Reliable Answers - News and Commentary

The election news and political items featured here are intended to cause you to stop and think -- and make intelligent decisions about who will represent you. We would be remiss if we didn't take the opportunity to recommend you check out the Libertarian Party.

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." ~Albert Einstein

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by Erica Fink and Laurie Segall

June 28, 2013

Your child's school knows just about everything about your kid. Now, many school districts are storing all that information in the cloud. InBloom, a cloud-based database system for schools, is storing students' data on their servers.

Non-profit inBloom offers an Internet database service that allows schools to store, track and analyze data on schoolchildren. If you think about it, that information is more than just test scores. It's whether kids receive free lunch -- a telling indicator of the family's finances. It's the time a student got into a fight in the schoolyard. And it could be a child's prescription medication. The upshot of storing all that data in one location is that it can be used to tailor specific curricula to each child. If Johnny's data suggests that he's a tactile learner and he's failing math, inBloom's analytic engine might suggest a particular teaching approach.

Michelle Malkin

by Doug Powers

August 15, 2012

Yesterday Joe forgot which state he was in. Not to be outdone, today in Virginia he forgot what century he's in.

September 9, 2013

A kind of politics we have not seen for more than 150 years

Two big examples of problematic self-government are upon us. They are of course the possible partial shutdown of the federal government, following the long-running hamstringing of public functions via "the sequester"; and a possible vote not to raise the federal debt ceiling, which would create the prospect of a default on U.S. Treasury debt. The details are complicated, but please don't lose sight of these three essential points: Now a few details:

Michelle Malkin

by Michelle Malkin

February 3, 2012

If it's Friday, it's another White House dump day. Cue the dump truck horn: Doot! Doot! Doot!

While Obama sycophants are busy trumpeting deceptive jobs numbers, the administration is quietly moving forward with job-killing Obamacare regs and taxes. The IRS today released rules to impose the $20 billion Obamacare medical device tax scheduled to take effect next year. At a time when the White House is touting its government initiatives to champion "innovation," the Obamacare innovation tax on medical device/diagnostic manufacturers will kill an estimated 43,000 jobs.

Michelle Malkin

by Michelle Malkin

December 12, 2011

Here we go again. You remember where the "Day of Rage" 2011 festivities first broke out earlier this fall, don't you?

Unionized longshoremen stormed the port there and took a half-dozen guards hostage in early September. They damaged railroad cars and dumped grain, smashed windows, cut brake lines, and blocked a train for hours while the ILWU and AFL-CIO cheered them on. Despite violating a judicial restraining order and committing systematically planned sabotage and trespassing, most of the thugs got away with wrist slaps. The International Longshore and Warehouse Union received a $250,000 fine to cover damages from the vandalism. One of the mobsters arrested was this unhinged ILWU guy, who threatened to beat up KGW reporters...

Michelle Malkin

by Michelle Malkin

July 18, 2012

Obama campaign adviser David Axelrod and his hatchet people are still yammering about GOP presidential rival Mitt Romney's overseas investments.

It's time for the Romney campaign to educate voters about all the shady financial institutions embraced by Democrats right here on American soil. The fat-cat narrative attacks on Republicans won't go away by making nice with the White House - or by relying on Beltway journalists to drop their double standards and vet the president's own bad bank entanglements. Indeed, The New York Times admitted this week that their staff and other political journalists from every major media outlet submit their work to the White House for unprecedented review, editing and "veto power." Fortunately, the truth manipulators and message massagers haven't gotten to this column yet. So, let's talk sleazy Democratic Party-backed banks, shall we?

Personal Liberty Alerts

by Tim Young

December 3, 2012

Have you been paying attention to the news lately? Have you seen where your rights are being flushed down the toilet on a daily basis? I feel like we were safe for a few moments after 9/11.

The government started to look into conversations and into computers where they had never poked their noses before. Don't get me wrong. As you read on, you'll see that I don't like people snooping on me because, in the end, I want my privacy respected. But at the beginning of all of this, I thought it was OK. Like many of you, I wanted terrorists caught by any means possible. I wanted those punks who wanted to destroy America to be found. If that meant wiretapping and all sorts of other ways of spying on our people, then so be it. The problem is that something went wrong - very wrong.

Hot Air

by Jazz Shaw

September 5, 2011

In an era where virtually every phone is a combination audio recorder, still shot and video camera, one disturbing trend of late has been the increasing habit of police to arrest citizens who record their activities in the public square.

Glenn Reynolds, in the Examiner, goes on to detail the additional case of Simon Glik in Massachusetts, who recently won an appeal in the United States Court of Appeals For The First Circuit. Mr. Glik was arrested for videotaping police in the act of detaining a suspect on a public street and subsequently charged with "wiretapping." I should say up front that I'm pretty much always a big supporter of the police, having had more than a few of them in our family. But when they conduct their business out in public, they are held to a high standard. If they are dong their jobs properly, they should have nothing to fear from the scrutiny of the rest of the citizens.

Hot Air

by Allahpundit

September 20, 2012

Let me recycle a few lines from the post on Martin Dempsey phoning Terry Jones because this is where I think we're headed, at least as long as American troops are stationed in large numbers in the Middle East:

"Loyola's right that military leaders phoning citizens to ask them to pipe down for the sake of the troops sets a bad precedent. If more copycats do emerge, will Dempsey phone all of them? Will the Pentagon set up a special phone bank for officers to phone critics of Islam and let them know that they're hurting national security by giving fundie nuts a pretext to make trouble? If we're going down this road, let's just establish a PR bureau inside the Defense Department to issue official statements of patriotic disapproval anytime a U.S. citizen says something that's unhelpful to the wider strategy in the Middle East."

Hot Air

by Tina Korbe

June 20, 2011

Remember those taxpayer-funded commercials with kindly Andy Griffith - the ones that promoted the ways the so-unaptly-titled Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act supposedly strengthens Medicare?

Donald Berwick, director of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, says these ads are fundamentally different than the Andy Griffith ads, even though they also use taxpayer funding to tout the still-highly-controversial law. "Everyone is interested in prevention," he said. "I don't think this is a partisan issue." But even if that's true - that most people recognize preemptive care goes a long way to lower costs - does that mean it's the federal government's responsibility to provide, advertise and urge preventive services on the public?

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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