An archive of research links and resources highlighting preschool, kindergarten and child research studies, conducted by educational and independent sources and how they relate to childhood development, family cohesiveness and educational values.
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History Made As Dragon Meets Space Station
May 25, 2012
Private space company SpaceX's Dragon capsule became the first commercial cargo vessel to visit the International Space Station, NASA said Friday.
NASA and SpaceX ran tests on the unmanned Dragon as it approached the ISS at more than 17,000 mph before finally capturing the capsule with the station's robotic arm at 9:56 a.m. EDT, Florida Today reported.
Government tyranny: Illinois Department of Agriculture secretly destroys beekeeper's bees and 15 years of research proving Monsanto's Roundup kills bees
by Jonathan Benson
May 20, 2012
An Illinois beekeeper with more than a decade's worth of expertise about how to successfully raise organic, chemical-free bees is the latest victim of flagrant government tyranny
According to the Prairie Advocate, Terrence "Terry" Ingram of Apple River, Ill., owner of Apple Creek Apiaries, recently had his bees and beehives stolen from him by the Illinois Department of Agriculture (IDofA), as well as more than 15 years' worth of research proving Monsanto's Roundup to be the cause of Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) destroyed.
Did dinosaurs die from a prolonged "pull my finger" period?
Hot Air
by Ed Morrissey
May 7, 2012
Who knew dinosaurs all had an Uncle Frank?
You know, the relative who always convinces the little kids to pull his finger, and, er ... hilarity ensues. That, however, is the latest theory explaining the sudden extinction of the dinosaurs - global warming through flatulence.
Government-Funded Medical Research Is Hazardous to Your Health
PJ Media
by Stephen Green
May 4, 2012
Sloppy science and ethical misconduct in medical research could be dangerous to American patients.
Two recent articles in the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times have exposed a little-known but growing problem of sloppy science and ethical misconduct in medical research that could be dangerous to American patients. The Wall Street Journal described how hundreds of cancer cell samples in scientific laboratories around the world are either contaminated or misidentified - which casts doubt on the reliability of any subsequent scientific results...
Very Political Science
The American Spectator
by Larry Thornberry
April 23, 2012
Ideology with charts and graphs and a very low tolerance threshold for disagreement. Academic "studies" purporting to show conservatives to be knot-heads and know-nothings are hardy perennials on campus. And the media love to whoop them up.
That's why the headline in my local Tampa paper, "Faith in science wanes on right," caught my eye. And not just because science is based on evidence, not faith. The story, taken from the Los Angeles Times, starts thus: "As the Republican presidential race has shown, the conservatives who dominate the primaries are deeply skeptical of science -- making Newt Gingrich, for one, regret he settled onto a couch with Nancy Pelosi to chat about global warming." Wow! What a lot of nonsense and misdirection for just 39 words.
High Performance Computing for Everyone
by Sumit Gupta
April 17, 2012
The demand for greater levels of computational performance remains insatiable in the high performance computing (HPC) and technical computing industries, as researchers continue to seek out and solve the world's most challenging computational problems.
However, access to high-powered HPC systems has been a constant problem. Researchers must compete for supercomputing time at popular open labs like Oak Ridge National Labs in Tennessee. And, small and medium-size businesses, even large companies, cannot afford to constantly build out larger computing infrastructures for their engineers. Imagine the new discoveries that could happen if every researcher had access to an HPC system. Imagine how dramatically the quality and durability of products would improve if every engineer could simulate product designs 20, 50 or 100 more times.
Some Very Political Science
CNS News
by L. Brent Bozell III
April 11, 2012
The news is stuffed with "studies" in which "experts" tell us how we should behave.
One recently found that conservatives have lost their trust in science over the last 40 years. That's probably because the very political academics of science are routinely summoned to prove the right-wingers are not only wrong but dangerously wrong and not just dangerously wrong but evil, too. These studies are laughable.
Universal Cancer Vaccine Developed
April 9, 2012
A vaccine that can train cancer patients' own bodies to seek out and destroy tumor cells has been developed by scientists.
The therapy, which targets a molecule found in 90 per cent of all cancers, could provide a universal injection that allows patients' immune systems to fight off common cancers including breast and prostate cancer. Preliminary results from early clinical trials have shown the vaccine can trigger an immune response in patients and reduce levels of disease.
Kroger, Stop & Shop join 'pink slime' exodus
by Mae Anderson
March 22, 2012
Supermarket chains Kroger Co. and Stop & Shop said Thursday they will join the growing list of store chains that will no longer sell beef that includes an additive with the unappetizing moniker "pink slime."
Federal regulators say the ammonia-treated filler, known in the industry as "lean, finely textured beef," meets food safety standards. But critics say the product could be unsafe and is an unappetizing example of industrialized food production. The Kroger Co., the nation's largest traditional grocer with 2,435 supermarkets in 31 states, also said it will stop buying the beef, reversing itself after saying Wednesday that it would sell beef both with and without the additive.
Obama Sells Out Science for Campaign Cash
by Robert M. Goldberg
March 21, 2012
This time, on the NRDC's behalf, he wants to ban chemicals in food wrapping that time and again have been proved safe.
In March 2009 President Obama proclaimed: "We base our public policies on the soundest science; that we appoint scientific advisers based on their credentials and experience, not their politics or ideology... we are open and honest with the American people about the science behind our decisions." Since then, the Obama administration has used scientific policy decisions as patronage.It has denied young women access to Plan B, blocked the KeystoneXL pipeline, and limited greenhouse gases (they cause autism, according to EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson) at the expense of science, not because of it.