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October 23, 2016

Out of the many health benefits of sage, some of the most important include its ability to improve brain function, lower inflammation throughout the body, prevent chronic diseases, boost the strength of the immune system and regulate proper digestion.

Don't let the name of "common" sage or garden sage fool you; this perennial woody herb is anything but normal or average when it comes to its impact on human health. Scientifically known as Salvia officinalis, sage is closely related to rosemary, and they are often considered "sister herbs". In fact, many of safe's health benefits are derived from rosmarinic acid, the organic compound found in rosemary that makes it so powerful.

October 16, 2016

Hunza people are a small population, situated in Northern Pakistan, and are believe to be the healthiest, happiest, and the longest-living people in the world.

These people are the only one who do not know about cancer, give birth at 65, and regularly bath in cold water. According to the AMA Journal, Dr. Robert McCarrison claims that not a single person among them has ever suffered from cancer. We would all like to know their secret, wouldn't you?

October 15, 2016

We've put together 50 of our favorite backyard composting tips to help you make amazing homegrown compost. Enjoy!

The microbes responsible for breaking down your compost pile need a balanced diet of nitrogen and carbon. Nitrogen comes from green materials such as food scraps, manure and grass clippings. Carbon comes from brown materials such as dead leaves, hay, wood chips and shredded newspaper. A ratio that contains equal portions by weight (not volume) of both works best.

October 15, 2016

As the weather cools and you start putting your garden to bed for the winter use this October planting guide to get a few seeds planted for spring harvest.

As you read this post, please keep in mind that this October Planting Guide is intended for those of us living in USDA Zones 4 to 7. Also you should know that anything you are planting in October in cold winter climates will be planted for SPRING harvest. You won't be seeing any harvests until early spring or later.

October 15, 2016

In this video, it is revealed that Hillary Clinton used the White House as a way to funnel money to powerful friends while her husband was president. Anyone who crossed Hillary died under mysterious circumstances. Hillary has managed to keep her past quie

Hillary has made billions off the American taxpayers in illegal schemes and backroom deals. Despite spending millions on media damage control and a legal team, Clinton can't stop Americans from seeing this video and discovering the truth about her antics. In this video, it is revealed that Hillary Clinton used the White House as a way to funnel money to powerful friends while her husband was president. Anyone who crossed Hillary died under mysterious circumstances. Hillary has managed to keep her past quiet with fear and threats, but a brave few are willing to speak out.

October 13, 2016

Microwave ovens pulse electromagnetic waves through food, exciting the molecules and causing them to move, vibrate and heat up as they respond to the microwave radiation.

It is a device called a Magnetron in the microwave oven that produces wave energy. This wave energy converts polarity of molecules from positive to negative. This polarity changes millions of times every second in the microwave oven. Microwaves bombard the food molecules and makes the polarized molecules to radiate at the same frequency millions of times every second. This heats the food but at the same time causes 'structural isomerism' - structural damage of the food molecules.

October 10, 2016

The Republican nominee denied ever sexually assaulting women, but turned his fire on ex-President Bill Clinton in a bitter US presidential debate.

Mr Trump's attack on the Clintons came after moderator Anderson Cooper asked him about a 2005 video released on Friday that revealed Mr Trump bragging about groping women. The 70-year-old billionaire dismissed the remarks as "just words" and "locker room talk". When pressed on whether he had engaged in sexual misconduct, he denied doing so and instead focused on Mr Clinton's previous indiscretions.

October 8, 2016

2016 continues to be a momentous year for the world's climate, on track to be the new hottest year on record.

To our south, Antarctica has also just broken a new climate record, with record low winter sea ice. After a peak of 18.5m square kilometres in late August, sea ice began retreating about a month ahead of schedule, and has been setting daily low records through most of September.

October 8, 2016

With regard to self-granted federal regulations, the federally controlled medical management agencies in this country, have granted themselves the right to declare someone a medical threat for an absolutely harmless illness.

"Today, the American people are challenged, as they have never been before, to confront the expansion of government authority over our bodies and the bodies of our children, specifically the exercise of police power to take us into custody and isolate us without our consent whenever public health officials believe we are sick or could become sick."

October 6, 2016

As a mom of five, I like to make decisions based on facts, science, and common sense. The last thing I'm going to do is throw out something that works for my kids and my life (and quite frankly, millions of other parents since 1945).

So, before you do something crazy and throw out your lifeline of "homeopathy doesn't work and it's dangerous" teething tablets, allow me the pleasure of breaking down the stupidest press release I've ever read, from an organization I wouldn't trust the cat I don't have with (let alone my children):

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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