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Education Research

An archive of research links and resources highlighting preschool, kindergarten and child research studies, conducted by educational and independent sources and how they relate to childhood development, family cohesiveness and educational values.

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by Mikaela Conley

March 14, 2012

Kids perform better in school if they know failure, and trying again, is part of the learning process, according to a new study published by the American Psychological Association.

The research included several experiments intended to see whether parents and teachers can help students succeed by changing the way learning material is presented to them. Study experiments included anagram problems and reading comprehension, and researchers found that kids who were told it's normal to fail and try again did better on the tests than those who did not receive such a pep talk.

by Kelly

February 28, 2012

At our local Weston A. Price chapter meeting last week, a woman named Becky came up to reintroduce herself. A while back she told me that the hospital she works for was now making flu shots mandatory, and she didn't know what to do.

She wanted to let me know how that all turned out - you'll be shocked! You'll be amazed at how well written this letter is and how well thought out Becky's arguments are. Here's Becky's letter to the higher-ups at the hospital...

PJ Media

by John Boot

February 26, 2012

In 1895, the president of the Royal Society declared: "Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible." I try not to make similar declarations about nanobots.

This is one of my favorite quotes, for many reasons. I think of it every time I read news like this about a DNA nanobot being developed for drug delivery. I enjoy it because it was just about a decade ago, when I first began to write about nanotechnology, that nanobots were derisively dismissed as impossible by many leading scientists. As a result, just the fact that I gave the possibility any ink at all in commentaries at Small Times magazine and on my old nanotech blog made my life as a reporter and editor a bit more difficult.

CNS News

by Vladimir Isachenkov

February 20, 2012

It was an Ice Age squirrel's treasure chamber, a burrow containing fruit and seeds that had been stuck in the Siberian permafrost for over 30,000 years.

From the fruit tissues, a team of Russian scientists managed to resurrect an entire plant in a pioneering experiment that paves the way for the revival of other species. The Silene stenophylla is the oldest plant ever to be regenerated, the researchers said, and it is fertile, producing white flowers and viable seeds.

CNS News

by Seth Borenstein

February 9, 2012

Scientists say NASA is about to propose major cuts in its exploration of other planets, especially Mars. And NASA's former science chief is calling it irrational.

With limited money for science and an over-budget new space telescope, the space agency essentially had to make a choice in where it wanted to explore: the neighboring planet or the far-off cosmos. Mars lost.

CNS News

by Lauran Neergaard

January 20, 2012

Scientists who created easier-to-spread versions of the deadly bird flu said Friday they're temporarily halting more research, as international specialists debate what should happen next.

Hot Air

by Tina Korbe

January 6, 2012

Marco Rubio was on the right side of the debt ceiling debate this summer, and he's on the right side of the impending debt ceiling debate now.

It is unquestionably irresponsible of the president to continue to raise the debt ceiling without presenting a serious and plausible plan to reduce the debt and deficit - and the junior senator from Florida is unafraid to point that out. In a sharply worded letter to the president today, Rubio said the president's entire administration thus far has been a "profile in failed leadership."

CNS News

by Seth Borenstein

January 4, 2012

It's one thing to make an object invisible, like Harry Potter's mythical cloak. But scientists have made an entire event impossible to see. They have invented a time masker.

by Dr. Eowyn

December 22, 2011

Dr. Helen Ratajczak, a former drug company scientist, just published a comprehensive review of autism research. Buried in her 79-page review, on page 70, are five words that reveal a secret Big Pharma has kept from you: "...grown in human fetal tissue."

As Dr. Mercola reports for Health Impact News Daily, Dec. 21, 2011, the line reads (page 70): "An additional increased spike in incidence of autism occurred in 1995 when the chicken pox vaccine was grown in human fetal tissue." But that fact is never disclosed in your vaccine consent form, which is why most people are unaware that cell cultures derived from aborted human fetuses have been used extensively in vaccine production for decades. And vaccine makers are just content that most of the public are ignorant of this most inconvenient truth. For if we knew, we might be dissuaded from getting the vaccine.

CNS News

December 7, 2011

The Supreme Court plans to give guidance to the emerging field of personal medicine when it decides what kind of medical tests can be patented.

The justices on Wednesday heard arguments from lawyers from the Minnesota-based Mayo Clinic, which wants thrown out a patent held by Prometheus Laboratories, a division of Switzerland-based Nestle.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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