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by Jim Hu

January 16, 2005

Continuing cable's tactic of fighting DSL on speed, not price, Comcast hikes data rates by a third.

Comcast will raise its broadband Internet speeds by at least a third later this year--part of its effort to fend off DSL rivals. With Baby Bell local phone providers making inroads with cheaper but slower DSL service, Comcast and other cable companies hope to fight on speed rather than price. Comcast's faster service, added at no extra cost to customers, will begin rolling out this quarter, the company announced on Sunday.

Stop The Drug War

January 14, 2005

For nearly 20 years, federal judges have been sentencing defendants to sentences beyond the statutory maximum based on findings of fact never considered by a jury.

Under sentencing laws adopted as "reforms" in the 1980s, judges could use a lower standard of proof than required to convict defendants to find that they had, for example, trafficked in a certain quantity of drugs or embezzled a certain amount of money, and use those findings to add years to their sentences. In part because of the federal sentencing guidelines scheme, in the intervening period federal prison populations have swollen dramatically, with a majority of those prisoners being drug offenders.


by Chris Summers

January 14, 2005

Convicted sex offenders may undergo polygraph tests to put them off contacting children when they get out of prison.

Imagine the Pentagon equipped with a machine which can read minds. Sound like the plot of a Hollywood thriller' Well, it might not be that far away. The US Department of Defense has given Dr Jennifer Vendemia a $5m grant to work on her theory that by monitoring brainwaves she can detect whether someone is lying.

Independent Media TV

by Amit Srivastava

January 13, 2005

On January 15, 2005, over a thousand people are expected to take part in blockading the entrance to Coca-Cola's single largest bottling plant in India - in Plachimada, Kerala - to demand that the bottling plant shut down permanently.

In Plachimada, Coca-Cola is guilty of creating severe water shortages for the communities in the vicinity, polluting the groundwater and soil, and also distributing toxic waste as fertilizer to farmers in the area. The combination of water scarcity and pollution of land and groundwater in the area have had a dramatic impact on the largely agricultural based community.

Lew Rockwell

by Ron Paul - Before the US House of Representatives International Relations Committee

January 12, 2005

Mr. Speaker, today I introduce the Identity Theft Prevention Act. This act protects the American people from government-mandated uniform identifiers that facilitate private crime as well as the abuse of liberty.

The major provision of the Identity Theft Prevention Act halts the practice of using the Social Security number as an identifier by requiring the Social Security Administration to issue all Americans new Social Security numbers within five years after the enactment of the bill. These new numbers will be the sole legal property of the recipient, and the Social Security administration shall be forbidden to divulge the numbers for any purposes not related to Social Security administration. Social Security numbers issued before implementation of this bill shall no longer be considered valid federal identifiers.

Boston Globe (MA)

by Eileen McNamara

January 9, 2005

Last week, law enforcement authorities began trawling for a break in the unsolved three-year-old slaying of Christa Worthington by seeking to test the DNA of men who live in Truro, the small town where the 46-year-old fashion writer was slain.

The aim of the ongoing mass saliva swabs is to trace semen found on Worthington's body. As Michael O'Keefe, the district attorney of the Cape and Islands, is quick to say, there is nothing illegal about such an indiscriminate approach to DNA testing, as long as the samples are surrendered voluntarily.

Deseret Morning News

by Valerie Phillips

January 5, 2005

Farmers today can raise corn with a built-in pesticide, soybeans that thrive when sprayed with weed killer and squash that resist viruses. Some say they're biotechnological wonders. Critics call them "Frankenfoods."

Should you worry if your food is swimming in the gene pool' Opinions were mixed among a group of experts who spoke at a daylong biotechnology conference for the Association of Food Journalists last October in Puerto Rico. But most agreed that the products should be labeled so the public can decide if they want to use them or not.

by Jennifer Coleman

December 29, 2004

Despite predictions of another dire budget year, California's superintendent of public instruction said Wednesday that he's making universal preschool for 4-year-olds a priority in 2005.

At a press conference at an empty Elk Grove high school, Jack O'Connell laid out his priorities for the coming year and recapped public school successes in 2004 - a list that didn't include mention of test scores, which he had earlier characterized as unacceptable.


by Scott A. Hodes

December 27, 2004

Disclosure laws like the Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA") and state public record laws are designed for the purpose of allowing citizens know what is going on in their government.

The PCAOB is not subject to the FOIA. It was created as a private sector, non-profit corporation. While it commonly posts reports and other information on its website, the PCAOB doesn’t have to worry about pesky FOIA requests seeking to truly know what it is doing with its power. It can operate in the dark without sunshine.


December 26, 2004

Based on alleged secret European military reports, the U.S. military in Iraq is harvesting and selling human organs.

Secret European military intelligence reports indicate the transformation of the American humanitarian mission in Iraq into a profitable trade in the American markets through the practice of American physicians extracting human organs from the dead and wounded, before they are put to death, for sale to medical centers in America.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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