Reliable Answers - News and Commentary

The election news and political items featured here are intended to cause you to stop and think -- and make intelligent decisions about who will represent you. We would be remiss if we didn't take the opportunity to recommend you check out the Libertarian Party.

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." ~Albert Einstein

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June 14, 2012

A draft agreement leaked Wednesday shows the Obama administration is pushing a secretive trade agreement that could vastly expand corporate power and directly contradict a 2008 campaign promise by President Obama.

A U.S. proposal for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade pact between the United States and eight Pacific nations would allow foreign corporations operating in the U.S. to appeal key regulations to an international tribunal. The body would have the power to override U.S. law and issue penalties for failure to comply with its ruling. We speak to Lori Wallach, director of Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch, a fair trade group that posted the leaked documents on its website. "This is not just a bad trade agreement," Wallach says. "This is a 1% power tool that could rip up our basic needs and rights."

May 10, 2012

Fake cops rob a family in Detroit.

by Marklegg87

May 1, 2012

"Conspiracy of Silence" is a powerful, disturbing documentary revealing a nationwide child abuse and pedophilia ring that leads to the highest levels of government.

Featuring intrepid investigator John DeCamp, a highly decorated Vietnam war veteran and 16-year Nebraska state senator, "Conspiracy of Silence" reveals how rogue elements at all levels of government have been involved in systematic child abuse and pedophilia to feed the base desires of key politicians....Check this out! Based on DeCamp's riveting book, The Franklin Cover-up, "Conspiracy of Silence" begins with the shut-down of Nebraska's Franklin Community Federal Credit Union after a raid by federal agencies in November 1988 revealed that $40 million was missing. When the Nebraska legislature launched a probe into the affair, what initially looked like a financial swindle soon exploded into a startling tale of drugs, money laundering, and a nationwide child abuse ring. Nineteen months later, the legislative committee's chief investigator died suddenly and violently, like more than a dozen other people linked to the Franklin case.

by Learn Liberty

April 9, 2012

The minimum wage sounds nice on the surface: workers earning $8 per hour would certainly be better off if they were earning $12 per hour instead.

But economics professor Antony Davies explains that this view of the minimum wage overlooks an important detail: The minimum wage does not force employers to pay a particular wage to every worker; it forces employers to pay a particular wage to every worker they choose to keep. While the minimum wage may be well-intentioned public policy, it often huts the very workers most in need of our help.

March 13, 2012

Suppressing free speech? President Obama signs anti-protest bill.

Judge Napalitano discusses HR347, which gives the federal government sole authority to determine if free speech is allowed whenever they're present.

February 9, 2012

Sally Coomer is a homecare worker of her disabled adult daughter in Duvall, Washington. Under current law, she is forced to become a member of the SEIU.

by Ronpaul2008dotcom

January 14, 2012

We have now institutionalized and codified martial law. See how Mitt Romney and Ron Paul each address the NDAA.

by Iraqveteran8888

November 14, 2011

In 2008, the youth vote was overwhelmingly for Obama and helped elect him to the White House.

Now, three years into his presidency and one year from the most important election of our lives, college students are thinking twice before voting for Obama again.

by Spirituallysmartxcom

October 4, 2011

Clinton Eugene Curtis, a computer programmer from Florida, testified before a congressional panel that there are computer programs that can be used to secret...

by ForAmericaInc

April 28, 2011

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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