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by Andrew Soell

December 20, 2000

Susette Kelo dreamed of owning a home that looked out over the water.

She purchased and lovingly restored her little pink house where the Thames River meets the Long Island Sound in 1997, and had enjoyed the great view from its windows. The Dery family, up the street from Susette, had lived in Fort Trumbull since 1895; Matt Dery and his family lived next door to his mother and father. Matt's mother was born in her house in 1918 and had never lived anywhere else. The richness and vibrancy of this neighborhood reflected the American ideal of community and the dream of homeownership. Tragically, the City of New London turned that dream into a nightmare.

by Abc News

October 6, 2000

A 61-year-old man was shot to death by police while his wife was handcuffed in another room during a drug raid on the wrong house.

Police admitted their mistake, saying faulty information from a drug informant contributed to the death of John Adams Wednesday night. They intended to raid the home next door. The two officers, 25-year-old Kyle Shedran and 24-year-old Greg Day, were placed on administrative leave with pay. "They need to get rid of those men, boys with toys," said Adams' 70-year-old widow, Loraine.

January 1, 2000

Important Message to All Raw Milk Producers and Consumers:

The Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF) protects your right to provide and obtain raw milk. All raw milk producers should be members of the FTCLDF and we strongly encourage all raw milk consumers to help protect their access to raw milk by becoming consumer members as well.

February 2, 1999

Public Law 95-79, Title VIII, Sec. 808, July 30, 1977, "The Secretary of Defense [may] conduct tests and experiments involving the use of chemical and biological [warfare] agents on civilian populations [within the United States]."

Veterans of the previous war for oil in the mid east are still struggling with the after effects of vaccinations they were required to undergo; vaccinations which have been found to have included at least one drug which has not passed FDA approval for use on humans. Think that government holding that needle has any respect for your life and well-being? The following list comes from declassified documents, news reports, videos, the National Archives, and from the final report of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments.

BBC News (UK)

December 24, 1998

Norad has been monitoring Santa's progress on Christmas Eve since the 1950s, but this year's satellite-to-Internet link-up is bringing the latest technological tools to Santa watchers.

Major Jamie Robertson on calls to Santa at the Combat Operations Centre It all began thanks to a misprint. An advertisement for a local store in Colorado Springs, home to Norad, invited children to call Santa on a special hotline. The misprint meant that the hotline they called was that of Colonel Harry Shoup, Norad's Director of Operations.

by Dwight R. Lee

December 11, 1998

Legislating a Minimum Wage Creates Unemployment

Last month I discussed the distorting effects of government-imposed price ceilings. Not content to limit the disruptive impact on economic decisions to price ceilings, governments are also quite willing to impose floors under which prices cannot legally fall. Like price ceilings, price floors disrupt market cooperation and have consequences quite different from those advertised by their advocates. Before considering an example of price floors-minimum wages-let's examine the problem in general terms.

The American Spectator

by William Tucker

July 2, 1998

Bill Gates and Microsoft have committed the crime of understanding the Information Age better than anyone else.

Now the Reno Justice Department has joined forces with Gates's competitors to teach him a lesson, ignoring what his brilliant career could teach them. On May 18, the Department of Justice filed an anti-trust suit against Microsoft Corporation, charging it with anti-trust violations in promoting its Internet Explorer over rival Internet browser Netscape. Simultaneously, attorneys general from 20 states filed companion suits on almost identical grounds.

by Shawn Vestal

September 26, 1995

In April 1987, twin sisters were born to a family living in rural Stevens County. The following November, a brother was born.

Even before that time, the state agency charged with protecting Washington's children knew that their mother had "a founded history of abusing and neglecting her other children," according to a lawsuit the state recently settled.

by Growing Strong Enough

August 25, 1995

You've probably heard a million times that there is no such thing as a stupid question. I've pretty much made a career of blowing this theory out of the water.

Answering questions about our homeschooling lifestyle, we have to recognize that there is a difference between "stupid" and "ignorant" and respond to questions accordingly: IGNORANT is when you act stupid because you don't know any better. STUPID is when you know better but act ignorant anyway. With the above observation as our ground rule, let's review some of the Frequently Questioned Answers which homeschoolers encounter in our everyday lives.

by Hans F. Sennholz

March 11, 1995

Minimum Wage Laws Raise Barriers to Employment

Few economic laws, if any, are more malicious and malignant than minimum wage laws. They prohibit workers from accepting employment unless they are paid at least the minimum. They order employers to use only workers who qualify for the minimum and reject all others. The laws erect a hurdle over which all American workers are forced to jump.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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