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Education Research

An archive of research links and resources highlighting preschool, kindergarten and child research studies, conducted by educational and independent sources and how they relate to childhood development, family cohesiveness and educational values.

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ECS Education Policy Issue

by School Year 2005-2006

June 19, 2007

Public elementary and secondary schools had 49.1 million students in membership in school year 2005-06. This was an increase of 1 percent from the 48.8 million students in membership in school year 2004-05

In the 2005-06 school year, 34.3 million students (69.9 percent of all students) were enrolled in prekindergarten through grade 8 and ungraded classes; 14.8 million students (30.1 percent of all students) were enrolled in grades 9-12.

Education Next

by Elizabeth U. Cascio

March 8, 2010

More than four decades after the first model preschool interventions, there is an emerging consensus that high-quality early-childhood education can improve a child's economic and social outcomes over the long term.

Publicly funded kindergarten is available to virtually all children in the U.S. at age five, but access to preschool opportunities for children four years old and younger remains uneven across regions and socioeconomic groups. Parents with financial means have the option of enrolling their child in a private program at their own expense.

by Ruth Faden

July 14, 2014

There have been numerous experiments performed on human test subjects in the United States that have been considered unethical, and were often performed illegally, without the knowledge, consent, or informed consent of the test subjects.

The experiments include: the deliberate infection of people with deadly or debilitating diseases, exposure of people to biological and chemical weapons, human radiation experiments, injection of people with toxic and radioactive chemicals, surgical experiments, interrogation and torture experiments, tests involving mind-altering substances, and a wide variety of others. Many of these tests were performed on children,[1] the sick, and mentally disabled individuals, often under the guise of "medical treatment". In many of the studies, a large portion of the subjects were poor, racial minorities or prisoners. Funding for many of the experiments was provided by United States government, especially the United States military, Central Intelligence Agency, or private corporations involved with military activities. The human research programs were usually highly secretive, and in many cases information about them was not released until many years after the studies had been performed.


by Robert G. Lynch

December 31, 2004

This study demonstrates, for the first time, that providing all 20% of the nation's three- and four-year-old children who live in poverty with a high-quality ECD program would have a substantial payoff for governments and taxpayers in the future.

As those children grow up, costs for remedial and special education, criminal justice, and welfare benefits would decline. Once in the labor force, their incomes would be higher, along with the taxes they would pay back to society. Download the book for free in pdf.

Eurek Alert

by Phyllis Picklesimer

October 5, 2006

What influences women when they are making child custody decisions that will bring them into future contact with a violent or controlling ex-husband?

Fear, pragmatism, and the belief--sometimes reinforced in mandated divorce education classes--that their children will suffer if both parents are not in their lives, according to a University of Illinois study in the August Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.

by Jim Feuer

March 27, 2013

Abused or neglected teenage girls become teen mothers at nearly five times the national rate of teen motherhood. the journal Pediatrics, shows that teen childbirth rates are more than 20 percent for abused and neglected teens.

In this first ever prospective study of teen pregnancy (one that follows a group over time), Dr. Noll studied teen girls between 14 and 17, assessing them annually through the age of 19 to track their sexual activities, possible pregnancy and motherhood. About half of the teenagers in the study were recruited from child protective service agencies for having been abused or neglected within the past 12 months. The other half consisted of "comparison" teenage girls who had not experienced abuse or neglect but were similar in terms of age, income, minority status and family constellation (one- or two-parent households).


by Ryan Naraine

June 17, 2005

Convinced that the recent upswing in virus and Trojan attacks is directly linked to the creation of botnets for nefarious purposes, a group of high-profile security researchers is fighting back, vigilante-style.

The objective of the group, which operates on closed, invite-only mailing lists, is to pinpoint and ultimately disable the C&C (command-and-control) infrastructure that sends instructions to millions of zombie drone machines hijacked by malicious hackers. "The idea is to share information and figure out where the botnets are getting their instructions from. Once we can identify the command-and-control server, we can act quickly to get it disabled. Once the head goes, that botnet is largely useless," said Roger Thompson, director of malicious content research at Computer Associates International Inc.

by Graham Templeton

May 15, 2013

Called the Michigan Micro Mote, or M3, this tiny computer features processing, data storage, and wireless communication.

Most breakthroughs in miniaturization are important but boring; this substance can be stretched thinner than before, that manufacturing process is now 8% cheaper. This has always been in pursuit of a day when enough fundamental nano-breakthroughs have come together from materials and manufacturing that we can start inventing whole machines on that scale. Nobody's ever written a Star Trek episode about the world's smallest microchip, only about the world's smallest computer. Now, a team from the University of Michigan has built not just a very small microchip, but a whole functioning computer, and it's less than a cubic millimeter in size.

February 16, 2013

Basel-based agrichemical giant Syngenta on Friday urged Brussels to withdraw plans to slap a two-year ban on so-called neonicotinoid pesticides, saying blaming them for bee deaths was wrongheaded.

Last month, the EFSA said that neonicotinoid insecticides used in maize, rapeseed, sunflower and cotton cultivation posed "disturbing" risks to with bees and other pollinating insects hugely important for food production, especially of fruit. EFSA said the insecticides attack the central nervous system of insects, causing paralysis and death.

by Dr. Eowyn

December 22, 2011

Dr. Helen Ratajczak, a former drug company scientist, just published a comprehensive review of autism research. Buried in her 79-page review, on page 70, are five words that reveal a secret Big Pharma has kept from you: "...grown in human fetal tissue."

As Dr. Mercola reports for Health Impact News Daily, Dec. 21, 2011, the line reads (page 70): "An additional increased spike in incidence of autism occurred in 1995 when the chicken pox vaccine was grown in human fetal tissue." But that fact is never disclosed in your vaccine consent form, which is why most people are unaware that cell cultures derived from aborted human fetuses have been used extensively in vaccine production for decades. And vaccine makers are just content that most of the public are ignorant of this most inconvenient truth. For if we knew, we might be dissuaded from getting the vaccine.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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