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January 7, 2014

Facebook, the popular social network with over a billion users world wide, has just been hit with a class-action lawsuit.

The allegations, revealed in the FT, are that Facebook systematically scans the content of private messages so it can sell the data to third parties such as advertisers. Facebook's entire business model is based on the fact that it monitors what users write, like and up-load in order to sell this information on to others. I have covered some of the concerns about this in my articles 'How Facebook Exploits Your Private Information' and 'How Facebook Likes Reveal Your Intimate Secrets'. In principle, there is nothing wrong with Facebook using our data to make commercial gains. In the end, the service is free and Facebook has to make money somehow. However, my biggest concern is that the data mining activities are not as transparent as they should be.

Hot Air

by Allahpundit

July 30, 2014

I'm as surprised as you are. Who could have guessed that someone who "joked" about working for OFA might not like grassroots righties?

There's an important lesson to be learned here, my friends. When you're arranging for your hard drive to be "scratched," make sure it's scratched deeply enough that stuff like this can't be recovered. No wonder she wanted to take a closer look at tea-party nonprofits. They're run by terrorists 'n stuff.

by Tom Dennen

May 9, 2013

The United States is now firmly entering the eighth stage of all civilizations ~ Dependence with only Bondage ahead of it.

Apathy has allowed our constitution to be shredded in stage seven which led to our current state of Dependence on the state ~ but soon an IRS monitored Obamacare program of 'Shared responsibility, or else' will usher in the Orwellian ninth stage of militarized Bondage.

The Real Revo

by Jim22

July 22, 2011

Here is a cute video which explains that the United States will not default on its obligations if the debt ceiling is not raised.

Then it poses the question, "Mr. President, if you are not going to pay the bills, what do you intend to do with the $181 Billion that comes in every month? Good question.

Smashing Magazine

by Lea Verou

November 3, 2011

Frequently, when I discuss CSS3 with other developers, the issue of stubborn clients comes up.

They tell me that even though they personally don't think a website should look the same in all browsers and they're eager to try all of these new techniques, their clients insist that their website should look the same, so the developers are stuck with the same Web development techniques that we used five to ten years ago. Their clients just don't "get" graceful degradation. Is this really the issue? Are our clients incapable of understanding these things?

by Kat Arney

February 22, 2016

As an organisation dedicated to beating cancer, we have a deep-rooted interest in any new research developments that could lead to new, more effective treatments for the disease.

So when we received an enquiry from a supporter about an article entitled "Cancer cured for good" by Bill Sardi and Timothy Hubbell* we were intrigued. The article talks about research by Nobuto Yamamoto in the US, looking at a protein called Gc-MAF (aka GcMAF). His published studies appear to show that injections of very small amounts of Gc-MAF can "cure" people with breast, bowel and prostate cancer.

Michelle Malkin

by Michelle Malkin

August 24, 2012

Breaking news: The Fishwrap of Record has finally discovered that the Obama administration gives its Chicago corporate pals special access to power and regulatory favoritism.

On Thursday, The Not-So-New York Times published an A1 story titled "Ties to Obama Aided in Access for Big Utility." Everyone, put on your shocked faces! "With energy an increasingly pivotal issue for the Obama White House," the Times intoned, "a review of Exelon's relationship with the administration shows how familiarity has helped foster access at the upper reaches of government and how, in some cases, the outcome has been favorable for Exelon." You mean Hope and Change was all smoke and mirrors? Well, knock me over with a feather and call me Grandpa Daley!

Michelle Malkin

by Michelle Malkin

April 27, 2012

One of President Obama's radical eco-bureaucrats has apologized for confirming an indelible truth: This White House treats politically incorrect private industries as public enemies who deserve regulatory death sentences.

Environmental Protection Agency administrator Al Armendariz, an avowed greenie on leave from Southern Methodist University, gave a little-noticed speech in 2010 outlining his sadistic philosophy. "I was in a meeting once, and I gave an analogy to my staff about my philosophy of enforcement, and I think it was probably a little crude and maybe not appropriate for the meeting, but I'll go ahead and tell you what I said," he began. In a video obtained and released by Sen. James Inhofe (R., Okla.), Armendariz then shared his bloody analogy...

by Chris Horner

December 1, 2010

As the FT reports today, the EU is still demanding that it's not fair that the U.S. not do the same harm to ourselves that they did to themselves, and can't undo.

Only they've tweaked their rationale slightly for why we should hobble ourselves and, effectively, commit to buying their stuff to bail out their bubble industries (see those billions in 'stimulus' money going to Iberdrola et al.). That whole end is nigh business is just so pre-ClimateGate. Now it is that we will fall behind economically if we don't.

by Frank Miniter

September 28, 2011

Fast and Furious was an operation so cloak-and-dagger Mexican authorities weren't even notified that thousands of semi-automatic firearms were being sold to people in Arizona thought to have links to Mexican drug cartels.

According to ATF whistleblowers, in 2009 the U.S. government began instructing gun storeowners to break the law by selling firearms to suspected criminals. ATF agents then, again according to testimony by ATF agents turned whistleblowers, were ordered not to intercept the smugglers but rather to let the guns "walk" across the U.S.-Mexican border and into the hands of Mexican drug-trafficking organizations.

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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