At a time when many are drowning in their own personal financial crisis, along comes a much-needed book, filled with smart, common sense advice that throws them a lifeline!
"IF I'M SO SMART... WHERE DID ALL MY MONEY GO?" by renowned venture capitalist Doug Warshauer, takes a different approach to getting on solid financial ground in order to achieve lasting wealth...
Chicago, IL, August 25, 2010 — These tough economic times have people wondering why they can't seem to make ends meet, why they aren't able to put money into savings, and how they are going to save for retirement or a college education for their children. While many people have good salaries and the nice cars and beautiful homes that go with it, they still cannot set aside money for savings or an investment account.
The current financial crisis has fascinated Doug Warshauer. On his website, he comments: "Of the crisis' many causes, the cumulative influence of millions of people's poor personal financial decisions stands out. Why did so many people buy homes they couldn't afford and finance those purchases with mortgages they couldn't pay?
The massive amount of debt that people accumulated does not mean that Americans are stupid or greedy, or that they cannot defer gratification. It reflects the fact that people have substantial conflicting financial objectives and they do not know how to balance them all."
In his new book, "IF I'M SO SMART... WHERE DID ALL MY MONEY GO?" (September, 2010, $14.35), author Doug Warshauer takes a unique approach in sharing his principles for getting on solid financial ground. Through the use of a fictional story, Doug presents ten different individuals going through financial struggles of varying degrees, who are attending a financial seminar and learning where they have gone wrong, what they need to fix, and how they can start saving and investing.
"IF I'M SO SMART... WHERE DID ALL MY MONEY GO?" offers specifics that enable anyone to learn how to establish financial stability. Author Doug Warshauer explains, in a no-nonsense approach, exactly what families, individuals and seniors should be budgeting or spending each month on their various expenses, beginning with the largest and most prominent — the home and the automobile. He goes on to discuss which expenses should be reviewed next and how to keep these expenses in line.
Many of the current books in the marketplace today offer conventional advice but avoid the tough questions about how to balance conflicting demands like credit cards, retirement investments, mortgages, college funds, insurance and living expenses. This approach results in record levels of personal debt and home foreclosures, leaving people in desperate need of actionable financial advice.
At the end of "If I'm So Smart, Where Did All My Money Go?" the author provides worksheets and tables that further aid readers in their plans, as well as numerous complementary, printable forms and downloadable spreadsheets that help build a Lifetime Financial Plan. These are free on his website at:
Doug Warshauer lives in the Chicago area, is the founder of Kessler Warshauer Ventures — a highly successful, private equity investment firm through which he invests directly in a variety of small, burgeoning businesses. He developed the techniques presented in this book by modeling the prospects of hundreds of businesses.
Here, for the first time ever, he makes these techniques available to families to help them better manage their money and survive these dire economic times. Doug holds an MBA from the Kellogg School of Management, an MA from New York University, and a BA from the University of California, Berkeley. Follow along each week to learn Doug's financial strategies and to ask questions on his blog at