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Medical Skills for Homeschoolers

Biblical HealthCare Solutions For Families

Circumstances often compel us to purse new expedients and untried courses. Like a stream proceeding from a lake that pursues a southerly course into the ocean. And so our course takes us in pursuit of a medical system that holds the scripture as our axiom.

In 1994, God impressed into our heart a desire to purse the study of Internal Medicine from a distinctively Biblical perspective. One that would demolish secular claims to medical information (informatics). What follows is a very basic outline of the problem, solution, suggestions, and examples.

We must begin by examining our own views on health care, as well as those of our family doctor. How much do we really know about how our bodies were designed and more importantly how God created our bodies to function naturally and provide within us the means to keep ourselves healthy?

Part of the Problem

The responsibilities we have heaped upon doctors have proven a heavy burden indeed. Consider some of the side effects:

Practical Solutions

All About Strength Training — Latissimus Dorsi

"But what can I do, I have no medical training," the cry of frustration for many. Then, consider taking an active study role with your children.

Does your family suffer from re-curring ear infections? Then study "Otorhinolaryngology" (the study of the ear, nose and throat), adding that subject to your homeschool curriculum.

A practical example would include common complaints mothers often observe in their children... ear infections. But, how can parents effectively help their children receive the optimum care when they don't understand medicinal properties or their clinical application? Is there an approach a parent can employ in order to access the inside quadrant of the ear when they do not know where the anatomical parts of the ear are? The Trivium model for studying will guide you in accessing the inside of the ear and which medicinal property to apply. Which phytopharmaceutical (plant medicine) is best suited for that particular clinical application?

Focus on the real need you have
as a homeschool parent or student.

Ask yourself, "What are my family's educational medical needs right now"?

Write down what you would like to teach your children and study along side them.

Perhaps there are others who wish to learn about "Phytopharmacopeia." This is a treatise on medicinal plants. Would you like to know what those long medical words mean? That belongs to the study of Medical Nomenclature.

Maybe you just want to learn how to improve your child's weak muscle condition or what caused it? That belongs to the study of Neurology.

What could you gain by learning which Phytopharmacueticals have antibiotic properties? That question in part belongs to the study of Botanicals/Herbology.

Perhaps you want to heighten your ability in understanding symptoms. By keeping track of your family's symptoms you will be better prepared when applying the correct botanical. That study belongs to Symptomotology/Reperorization.

With younger children, anatomy related games and toys spark interest long enough to plant the seeds for future learning.

Our younger children have anatomy aprons that allow them to name and remove their organs with Velcro. Although, sometimes someone loses their liver. Anatomy flash cards are wonderful for children. They can trace them, in this way they become familiar with their anatomical parts and their names.

Suggested Medical Studies:


  1. Dressing Bandage
  2. Eye cup for herbal washes
  3. Fracture aid - type products
  4. Child obstruction airway - type products
  5. Home medical bags
  6. First Responder pediatric wheel

An example: How to Begin your medical studies

There is no right or wrong medical discipline to choose from, so long as it is studied in a clear and logical progression of order. The "Trivium" model is the Biblical model for studying all subjects. Without using the "Trivium" approach as your teacher and guide, your task in studying these respective disciplines will be an uphill battle. You will be going in the direction of frustration, discouragement and the outcome will be abandonment of these studies. Anyone can study Internal medicine using any approach; however, it will lack direction, purpose and execution.

Therefore we encourage you to use the "Trivium" approach. The example below is suitable for all families because of its broad applications within: ear infections, nose infections, throat infections and upper respiratory infections. The trivium applied to "otorhinolaryngology" functions in three distinct stages.

Grammar Stage:

Integrative Biology 131 - Lecture 01: Organization of Body (39 lectures in series)

First stage is called the "Grammar stage" this is where the medical students seek the facts about "otorhinolaryngology". What is "otorhinolaryngology"? The first two letters of this long word (ot) mean: the ear. The combining form (rhino) means nose and (larynx) means throat and (logy) means the study of. In a nutshell this discipline is the study of the diseases associated with ear, nose and throat and sometimes it may apply to upper respiratory.

The medical student then takes those facts and moves into the second stage.

Logic Stage:

The second stage is called the "Logic Stage". This is where he begins to understand some of the common complaints associated with the ear, nose and throat infections. Learning how to evaluate the clinical pictures that is arising belong to the logic stage.

