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by Abigail Hess

April 28, 2020

Some students are deciding if it is financially prudent to temporarily, or permanently, drop out of college as coronavirus has moved classes online.

Colleges around the world have closed their doors and moved their classes online to stem the spread of coronavirus. An overwhelming majority of students agree with public health officials that canceling in-person classes is an important part of social distancing and containing the virus, but that doesn't mean they are prepared to invest the same amount of time and money on a different educational experience.

by Matt Agorist

April 28, 2020

Shelby Twp, MI -- A medical clinic in Michigan was raided this month because they were giving essential workers high dose vitamin C IVs, some of them for free.

FBI agents in hazmat suits, equipped with respirators, raided a medical clinic last week after a doctor reportedly gave high dose vitamin C to essential workers who may be exposed to COVID-19. Though no arrests have been made, the FBI said they are looking at evidence to find out more information about the vitamin C treatments.

by Tim Hains

April 26, 2020

Bakersfield, California -- Co-owners of a chain of Accelerated Urgent Care facilities, say that after conducting more than 5,000 coronavirus tests they have come to the conclusion that COVID-19 is no more dangerous than a normal seasonal flu.

Quarantines are not making any difference in preventing its spread. Erickson said at a press conference last week that businesses should begin to re-open and people should begin to go back to work. He said coronavirus and the seasonal flu are "similar in their prevalence and death rates," and "now that we have the facts, it's time to get back to work."

July 10, 2019

Learn the fascinating science behind the benefits of raising your body frequency through essential oils, the organic substances with the highest frequencies known to humanity.

Do you remember those lessons from the early days of your science classes where you learned that everything is made up of energy? It's a weird concept, but we now conclusively understand that at the smallest level of our reality, everything is ultimately made of molecules. Not just molecules, but molecules in motion. This idea is often explained to students by using the example of a table-it looks solid to us, but it's really made up of virtually countless molecules vibrating with life and frequency.

by R. Cort Kirkwood

May 16, 2019

Just 13 percent of Americans are aware of the human tsunami at the border, reported, citing a Harvard-Harris poll.

Americans likely don't know the government is dumping thousands of impoverished, and sometimes diseased, "migrants" into their communities, or that local officials are diverting local tax dollars to help pay for it, as the governor of New Mexico did on Sunday. New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, the Denver Post reported, spent $4,000 of public money to ship 55 Central American illegals to Denver. Why ship them north?

by Tom Deweese

April 28, 2019

For twenty years I have been labeled a conspiracy theorist, scaremonger, extremist, dangerous, nut case. I've been denied access to stages, major news programs, and awarded tin foil hats.

Section I details "Social and Economic Dimensions" of the plan, including redistribution of wealth to eradicate poverty, maintain health through vaccinations and modern medicine, and population control. To introduce the plan, the Earth Summit Chairman, Maurice Strong boldly proclaimed, "Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class - involving meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air-conditioning, and suburban housing - are not sustainable." Of course, according to the plan, if it's not "sustainable" it must be stopped. In support of the plan, David Brower of the Sierra Club (one of the NGO authors of the agenda) said, "Childbearing should be a punishable crime against society, unless the parents hold a government license." Leading environmental groups advocated that the Earth could only support a maximum of one billion people, leading famed Dr. Jacques Cousteau to declare, "In order to stabilize world populations, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day."

by Attempting to Convince Them That the Trails (long Or Short) Coming From Jets in the Sky Are

April 20, 2019

Monday morning, March 14th, 2011 just after midnight, I began to have intense pain in my heart. By 12:15 am, I was on the floor on my knees in pain, hyperventilating, with tears streaming down my face.

I was feeling quite a bit better but still had some heart pain, so I figured I'd tell the EMT about chemtrails. I really wanted to see what his reaction would be because I know that my heart issues were caused by them. When they spray the skies, my heart hurts and I experience arrhythmia. When the sky clears, my heart slows down and all of the pain goes away, not to mention the myriad of other issues that chemtrails cause me to suffer with. Ambulance, InsideFor the next 10 minutes, I calmly and methodically recounted my experience with chemtrails; how I saw them, smelled them, tasted them, and how all of my health issues correlated with them. I spoke in a calm, matter-of-fact way; the way you would expect an eye witness to speak when they had witnessed a crime.

by Geraldine Perry

April 4, 2019

Seemingly overnight, the Green New Deal has arrived. Given the sorry state of our environment, what possible objections could there be? In this case, plenty - and they all trace back to the Green New Deal's deeply complex and surreptitious ties to...

Those who claim that Agenda 21 amounts to little more than a right-wing rant or is somehow anti-Semitic are at best seriously misinformed. Those who buy into the carefully crafted jargon of Sustainable Development, Smart Growth, Redevelopment and the Green New Deal are similarly misinformed and need to know that the environmental movement has in fact been highjacked by the Agenda 21 plan.

by Makena Kelly

April 3, 2019

The Corporate Executive Accountability Act is yet another push from Sen. Elizabeth Warren who has focused much of her presidential campaign on holding corporations and their leaders accountable for both their power and perceived corruption.

"When a criminal on the street steals money from your wallet, they go to jail. When small-business owners cheat their customers, they go to jail," Warren wrote in a Washington Post op-ed published on Wednesday morning. "But when corporate executives at big companies oversee huge frauds that hurt tens of thousands of people, they often get to walk away with multimillion-dollar payouts."

by Chris Welch

April 3, 2019

Google has officially started the process of shutting down and deleting all consumer accounts on its Google+ social network platform, bringing an end to the company's attempt to directly compete with the likes of Facebook and Twitter.

Google+ is being phased out due to "low usage" and because it turned into something of a security liability for Google; the company has disclosed two significant data leaks that could have exposed information for tens of millions of Google+ users to outside developers. The first vulnerability, which was kept secret for months, prompted Google to decide it was time to close Google+ for good, and the second led to the company accelerating those shutdown plans by four months, meaning the service will meet its end in April instead of August.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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