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November 29, 2017

For numerous health issues, some plants are considered to cause miracles, because they can fight some issues like they're a joke. These plants were given to mankind by Mother Nature, and they truly are beneficial for pharmaceuticals.

Put the water in a pot, and put the pot on heat. As soon as the water starts to boil, put the leaves inside. Leave the leaves inside to cook for a few minutes. Then remove it from heat, put a cover on it and let it cool down. Train it and then add some honey to sweeten it.

September 16, 2017

Megan Finlan and Stephen Bauer, foster parents who admitted to withholding food from an 8-year-old boy as punishment, were sentenced to 5-10 years in jail after pleading no contest to five counts of negligent child abuse in July.

The boy, Camron, weighed as little as 32 pounds at age 8 and he in November of 2015, staff at Florence Elementary reported that he was underweight. The boy would also eat food out of the trash at school.

September 14, 2017

Scoliosis is an intricate disease. Experts still don't know what causes 80% of scoliosis cases, and there is no cure. But there's still hope! There are proven methods to treat scoliosis and reduce its symptoms.

Traditional chiropractic treatment applies a general approach, similar to what the chiropractor would do for any other patient experiencing back problems. However, if the chiropractor is not practiced in scoliosis and familiar with its intricacies, traditional chiropractic treatment is unlikely to have much of an effect on the Cobb angle. This method is only recommended for patients over the age of 13 with very small Cobb angles of 20 degrees or less. Traditional treatment can be useful for relieving pain, but not for physically straightening the Cobb angle in scoliosis patients.

September 1, 2017

A white nationalist rally that turned violent in Charlottesville, Va., on Aug. 12 brought renewed attention to dozens of Confederate monuments around the country.

Many government officials, including Representative Nancy Pelosi of California, the House Democratic leader, have called to remove statues, markers and other monuments that celebrate controversial Civil War era figures from public grounds. There are likely hundreds of such monuments in the United States.

September 1, 2017

I'm interested in getting a new tattoo, but recently found out that red tattoo ink contains mercury. Is this true of other tattoo inks as well? Are there any ecofriendly alternatives?

It is true that some red inks used for permanent tattoos contain mercury, while other reds may contain different heavy metals like cadmium or iron oxide. These metals-which give the tattoo its "permanence" in skin-have been known to cause allergic reactions, eczema and scarring and can also cause sensitivity to mercury from other sources like dental fillings or consuming some fish. While red causes the most problems, most other colors of standard tattoo ink are also derived from heavy metals (including lead, antimony, beryllium, chromium, cobalt nickel and arsenic) and can cause skin reactions in some people.

August 26, 2017

The use of antibiotics has reached its peak. The reason for that is the drug-resistant bacterium which thrive faster than the experts find out a way to destroy them.

Before the occurrence of the antibiotics in 1940, the herbs and foods helped in the fight against bacteria and infections, many of which still exist as a holistic healer. Our predecessors used natural solutions instead of antibiotics for treatment of illnesses.

July 26, 2017

Sinusitis is an infection of the sinus cavities that can result in mucus build-up and pain. Try these sinus infection natural remedies for fast healing!

About 35 million Americans suffer from a sinus infection or sinusitis every year. Sinusitis is an inflammation, or swelling, of the tissue lining the sinuses that leads to an infection. It can result in mucus build-up and pain. If you've ever experienced a sinus infection, then you know just how unpleasant it can be - much worse than a stuffy nose.

July 24, 2017

According to a press release on Alexis Bortell's Facebook page, the 11-year-old is suing the federal government. Alexis Bortell is a self-proclaimed medical marijuana advocate who was born and raised in North Texas before moving to Colorado.

"Most Texas Legislators don't seem to care enough to fight for patients, so I will do it," Bortell said. "I am only asking to be treated like everyone else and no one is listening to patients like me. Maybe now they will." Her hope with this suit is to have medical cannabis reclassified.

July 21, 2017

The truth about the healing powers of cannabis is starting to see the light of the day in many parts of the world.

Cannabis or better known as marijuana has been used as a remedy for many centuries. Today, it is known that the reason lies in the compounds found in cannabis called cannabinoids. Some of them are psychoactive and act on the brain by changing mood or consciousness. They can be taken by mouth, inhaled, or sprayed under the tongue.

June 23, 2017

You may have seen the news late last week about the latest "Presidential Advisory" on dietary fats released from the American Heart Association (AHA) published online in Circulation.

The American Heart Association was founded by a group of cardiologists in 1924. Its purpose is to fight heart disease and stroke by funding research, promoting certain public health policies, and providing education to the public. With heart disease being the leading cause of death in the United States, this is clearly important work, but their effectiveness is clouded by politics and a questionable interpretation of science. They have repeatedly promoted the replacement of saturated fat with omega-6 (inflammatory) polyunsaturated fats in order to reduce heart disease risk, a recommendation that simply has not been supported by current research.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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