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Say No To The Federal Homeschool Legislation
Home Education Magazine
by Larry and Susan Kaseman
November 12, 2003
Aunt Tilly calls. "You know I support your homeschooling. But I just read an article about how homeschoolers are demanding special favors from the federal government...
It's really not fair for homeschoolers to expect to be allowed to homeschool and still get everything kids in regular schools get." From State Senator Reasonable you hear, "I've gone along with your notions about homeschooling laws over the years, and I know all three of your kids are doing well. But I'm concerned about families where the kids aren't learning anything.
Unhappy in Class, More Are Learning at Home
New York Times
by Jane Gross
November 10, 2003
"Now that circumstances have forced us out, our experience here on the sidelines is so good that I find it harder and harder to imagine going back."
Newcomers to home schooling resist easy classification as part of the religious right or freewheeling left, who dominated the movement for decades, according to those who study the practice. <br><br>They come to home schooling fed up with the shortcomings of public education and the cost of private schools. Add to that the new nationwide standards - uniform curriculum and more testing - which some educators say penalize children with special needs, whether they are gifted, learning disabled or merely eccentric.
Learning through images
by Armstrong Williams
No longer do we learn through subject and verb, but rather through a verbal hybrid of images and slogans designed to spare us the rigors of closely examining issues for ourselves.
Our preoccupation with television imagery has helped make this generation curiously artificial and particularly susceptible to the counterfeit. Essayist Michael J Arlen has called it "The tyranny of the visual." And countless other critics have lamented about the perils of images supplanting words in this culture.
The Federal government and public education
by J. Michael Smith, Esq.
November 9, 2003
What prompted the Federal Government to get involved in the education of our nation's children-
The Federal Government has not always played a role in American Education. When the founding fathers wrote the establishment clause into the First Amendment they weren't thinking about education, because the Federal government had no role in education at that time. As in many other areas, States were free to do what they deemed best.
Democrats: Selectively forgiving
World Net Daily
by David N. Bass
November 8, 2003
Last Tuesday's "Rock the Vote" debate among Democratic presidential hopefuls solidifies that conclusion.
Aside from the usual attempts to be hip (including discussion of marijuana and who is best to party with), the most revealing incident in the debate was when Al Sharpton questioned Howard Dean on his October comment about the Confederate flag. Dean was quoted in the Des Moines Register as saying, "I still want to be the candidate for guys with Confederate flags in their pickup trucks." He later apologized for the remark. <br><br>Note: David N. Bass is an 18-year-old homeschool graduate who writes for World Newspaper Publishing and is a regular columnist at, and He is also a contributing writer to Bass is currently working on his first novel.
Sex-ed programs designed by prostitution advocates
by Mary Jo Anderson
November 6, 2003
Catholic parents balk when dioceses adopt controversial 'Talking About Touching'
Although one result of the Catholic Church's traumatic clergy-sex scandal last year was the mandating of "personal safety training" sex-education programs to protect the next generation of youngsters in Catholic schools, one of the most popular such programs was designed by prostitution advocates, according to outraged parents in several dioceses using it.
Homeschooling the Numbers
by Annette M. Hall
November 4, 2003
The public schools are on a campaign to save their schools - but, more importantly, their jobs.
Our public schools have become very savvy over the years at using the media for their purposes. They have used it for fund-raising, to pass mileage levies against taxpayers, to influence public opinion and now to discredit homeschooling.
Universities and Athlete's Foot
by Fred V. Reed
November 3, 2003
Universities are sorry institutions.
Today we'll destroy the universities and drive professors into the streets to starve, perhaps pulling themselves by their fingernails and feeding on remnants of discarded hamburgers. This will reform western civilization. (This is a full-service column. It doesn't mess with the petty stuff.)
Help us write a holiday volume to encourage American military
Friday, Nov. 7 is the final day submissions will be accepted
This is the final week for readers to thank America's fighting men and women in WND's exciting holiday publishing project - a limited edition book for our troops fighting the war on terror in Iraq, Afghanistan and around the world.
MIT Open Course Ware
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
November 2, 2003
500 Courses Now Available
With the publication of 500 courses, MIT OCW offers educational materials from 33 academic disciplines and all five of MIT's schools.