Rhetoric Stage:

This is the last stage called the "Rhetoric stage". Here he puts all three stages together in order to put into practice his clinical skills. When do I use my skills I have learned in this medical specialty of "otorhinolaryngology"? When he knows his anatomical parts of the ear, he has the facts. When he is able to assess the quadrants of the tympanic membrane, he understands their location and function. When a middle ear infection is present he is be able to apply the correct phytopharmacuetical (medicine made from plants).

It is here where he executes a plan of action. He knows the facts. He understands how to use those facts. All three stages coupled together form the foundation. Finally, he is able to effectuate a gnosis (knowledge), diagnosis (understanding), and a prognosis (practice).

The medical specialty you choose will depend upon your family's particular interest or need.

Choose: a Medical discipline ex: (otorhinolaryngology) the study of the ear, nose and throat and upper respiratory infections.

Collect: Medical Websites on (otorhinolaryngology) by doing a word search on "the basics of otorhinolaryngology".

Locate: Medical Software on (otorhinolaryngology). Surf the web by using different search engines and typing in key words such as: "principles of otorhinolaryngology" and "fundamentals of otorhinolaryngology".

Buy: a three ring binder or notebook with dividers.

Create: tabs for your three ring binders for evaluating medical text books on (otorhinolaryngology).

Label: each divider;

  1. Text books (The fundamentals of Otorhinolaryngology)
  2. Tools (otoscope)
  3. Resources (otoscope manufactures, distributors)
  4. Medical reference books: medical thesaurus, medical dictionary, medical atlas, medical flip charts.
  5. On-line Anatomy tutorials.
  6. On-line training videos on how to use an otoscope.
  7. On-line medical libraries.

Create dividers that are specifically for the medical discipline you have chosen.

Do: an On-Line Search for the various types of otoscopes. Then search for the accessories supplies that go with the otoscopes, such as the disposable specula tips and spare parts when needed.

Medical Libraries

Tip: Visit Harvard's Medical School's website for medical reference links that directly related to the specialty you are studying.

Medical child-scale toys: for younger children, anatomy coloring books, velcro anatomy aprons, and doctor toys for tots keep their attention while learning. Our younger children trace all sorts of anatomical parts with crayons and finger paint them.

Use: Medical Flash Cards, human anatomy flash cards teach you anatomical location, structure and function, while others prepare you for learning medical language through studying the Greek and Latin counterparts. These are all convenient and a quick reference tool. You can use them at home or take along on a trip.

Before you begin your study, you will need to locate some basic resources. They are available for every single medical specialty you can possibly imagine. You can continue to add to your studies as your family's needs demand:

  1. Medical Library We primarily use our small in-house medical library, but we also use the medical library located at our nearest hospital). Each medical library in the hospitals has their own policies. Most of the time they are free, the public is not always aware of these services. Some require you to buy a "Friends of the Library" card which will give you access to their collections. Check out their policies for patrons on circulating copies of medical text or other aids. If you don't find what you need ask if the material can be located through interlibrary loans from their network of medical universities. The medical reference librarian is the person I prefer to deal with because she knows the holdings so well.
  2. Public Library Use this library to get started in your studies, but remember their holdings are very limited. Most of the books you will need will be in the Medical Reference Department. If you find a text you like; you could ask the librarian if there is a circulating copy in their collection, if not, request it through interlibrary loan.
  3. Medical Libraries on line (See: National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, Maryland). The medical reference librarian is very helpful in locating what you need.
  4. Medical Dictionary, buy a comprehensive dictionary. If you buy a nurse's (edition), bear in mind those types of dictionaries are down scaled and do not provide you with comprehensive definitions or sufficient sub-entries.

Omitting God from Medical Studies

Homeopathic Info:

How can we honor God in studying medicine? By systematically exposing all medical knowledge to the truth of God's word. We must instruct our family on how to evaluate medical ideologies from a distinctively scriptural stand. Then protect them from dubious treatments and from a medical system that omits God and is self serving.

Let us be clear. Our aim is not to suggest that every medical doctor's goal is to injure or deface his patient intentionally or that all hospitals should shut down next week.

