Reliable Answers - News and Commentary

The election news and political items featured here are intended to cause you to stop and think -- and make intelligent decisions about who will represent you. We would be remiss if we didn't take the opportunity to recommend you check out the Libertarian Party.

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." ~Albert Einstein

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August 5, 2014

This young mother had her car impounded.

It was later determined that she was not the suspect they were looking for, nor was the vehicle the one they were looking for. The law requires all impounds be held a minimum of 30 days. Stockton Police sold this young woman's car before that 30 days was reached.

August 5, 2014

The Associated Press dropped a significant scoop on Tuesday afternoon, reporting that in the last several years the U.S. government's terrorism watch list has doubled.

A few minutes after the AP story, then consisting of three paragraphs, was posted at 12:32 p.m., The Intercept published a much more comprehensive article. The original article, which has since been updated and expanded, appears below. The government, it turned out, had "spoiled the scoop," an informally forbidden practice in the world of journalism. To spoil a scoop, the subject of a story, when asked for comment, tips off a different, typically friendlier outlet in the hopes of diminishing the attention the first outlet would have received. Tuesday's AP story was much friendlier to the government's position, explaining the surge of individuals added to the watch list as an ongoing response to a foiled terror plot.

August 5, 2014

Former Rep. Ron Paul is has relaunched his petition at Voices of Liberty urging clemency for NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden.

Paul writes: Mr. Snowden made headlines in late spring 2013 when he revealed in a videotaped interview with investigative journalists Glenn Greenwald and Laura Poitras that our federal government has been operating a massive spying program. The revelations have and continue to open our minds to the truth and power of our government. We are being watched and recorded. And we don't have to do anything wrong; individuals can be falsely attacked to derive suspicion...

August 5, 2014

A brutally candid video was captured and uploaded to youtube Monday of an Helmetta, NJ cop.

Steve Wronko had gone to the Helmetta Police Department with a list of objections about recent violations at the Helmetta Regional Animal Shelter. According to the Community outreach facebook page created to expose the atrocities of the shelter, Reform Helmetta Regional Animal Shelter, there is a long stemming controversy from the Helmetta Mayor, Nancy Martin. Martin also happens to be the tax collector for the City of Perth. In 2011, Martin made her son, Brandon Metz, the head of the Animal Shelter. She also appointed him to Animal Cruelty Investigator, Borough Laborer, Water Meter Reader, and Certified Recycling Co-ordinator, according to the facebook page.

August 5, 2014

After a recent meeting held by members of Cop Block, Cop Watch and the Peaceful Streets Project, in Arlington Texas, attendees were followed and harassed by police.

According to local Cop Block leader Joseph Tye, the group heard that their meetings were being monitored over their police scanner. The cops were allegedly giving descriptions of the Cop Blockers cars to one another over the radio and waited for the last two members to leave so they could follow them onto the road. The individuals who were stopped by police, were actually brand new members of Cop Block. Unfortunately they were not able to hold their ground to prevent the police from detaining one of them and giving her a field sobriety test. To detain someone without charges is illegal in many states including Texas, however, the woman driving was bullied into complying with the police orders.

August 4, 2014

Watch C4L Chairman Ron Paul's interview on C-SPAN. In the three-hour interview, Dr. Paul discusses many topics including foreign policy,  the Federal Reserve,  the RNC, and abortion.

August 4, 2014

The New York Times reported last week that New York City's pension funds were contributing $40 million to a new "affordable housing" investment pool and expecting to earn a paltry 2.75 percent return.

Gotham's comptroller, Scott Stringer (D), who oversees the city's pension funds and whose primary experience in business was running a failed bar-restaurant in Manhattan in the early 1990s, called this a "sound investment." Ultimately, taxpayers are on the hook for pension fund shortfalls-next year the city will contribute $8 billion or 11% of its budget-so "investments" of this sort are just a covert way of diverting city cash to particular causes.

August 4, 2014

A truck driver who was stopped at an apparent Border Patrol checkpoint and asked if he was a U.S. citizen is becoming an Internet star after he asked the Border Patrol agent a question of his own.

August 3, 2014

"In many of the cases we documented, there was no threat until the FBI showed up and helped turn people into terrorists."

A new report has revealed a disturbing set of tactics used in the pursuit of domestic terrorism in the USA. Among the findings was the fact that the FBI directly and repeatedly involves itself in planning a large percentage of foiled terror plots - often by convincing impressionable or mentally disabled people to join FBI plots, then arresting them. Human Rights Watch published the 214-page report, titled "Illusion of Justice: Human Rights Abuses in US Terrorism Prosecutions." It documents a number of cases which the group describes as being marred by overly-aggressive prosecution, entrapment, and draconian treatment of prisoners.

August 3, 2014

America hasn't forgotten about Operation Fast and Furious, an ATF/DOJ gunwalking scheme that set up "straw buyers" to transport "legally" purchased rifles from US gun dealers across the border to the Mexican cartels.

The entire scheme was a covert push for President Obama's anti-gun agenda, but it backfired and resulted in the murders of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and hundreds, if not thousands of innocent Mexican civilian victims. The ensuing coverup of the scandal found Obama declaring Executive Privilege over relevant documents, and Attorney General Eric Holder being held in contempt of Congress for his arrogance and uncooperative attitude.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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