertarian Moment is deader than Nancy Reagan's dream of a drug-free America. Right?

Some people think the government is trying to do too many things that should be left to individuals and businesses. Others think that government should do more to solve our country's problems. Which comes closer to your own view?

by Dr. Mercola

March 7, 2016

Aluminum has been long known to be neurotoxic, with mounting evidence that chronic exposure is a factor in many neurological diseases, including dementia, autism, and Parkinson's disease.

Inhaling aluminum dust or vapors sends aluminum particles directly into your lungs in a highly absorbable form, where they pass into your bloodstream and are distributed throughout your body, including your bones and brain. Aluminum powder has been known to cause pulmonary fibrosis, and aluminum factory workers are prone to asthma. Studies of the health effects of aluminum vapors have been grim, pointing to high levels of neurotoxicity.

March 4, 2016

You're sick. Your nose is stuffy. Your body aches, You're sweaty, coughing, sneezing and you don't have enough energy to get out of bed. It's not the flu according to Dr. Len Horowitz. His opinion is not based on conspiracy theory but on conspiracy fact.

Over the past 10 years, Horowitz has become America's most controversial medical authority. A university-trained medical researcher, Horowitz, 48, charges that elements of the United States government are conspiring with major pharmaceutical companies to make large segments of the population sick. The mainstream media is reporting that hospital emergency rooms are jammed with patients suffering from a bizarre upper respiratory infection that doesn't quite seem like a virus. They are reporting that it's a "mystery" flu and that the flu vaccines are ineffective against it.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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