Jesus himself acknowledged the usefulness of physicians in Matthew 9:12 ...they that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick... However, we must bear in mind that however much liberty a doctor may have in the process of carrying out his medical treatment on another person, he the (patient) remains subject to that doctor, his plans, and his priorities. Further, if a doctor believes we evolved from hominoid ancestry he will undoubtly practice medicine with that mind set. His recommendations for medicines will reflect his belief system. Why? Because it is impossible to train medical doctors in an ideological vacuum that is morally, ethically and religiously neutral. In (Job 13:4) Job mournfully declares, "But ye are forgers of lies, ye are all physicians of no value". In other words, some physicians who practice medicine are worthless.

We also read (Mark 5:25,26), "And a certain woman which had an issue of blood twelve years, And had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse."

All medical education will either be Christian or it will not be Christian. On the other hand, physicians who choose to follow a more holistic approach are severely disciplined and may be threatened with loss of their licenses. Their services are sharply curtailed.

Medical Skills observed In the Bible

Shiphrah and Puah, the Hebrew midwives who saved the unborn male babies from Pharaoh's death sentence possessed Obstetrical skills and were employed for righteousness. Exodus 1:15-20 reads "Therefore God dealt well with the midwives: and the people multiplied, and waxed very mighty".

While the passage of (Ezek. 30:21) is not specifically talking about the literal arm of Pharaoh King of Egypt being broken; we may draw from the implication this: a broken bone when splinted may heal.

It follows then, that Medical skills in Osteology are obviously important and needed.

Another medical skill we see is those associated to Dermatology. In the Old Testament priests were equipped with these skills and were employed in order to cope with a wide variety of skin ailments. In the New Testament we see a reference being made to medical skills.

The Good Samaritian (Luke 10:34) is seen coming to aid an ill-fated victim of an assailant. Applying his skill in treatment then dressing his wound.

A Noble Choice

Studying Medicine is a formidable undertaking, but a noble one. Those of you who are favorably disposed to this idea should do so. Christian homeschool families have already broken away from elementary education burocracy; homeschoolers need to continue to learn in that freedom. Freeing your children and yourself from medical ignorance and giving your family the medical tools needed to become independent medical scholars will put in your hands the skills so much needed in any home.

Remember what medical education is for - not the personal advancement of a few elite - but for service unto God. Wouldn't it be liberating for you to no longer be enslaved to the approval of a medical standard set by a health care provider who provide "USDA grade A" assembly lines.

A Medical Education:

From A Biblical Perspective

A true medical education must commence with the revelation of God, otherwise all capacities that are developed within a medical system are either for others or for self. A godless medical education is a sure foundation for ignorance. The apostle Paul speaks to the Romans of this ignorance in Romans 1:18-23, 25, 28.

"The wicked, through the pride of his countance, will not seek after God: God is not in all his thoughts." Psalm 10:4

Medical philosophies, medical procedures, technology and text books must all be exposed to the light of God's Holy word.

Medical Studies Generate Financial Benefits

Whichever discipline you add to your curriculum, home remains the fundamental place for learning and implementing basic medical life skills. More and more homeschool parents are seriously inquiring about safer therapies. The awareness of alternative therapies continues to grow. Consider functional nutrition, or Phytopharmaceuticals. Homeschoolers who posses strong medical skills stand to profit from their independent medical studies. Homeschoolers are making an impact even in medical manufacturing circles. Did you know that medical device manufacturers are creating new medical tools for and adapted for home use, like disposable curettes for cerumen removal. Some of these tools will greatly enhance medical services that can be offered by competent homeschoolers. New markets for independent medical consultants are surfacing through out the west coast and parts of the east coast.

Could your family benefit financially from your worthy endeavors? Within the past 5 years, our family pocketed at least $30,000 in obstetric and pediatric bills. By God's mercy, it has proven to be cost effective to acquire a medical education along with professional grade tools like an otoscope, ophthalmoscope, and many other non-evasive tools. All of which can yield your family great dividends. Keep in mind that pursuing a medical education gives back to your family when you need it most. It starts with you. Where? At home.

Don'ts of Medicine

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About the Authors

Pete and Maribel Hernandez are homeschool parents to their seven children ranging from ages 20 years old - 2 years old (Daniel 20, Dania 17, Peter 11, John 10, Ivanna 5, Joseph 4, Brianna 2). They reside in Amarillo, TX, where they apply their time studying, researching, designing and writing a medical preceptorship syllabus from a distinctively Biblical view, for their children. They welcome your comments or questions, call (806) 335-3061 or E-mail. All scripture quotations taken from the King James Version.

© 2005-2009 Pete & Maribel Hernandez. All rights reserved.

Updated: October 21, 2009

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