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by Tia Ghose

April 2, 2013

From "significant" to "natural," here are seven scientific terms that can prove troublesome for the public and across research disciplines

Hypothesis. Theory. Law. These scientific words get bandied about regularly, yet the general public usually gets their meaning wrong. Now, one scientist is arguing that people should do away with these misunderstood words altogether and replace them with the word "model." But those aren't the only science words that cause trouble, and simply replacing the words with others will just lead to new, widely misunderstood terms, several other scientists said. "A word like 'theory' is a technical scientific term," said Michael Fayer, a chemist at Stanford University. "The fact that many people understand its scientific meaning incorrectly does not mean we should stop using it. It means we need better scientific education."

by Ezra Van Auken

March 8, 2013

It would be naive to say that what Senator Rand Paul did four twelve hours, fifty-two minutes and eleven seconds from Wednesday into the first hour of Thursday morning did nothing to resonate with leftist groups and once mainstream Republicans.

From the time Sen. Paul took the floor until the time he finished his statements and yielded his time, old-school Republicans were itching to fire back. One major feature to Sen. Paul's filibuster delivery was the drive by social media, which turned the Kentucky Senator into a household name for nearly forty-eight hours. The Twitter trends echoed "#StandWithRand" and "#Filibuster" for over a day, bringing in thousands of discouraged Americans, those who believe the direction of this country is in need of a U-turn. Sen. Paul's actions also prompted those disengaged with the Republican Party to rekindle new hopes.

Hot Air

by Tina Korbe

October 6, 2011

John Boehner, calling it like it is.

At the same time that the president took to the podium to chastise members of Congress for purportedly putting politics before country, the House Speaker expressed his own frustration with the president's unwillingness to actually negotiate...

October 18, 2011

School report cards for children in foster care usually show they are behind their peers in almost every academic measure. A U.S. Senate committee takes a closer look at the problem.

Daniel Heimple, project director at Fostering Media Connections, provides background on why foster children struggle in school. "There's the trauma they may have endured, as well as move from home to home and bounce from school district to school district and can't form a stable school environment. That hurts their education."

Hot Air

by Tina Korbe

February 14, 2012

Payroll tax extension, how do I hate thee? Let me count the ways.

Why do politicians continue to debate this patently poor policy as though it represents the pinnacle of politically savvy middle-class tax cuts? It's not even technically a tax cut - just a premature borrowing from our own retirement safety net, which happens to be in dire straits anyway.

by Tim Brown

June 16, 2013

Well now, here is evidence of what I've been saying all along and that is that you cannot be religiously neutral. It just can't happen.

Religion is at our very core and if we will not honor the true and living God as God, then we will fill that vacuum with a false god. Exhibit A: Rocky Mountain High School in Colorado. Outrage is building over the fact that students were encouraged to recite the Pledge of Allegiance over the loudspeaker in Arabic replacing "one nation under God" with "one nation under Allah." The school's principal, Tom Lopez, is standing by his decision to allow the pledge after receiving a flood of complaints from parents outraged over the incident. He claims to not be pushing an Islamic agenda.

by Matt Palumbo

August 3, 2014

If you waste much time on Facebook, you've probably stumbled upon at least one of the memes I address in this article.

If you waste much time on Facebook, you've probably stumbled upon at least one of the memes I address in this article. The style of the meme is to take individuals, have them explain how their country is able to accomplish some national goal, then state that it's the "opposite of what America does." None of the quotes are real, and indeed the Facebook page that creates them acknowledged this: "the Opposite of America memes were created by US Uncut and have reached 30 million people. The reason you know the quotes are fake is because the series is so popular-it's not too different than the Onion. We aren't trying to fool anyone and we don't use fake quotes on anything else."

California Catholic Daily

by J. Michael Smith

March 7, 2008

Response to state appellate court decision declaring homeschooling unlawful

(The following letter was sent via email to members of the Home School Legal Defense Association on March 6.) HSLDA will file an amicus brief on behalf of our 13,500 member families in California.

Capitalism Magazine

by Wayne Dunn

July 16, 2011

Certainly parents want their children to know how to communicate and cooperate with others, in other words, to be sociable. But that is not the primary purpose of education.

Communication is valuable only if one possesses mental content worth communicating. Cooperation is valuable only if the one you're cooperating with is rational.

Fox News

by Karlie Pouliot

September 12, 2008

This time of year not only marks the start of school, it also marks a time when those creepy, crawly critters known as head lice like to pop up in classrooms across the country.

And while lice outbreaks are nothing new, they're actually becoming more difficult treat. Some experts are bracing for so-called "super lice" which are becoming resistant to traditional over-the-counter medications.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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