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Education Research

An archive of research links and resources highlighting preschool, kindergarten and child research studies, conducted by educational and independent sources and how they relate to childhood development, family cohesiveness and educational values.

 Title   Date   Author   Host 

The Heritage Foundation

by Robert E. Rector and Patrick F. Fagan

June 5, 1996

The Stand for Children rally, held in Washington on June 1, called attention to the plight of the nation's children.

The simple fact is that children are suffering because the U.S. welfare system has failed. Designed as a system to help children, it has ended up damaging and abusing the very children it was intended to save.

CATO Institute

by Darcy Olsen

October 23, 1997

Advocates of increased government involvement in child care generally argue that (1) there is a shortage of child care facilities, (2) the facilities that do exist are not affordable, and (3) unregulated day care is harmful to children.

But the push for federal child care standards and more federal subsidies to make sure that all children have a "strong and healthy start in life" is unnecessary and misguided. There is no child care crisis.

Ninety-six percent of parents are satisfied with their child care arrangements; child care fees have not changed in real terms since the late 1970s; and the number of child care providers has kept pace with the swelling demand for child care.

by Richard Kuhn and John Guidubaldi, D.Ed.

October 23, 1997

This paper compares divorce rate trends in the United States in states that encourage joint physical custody (shared parenting) with those in states that favor sole custody.

States with high levels of joint physical custody awards (over 30%) in 1989 and 1990 have shown significantly greater declines in divorce rates in following years through 1995. Divorce rates declined nearly four times faster in high joint custody states, compared with states where joint physical custody is rare.

Cato Policy Analysis, Cato Institute

by Darcy Ann Olsen

February 9, 1999

Across the country legislators are deciding whether to require public school districts to provide no-fee prekindergarten classes for all three- and four-year-olds.

Georgia and New York have implemented universal preschool programs for four-year-olds, and other states have taken steps in that direction. Those programs are voluntary so far, but there have been calls for mandatory participation.

Ecology of Mind

by Testimony of Bruce Wiseman

July 20, 1999

We stand at the dawn of the 21st century with technology hurtling us into a space-age future while an estimated 5 million American children have been legally placed on mind-bending drugs. These drugs are not only addictive but are ti

The use of these drugs - on a dramatic rise amongst school children, particularly over the last two decades - is a primary factor in the creation of acts of random senseless violence among our youth. Indeed, while all manner of reasons have been offered for the recent rash of school shootings, the simple but frightening fact is that the rise of senseless violence in our schools is date coincident with, and directly tied to, the increased use of these prescribed mind altering, mood-changing drugs.

The Atlantic Monthly (MA)

by Christina Hoff Sommers

November 19, 2000

How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men

A look at the sex breakdown of the CDC's suicide statistics reveals that for males aged ten to fourteen, the suicide rate increased 71 percent between 1979 and 1988; for girls the increase was 27 percent.

The Abell Foundation

March 14, 2001

Maryland's requirement that individuals must complete a prescribed body of coursework before teaching in a public school is deeply misguided.

This process, known as teacher certification, is neither an efficient nor an effective means by which to ensure a competent teaching force. Worse, it is often counterproductive.

January 22, 2003

The most recent January 2003 Gallup Poll reports that 23% of the general population think abortion should be legal under any circumstances, 57% in some circumstances, and 19% illegal in all circumstances.

Antidepressants Facts

by Health and Health Care in Schools

May 1, 2003

A 1998 federal law, the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA), allows parents to inspect instructional materials used in connection with any U.S. DoE-funded "survey, analysis, or evaluation."

The law, often called the "Hatch amendment" or the "Grassley amendment" for the members of Congress who introduced it, also requires schools to obtain written parental consent before minor students participate in Education Department-funded surveys that ask questions about personal or family matters.

by Mark Rasch

June 16, 2003

A few odd cases show that you don't have be a digital desparado to be accused of a cybercrime... particularly if you embarrass the wrong bureaucrats.

Some recent (and not so recent) cases illustrate how computer security professionals and well intentioned whistle-blowers face a genuine risk of running afoul of computer crime statutes simply for forgetting to ask the right person, "May I'," before doing a computer security assessment. Take the case of Scott Moulten, a computer security professional in Georgia. He was the principal person responsible for computer security (through a private company) for a county in Georgia. The county worked with various cities coordinating and providing 911 Emergency Response Services. When one city wanted to hook up to the county's 911 network, Moulten performed a port scan and throughput test on that city's network to see if the computers were vulnerable to exploit.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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