Reliable Answers - News and Commentary

The election news and political items featured here are intended to cause you to stop and think -- and make intelligent decisions about who will represent you. We would be remiss if we didn't take the opportunity to recommend you check out the Libertarian Party.

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." ~Albert Einstein

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August 8, 2014

In some respects, the recent admission by CIA Director John Brennan that his agents and his lawyers have been spying on the senators whose job it is to monitor the agency should come as no surprise.

The agency's job is to steal and keep secrets, and implicit in those tasks, Brennan would no doubt argue, is lying. Yet in another respect, this may very well be a smoking gun in the now substantial case against President Barack Obama that alleges that much of his official behavior has manifested lawlessness and incompetence. It is hard to believe that the president did not know about this but not hard to believe he would look the other way.

August 8, 2014

President Obama, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, unilaterally authorized "targeted" airstrikes on Iraq late last night.

But, don't worry- this doesn't mean war, according to the President. In his speech he stated, "As commander in chief, I will not allow the United States to be drawn into fighting another war in Iraq." Well, that's a relief! Especially since these "limited" and "targeted" airstrikes were not authorized by Congress.


August 7, 2014

Russian President Vladimir Putin has urged his government to come up with countermeasures to Western sanctions imposed against Russia over the Ukrainian conflict.

Putin stressed that Moscow's response should be "cautious." "Obviously we need to do it cautiously in order to support domestic manufacturers, but not hurt consumers," he said on Tuesday. The president expects the government to present a response to the sanctions as soon as possible. Putin said that the political tools of pressure being used against the Russian economy are unacceptable, stressing that they go against international rules and norms.

August 7, 2014

A government website intended to make federal spending more transparent was missing at least $619 billion from 302 federal programs, a government audit has found.

And the data that does exist is wildly inaccurate, according to the Government Accountability Office, which looked at 2012 spending data. Only 2% to 7% of spending data on is "fully consistent with agencies' records," according to the report. Among the data missing from the 6-year-old federal website...

August 7, 2014

As you may recall, back in the spring Campaign for Liberty was fined by the IRS for failing to provide information on our top donors.

After refusing to pay the fine, the IRS is now threatening to seize Campaign for Liberty's property if we do not pay up. Campaign for Liberty is preparing to fight a legal battle to not only defend our property but the rights of our donors to privacy and free speech.

August 7, 2014

A journalist recently exposed Obama's hypocrisy to his face during a press conference for criticizing Bush over power grabs.

It's no secret that President Obama has made unprecedented power grabs to draw more legislative power into the executive branch, the likes of which have never been seen thus far in American history. The president has abused executive orders to bypass Congress and create laws favoring his agenda, and is attempting to do so once again with amnesty. What makes this situation slightly comical is that when Obama was running for president, he slammed George W. Bush for attempting to bring more power into the executive branch instead of going through Congress, stating he planned on reversing that trend.

August 5, 2014

Here's a massive political social media meltdown plan to avoid.

Over the weekend you could have blinked and missed how a Democratic political operative severely damaged her career by sending a series of racially charged tweets. Kathy Groob called herself an "activist for women's rights and equality," but that didn't prevent her from launching an attack on Mitch McConnell's wife that centered on her being "Asian" and "not from Kentucky." She probably didn't expect the furor from the messages she posted as evidenced by the time it took her to delete them and apologize.

August 5, 2014

Rep. Trey Gowdy recently took a liberal law professor to task for attempting to avoid answering a very simple question about seating a biased juror at a trial.

Washington has become a mess of corruption and finding one individual who actually cares about the law and stands on principle is extremely difficult, which is why people love Gowdy. As a man of principle, and a successful attorney with zero losses, it's no wonder why he's been chosen to head up the Benghazi investigation, and why he continues to hammer on the IRS for targeting conservatives.


August 5, 2014

The sovereign citizen movement is considered the top threat for domestic terrorism, according to a survey of state, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies.

Islamist extremists and militia/patriot groups round out the top three threats to communities in the United States considered most serious by 364 officers of 175 state, local, and tribal law enforcement entities, according to a survey conducted by the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START). The survey - "Understanding Law Enforcement Intelligence Processes" - found that "52 percent of respondents agreed and 34 percent strongly agreed that sovereign citizens were a serious terrorist threat" as opposed to 39 percent of respondents who agreed and 28 percent who strongly agreed that Islamic extremists were the most serious threat.

August 5, 2014

A U.S. Navy SEAL has placed his career at risk by seeking to take on the Obama administration, speaking out against the politicization going on in the military.

Special Operations Petty Officer 1st Class Carl Higbie was disgusted by the politicization of the military that he caught a first-hand glimpse of during his time of service. Part of what enraged the young SEAL was watching fellow soldiers being killed in combat while following "obsolete," but "required" orders in Iraq, along with the treatment several of his fellow SEALS received after being accused of abusing Ahmed Hashim Abed, accusations Higbie says are false. Rather than stand by as these policies, instituted by the Obama administration and liberals in the government, continued to claim lives, Higbie decided to write a book about them, calling for more accountability for individuals in positions of leadership within the military.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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