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by William Norman Grigg

August 8, 2014

What is the "worst nightmare" one can imagine in an encounter between a police officer and a member of the productive class?

One answer is offered by the experience of Eric Garner, who died after being choked and swarmed without cause by a thugscrum of NYPD officers. That nightmare continues for his wife, his six children, his grandchildren, and others who were deprived of his company because of an unprovoked act of criminal aggression by privileged purveyors of government-sanctioned violence. What, on the other hand, is the "worst nightmare" for a police officer in such a situation? In a single word, accountability.

by William Norman Grigg

November 14, 2013

No tactical genius is necessary to bring about a bloodless end to a standoff involving a 107-year-old man armed with a handgun and surrounded by police officers inside an otherwise vacant house.

All that is necessary is a willingness on the part of the officers to accept a minimal amount of risk, and a time horizon longer than a half hour. In fact, only someone with a perverse appetite for gratuitous bloodshed could arrange to end that confrontation with the violent death of the centenarian suspect. As it happens, the valiant men of the Pine Bluff, Arkansas Police Department's SWAT team were equal to that task. That's why 107-year-old Monroe Isadore was killed in a torrent of gunfire on the evening of September 7.

by William Thornton

June 10, 2013

St. Clair and Bibb county authorities are confirming there were roadblocks at several locations in their counties Friday and Saturday asking for blood and DNA samples.

However, the samples were "voluntary" and motorists were paid for them as part of a study, they said. According to Lt. Freddie Turrentine of the St. Clair County Sheriff's Department, it isn't the first time such roadblocks have occurred in the area.

The American Spectator

by William Tucker

February 14, 2012

Is Fisker Automotive the next Solyndra? Maybe, but that misses the larger point.

Fisker Automotive suspended efforts in Delaware last week to retool an abandoned GM production plant into a manufacturing facility for its new electric hybrid NINA, derived from the $104,000 luxury Karma.

The American Spectator

by William Tucker

January 30, 2012

At the rate he's going, our president will soon be taking credit for the discovery of natural gas.

In Ancient China, the Emperor went out every spring and walked the fields to bless the harvest and encourage the crops to grow. Sure enough, when the peasants put the seeds in the ground, the crops appeared and the Emperor took credit. The job of President of the United States is often much the same.

The American Spectator

by William Tucker

January 13, 2012

Its name is cellulosic ethanol -- it's nonexistent but oil companies are still being fined by the EPA for not buying into it.

Peering ahead at the worst possible outcomes of Obamacare five years from now, imagine that individuals were being fined by the Department of Health and Human Services for failing to buy health insurance -- even though insurance companies have withdrawn from the market and aren't offering it anymore! Would that be fair?

The American Spectator

by William Tucker

November 15, 2011

He apparently has spent too much time in the sun.

There's something about solar energy that turns otherwise intelligent brains to mush. Paul Krugman, the celebrated Nobel Prize-winning economist, has now joined the crowd. In an op-ed last week entitled "Here Comes the Sun," Krugman invoked Moore's Law, of Silicon Valley fame, to marshal the case that solar energy will soon be taking the place of coal, oil, gas nuclear and all those other nasty things. Here's the way he went about it...

The American Spectator

by William Tucker

July 2, 1998

Bill Gates and Microsoft have committed the crime of understanding the Information Age better than anyone else.

Now the Reno Justice Department has joined forces with Gates's competitors to teach him a lesson, ignoring what his brilliant career could teach them. On May 18, the Department of Justice filed an anti-trust suit against Microsoft Corporation, charging it with anti-trust violations in promoting its Internet Explorer over rival Internet browser Netscape. Simultaneously, attorneys general from 20 states filed companion suits on almost identical grounds.

by Wjxt

June 23, 2015

A 23-year-old woman faces charges of interfering with custody after fleeing from child protective services investigators who were trying to take the child.

The Daytona Beach News-Journal reports that a Bunnell police officer contacted Jasmine Lee Sloan about an hour later. She agreed to surrender the child Thursday night and was taken to the Flagler County Jail, where she remained Saturday on a $10,000 bond.

by Woothemes

January 12, 2012

The person who may be responsible for more food-related illness and death than anyone in history has been made the US food safety czar. This is no joke.

Michael Taylor, MONSANTO’S VICE PRESIDENT, was just appointed senior advisor to the commissioner of the FDA. This is the same man that was in charge of FDA policy when GMO’s were allowed into the US food supply without undergoing a single test to determine their safety. He “had been Monsanto’s attorney before becoming policy chief at the FDA [and then] he became Monsanto’s Vice President and chief lobbyist. This month [he] became the senior advisor to the commissioner of the FDA. He is now America’s food safety czar. This is no joke.”

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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