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Education Research

An archive of research links and resources highlighting preschool, kindergarten and child research studies, conducted by educational and independent sources and how they relate to childhood development, family cohesiveness and educational values.

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October 7, 2010

When the DC Board of Elections and Ethics invited hackers to test the security of its digital voting pilot project last week, a research team at University of Michigan was able to breach the system within 36 hours.

The team was able to collect data stored on the server, view and modify ballots submitted before and after the attack and even play the university's fight song on the vote confirmation page. The attack remained active for two days before officials suspended the pilot on Friday.

Los Angeles Times

September 4, 2010

The Los Angeles Times has produced a groundbreaking analysis of how effective Los Angeles Unified School District teachers have been at improving their students' performance on standardized tests.

The Times has decided to make the ratings available because they bear on the performance of public employees who provide an important service, and in the belief that parents and the public have a right to the information.

August 3, 2010

A new study on homeschooled students in college reveals that homeschoolers outperform their peers academically and post higher graduation rates.

There is a growing body of research demonstrating the academic success of homeschoolers. The most recent major study is the Progress Report 2009, which surveyed over 11,000 homeschooled students, and showed homeschoolers K-12 scoring an average 37 percentile points above the national average on standardized achievement tests. However, as the homeschool movement has grown-by 7% per year for each of the past 10 years according to the National Center for Education Statistics-there has been little research on the academic performance of homeschoolers once they reach college. It is well known, however, that for the past decade colleges have actively recruited homeschool students.

May 27, 2010

Don't color Veronique de Rugy shocked, shocked to find that government spending crowds out private investment, but the results of the new study by Harvard Business School will certainly shock some Keynesian academics - and high-ranking government official

Recent research at Harvard Business School began with the premise that as a state's congressional delegation grew in stature and power in Washington, D.C., local businesses would benefit from the increased federal spending sure to come their way. It turned out quite the opposite. In fact, professors Lauren Cohen, Joshua Coval, and Christopher Malloy discovered to their surprise that companies experienced lower sales and retrenched by cutting payroll, R&D, and other expenses. Indeed, in the years that followed a congressman's ascendancy to the chairmanship of a powerful committee, the average firm in his state cut back capital expenditures by roughly 15 percent, according to their working paper, "Do Powerful Politicians Cause Corporate Downsizing?" "It was an enormous surprise, at least to us, to learn that the average firm in the chairman's state did not benefit at all from the unanticipated increase in spending," Coval reports.


May 17, 2010

Researchers tracked the pesticides' breakdown products in kids' urine and found those with high levels were almost twice as likely to develop ADHD as those with undetectable levels.

The findings are based on data from the general U.S. population, meaning that exposure to the pesticides could be harmful even at levels commonly found in children's environment. Organophosphates were originally developed for chemical warfare, and they are known to be toxic to the nervous system.

April 30, 2010

Bill Weihl, head of Google Energy, revealed on Friday at the Earth2Tech Green.Net event that the subsidiary might help the search engine giant access renewable energy to power its massive data centers, according to a report by Data Center Knowledge.

Google formed the new subsidiary to purchase and sell power on the wholesale market. Weihl tried to put an end to the recent speculation surrounding the subsidiary, joking that Google was not looking to be the next Enron as an energy trading power broker. He did, however, offer a situation where Google Energy could help supply the company with renewable energy for its data centers. "Supposing we had a facility somewhere in the Midwest and have power contracts," Weihl said, adding that Google normally signs multi-year utility contracts. "Let's say there's a developer who wants to build a wind farm on land nearby. We'd love to buy the power from that wind farm." In order to accomplish this project, Google would need to sign a deal with the developer that required it to purchase the wind power it generates. This could potentially put Google in a position where the company would have to pay for energy before its existing multi-year agreement ends. But if Google Earth is able to buy and sell power, the subsidiary could sign a deal to buy power from the local wind farm. The company could then resell that power on the open market until its current utility deal ends and use the renewable power to operate its own data center.

January 12, 2010

We have decided we are no longer willing to continue censoring our results on

...and so over the next few weeks we will be discussing with the Chinese government the basis on which we could operate an unfiltered search engine within the law, if at all. We recognize that this may well mean having to shut down, and potentially our offices in China.

Kids Health

October 29, 2009

Television may seem like a good thing: kids can learn the alphabet and you can keep up with current events on the evening news. But how does TV affect kids?

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that kids under 2 years old not watch any TV and that those older than 2 watch no more than 1 to 2 hours a day of quality programming. The first 2 years of life are considered a critical time for brain development. TV and other electronic media can get in the way of exploring, playing, and interacting with parents and others, which encourages learning and healthy physical and social development.

The Pew Charitable Trusts

January 10, 2008

The new study identifies ways policymakers can reduce expulsion rates.

It is based on data from the National Prekindergarten Survey of 4,800 classrooms in the 40 states that fund prekindergarten.

Sawf News

July 2, 2007

Experts researching on how gender affects learning have found that boys and girls are different by nature and they learn in different ways.

"Studies on spatial awareness show that by four days of age, girl babies hold eye contact with their care-giver for longer than boys, while boys are already responding to movement and activity. Studies on vocabulary show that for every 20,000 words a girl uses, a boy uses between 7,000 and 10,000," he added.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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