Reliable Answers - News and Commentary

The election news and political items featured here are intended to cause you to stop and think -- and make intelligent decisions about who will represent you. We would be remiss if we didn't take the opportunity to recommend you check out the Libertarian Party.

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." ~Albert Einstein

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World Net Daily

by Vox Day

November 24, 2003

More than one sage has expressed an opinion that Hillary is only lying in wait, not unlike a crocodile lurking at a waterhole, before announcing an unexpected bid for the presidency. I disagree.

In my humble opinion, there are a number of reasons why the Lizard Queen will choose to sit on the sidelines in 2004.

World Net Daily (CA)

by Doug Powers

June 23, 2008

The coming election is now all about finding viable solutions for our energy problems. Just kidding it's all about excuses to drill in the region of our wallets and purses again.

Unless we can figure out a way to put caribou on our paychecks, the worst is yet to come. Barack Obama opposes a lift on the ban on oil drilling off the Florida coast. Not only because drilling would cause disruptive ripples in the water on which Obama's walking, but because he claims it would take at least 10 years...

World Net Daily (CA)

November 3, 2005

Abortion-rights activists are fiercely opposing a measure put before Californians next week on whether parents should be notified before a minor has an abortion.

A backer of the measure, Yes on 73, argues for its passage by pointing to a well-documented survey by Texas-based Life Dynamics revealing virtually all Planned Parenthood affiliates fail to report clear cases of statutory rape to authorities. Proposition 73, dubbed "The Parents' Right to Know and Child Protection Initiative," would amend the state constitution to require physicians to notify a parent or guardian 48 hours before performing an abortion on a minor.

World Net Daily (MN)

by Andy Barnett

April 6, 2008

BLAINE, Minn. -- Ron Paul supporters shook things up in at least three of Minnesota's congressional district conventions yesterday when they captured nearly all of the national delegates.

Two out of three national delegates elected were Ron Paul supporters and all three of the alternates supported Paul. After the election results were announced at the convention, they were immediately disputed when it was discovered that the candidates had agreed to support John McCain in pre-screening questions.

World Net Daily (NJ)

January 15, 2008

A second state has approved a plan that would bypass the U.S. electoral college, giving the presidency to the winner of a national popular vote.

The move came this weekend when New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine signed legislation that specifies the state's 15 electoral college votes would go to the winner of the popular vote.

World Net Daily (OH)

March 6, 2006

A Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate in Ohio wants to make homosexual behavior a capital crime punishable by the death penalty.

"Just like we have laws against murder, we have laws against stealing, we have laws against taking drugs - we should have laws against immoral conduct," Keiser told WTOL-TV in Toledo. Keiser, 61, says he's running as a Democrat because that's how he was registered the last time he voted.

World Net Daily (OR)

November 3, 2005

A group of Oregonians incensed by the decision of a circuit court judge to strike down a state-wide voter-approved measure protecting property rights have launched a recall campaign to oust her from office.

On Oct. 14, Judge Mary M. James of Marion County ruled Measure 37, approved overwhelmingly by voters last year, is unconstitutional. Her action has angered property-rights advocates and others across the state.

World Net Daily - Groveland, CA

by Barbara Simpson

June 8, 2009

I love the way the Left falls back on cliches when it detects the spirit of democracy is raising its powerful head. You've heard it: "They're like peasants at the gates with pitchforks!"

Usually, the protesting citizens are adults who know the civic ropes, but in rural northern California, the protesters were high school kids. They were angry with an abusive school superintendent and school board and decided to make changes.

World Socialist Web Site (CA)

by Andrea Peters

November 7, 2005

When California voters go to the polls November 8 for the state's special election, they will be confronted with a series of right-wing measures.

The majority of the eight initiatives on the ballot are aimed at further eroding the living standards and democratic [democratic-republic] rights of working people. None of the initiatives that voters will be asked to decide on express the concerns and needs of ordinary people in California.


December 14, 2007

Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee told the Christian Broadcasting Network he had a theology degree, he told voters in Iowa he had a theology degree...

He repeated the claim in last month's CNN YouTube debate ... but, his campaign now says, it was not true. Huckabee's claim began unraveling following his offhanded comment about Mormonism in a New York Times interview last weekend.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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