Reliable Answers - News and Commentary

The election news and political items featured here are intended to cause you to stop and think -- and make intelligent decisions about who will represent you. We would be remiss if we didn't take the opportunity to recommend you check out the Libertarian Party.

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." ~Albert Einstein

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by Melissa Quinn

October 30, 2015

Less than five days after it was introduced, the Senate passed the 144-page, two-year budget deal that suspends the debt limit until March 2017 and raises spending caps.

The Senate passed the budget deal, 64-35, just after 3 a.m. on Friday. Thirty-five Republican senators opposed the deal, though it was not enough to stop the bill from heading to President Obama's desk.

by Christina Sarich

October 24, 2015

Still think GMOs and their non-GMO counterparts are equivalent? Think again. Unlike GM corn, non-GMO corn doesn't cause sterility.

A new study released by Egyptian scientists found that rats fed a GMO diet suffer from infertility, among other health issues. Researchers from the Food Technology Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Anatomy and Embryology, and Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt, have found that several unsavory changes occur when rats were fed GM corn.

by Jade McDowell

October 20, 2015

Longtime homeless camps in Umatilla and Hermiston have been cleaned out in recent weeks.

It used to be a community of sorts, a haven for some of Umatilla's most down and out. Now the stretch of woods along the Umatilla River between the high school and River Road is quiet. The improvised homeless camp that used to be nestled against the river banks is gone. In its place is a red and white sign proclaiming "No camping," the "N" defiantly whited out.

October 16, 2015

California officials are considering allowing inmates with violent backgrounds to work outside prison walls fighting wildfires, and the idea is generating concerns about public safety.

The state has the nation's largest and oldest inmate firefighting unit, with about 3,800 members who provide critical assistance to professional firefighters. That's down from about 4,400 in previous years, however, and so prison officials are looking for ways to add inmates.

by Joel Grover and Matthew Glasser

October 13, 2015

The U.S. government secretly allowed radiation from a damaged reactor to be released into air over the San Fernando and Simi valleys in the wake of a major nuclear meltdown in Southern California.

More than 50 years ago - fallout that nearby residents contend continues to cause serious health consequences and, in some cases, death. Founded in 1947 to test experimental nuclear reactors and rocket systems, the research facility was built in the hills above the two valleys. In 1959, Area Four was the site of one of the worst nuclear accidents in U.S. history. But the federal government still hasn't told the public that radiation was released into the atmosphere as a result of the partial nuclear meltdown.

October 6, 2015

Two years ago, the Johnsons wanted to build a small pond in their front yard. They got their plan approved by the state, and used the pond to provide water for their animals. They thought it was a beautiful addition to the dry landscape.

The Obama administration is seizing new authority to control what it calls Waters of the United States. This includes things like irrigation ditches, isolated ponds - even low points in the landscape where water might collect after a heavy rain. The consequences of this new federal authority will be severe.

by Lisa Aliferis

October 6, 2015

The U.S. Supreme Court will not hear a challenge to a requirement in NY state that all children be vaccinated before they can attend public school. The justices on Monday let stand lower court rulings that the policy does not violate the constitution.

This decision matters in California, where a new law passed this summer requires virtually all schoolchildren to be vaccinated against a range of diseases in order to attend school. The high court's move means that potential challenges to the California law are "not likely to succeed," Prof. Dorit Reiss, a vaccine law expert at UC Hastings College of the Law in San Francisco, told KQED.

by Los Angeles Times

October 5, 2015

Caught between conflicting moral arguments, Gov. Jerry Brown, a former Jesuit seminary student, signed a measure Monday allowing physicians to prescribe lethal doses of drugs to terminally ill patients who want to hasten their deaths.

"In the end, I was left to reflect on what I would want in the face of my own death," Brown wrote in a signing message. "I do not know what I would do if I were dying in prolonged and excruciating pain. I am certain, however, that it would be a comfort to be able to consider the options afforded by this bill. And I wouldn't deny that right to others."

by Nick Janes

September 22, 2015

There is a growing, underground movement of people who believe California's drought is part of a government conspiracy instead of a naturally occurring event from a lack of rain during the last four years.

The movement's leader, Dane Wigington, says he's putting his life on the line to reveal a truth that will shake society to its core. From the outside, it's clear the hundreds showing up beat to a different drum. But stepping inside a packed Redding auditorium is like walking into another world. Outlandish ideas like weather warfare and climate engineering-in other words, weather control-are accepted as basic fact.

CNS News

by Charlie Daniels

August 26, 2015

I am a proud American who believes that America has held - and still holds - a very sensitive and special place in the affairs of mankind on Planet Earth. I believe that America has been divinely blessed and protected in our two centuries.

The history of this nation is written in the blood and courage of men who stood in the face of overwhelming odds - politicians, soldiers, statesmen and ordinary citizens who sought to do the right thing regardless of the cost or the consequences. Well, ladies and gentlemen of the United States Congress, it seems that that particular pen has run out of ink. The courageous politicians that once championed this nation have been replaced, for the most part, by a breed of milksop, politically correct, scared of their own shadow, pushover, pathetic excuses for public servants who are supposed to be representing a constituency of citizens who have to live with the circumstances of their timid folly.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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