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Employment in the News

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Computer World

by Brian Sullivan

April 29, 2002

Numbers difficult to track; impact of visas debated

Unemployed IT workers and their allies say there's no labor shortage. They claim that employers are just trying to cut IT costs and drive down wages by hiring foreign workers at lower pay rates.

by Todd F. Gaziano

February 21, 2001

In recent years, there has been renewed interest in the proper use and possible abuse of executive orders and other presidential directives.

Many citizens and lawmakers expressed concern over the content and scope of several of President Bill Clinton's executive orders and land proclamations. Congress responded with hearings and the consideration of several bills designed to curb the President's authority to issue such directives. In an exceedingly rare act, the courts reacted by striking down one of President Clinton's executive orders, and litigation to contest the validity of other directives is ongoing. Despite the increased public attention focused on executive orders and similar directives, public understanding regarding the Legal foundation and proper uses of such presidential decrees is limited.

by Andrew Soell

December 20, 2000

Susette Kelo dreamed of owning a home that looked out over the water.

She purchased and lovingly restored her little pink house where the Thames River meets the Long Island Sound in 1997, and had enjoyed the great view from its windows. The Dery family, up the street from Susette, had lived in Fort Trumbull since 1895; Matt Dery and his family lived next door to his mother and father. Matt's mother was born in her house in 1918 and had never lived anywhere else. The richness and vibrancy of this neighborhood reflected the American ideal of community and the dream of homeownership. Tragically, the City of New London turned that dream into a nightmare.

by Dwight R. Lee

December 11, 1998

Legislating a Minimum Wage Creates Unemployment

Last month I discussed the distorting effects of government-imposed price ceilings. Not content to limit the disruptive impact on economic decisions to price ceilings, governments are also quite willing to impose floors under which prices cannot legally fall. Like price ceilings, price floors disrupt market cooperation and have consequences quite different from those advertised by their advocates. Before considering an example of price floors-minimum wages-let's examine the problem in general terms.

The American Spectator

by William Tucker

July 2, 1998

Bill Gates and Microsoft have committed the crime of understanding the Information Age better than anyone else.

Now the Reno Justice Department has joined forces with Gates's competitors to teach him a lesson, ignoring what his brilliant career could teach them. On May 18, the Department of Justice filed an anti-trust suit against Microsoft Corporation, charging it with anti-trust violations in promoting its Internet Explorer over rival Internet browser Netscape. Simultaneously, attorneys general from 20 states filed companion suits on almost identical grounds.

by Hans F. Sennholz

March 11, 1995

Minimum Wage Laws Raise Barriers to Employment

Few economic laws, if any, are more malicious and malignant than minimum wage laws. They prohibit workers from accepting employment unless they are paid at least the minimum. They order employers to use only workers who qualify for the minimum and reject all others. The laws erect a hurdle over which all American workers are forced to jump.

by Roger Koopman

March 1, 1988

Ideas have consequences, Richard Weaver once wrote. They pace the course of human history-both good ideas and bad. And while intentions may be honorable, the passing of time has proven that, in the long term, you can't get good results from bad ideas.

The minimum wage is a classic example of a good intention and a bad idea. The idea behind minimum wage legislation is that government, by simple decree, can increase the earning power of all marginal workers. Implicit in this idea is the notion that employment is an exploitive relationship and that business owners will never voluntarily raise the wages of their workers. Businesses, we are told, must be coerced into paying workers what they deserve, and only politicians know what this is. Not only does this line of thinking run contrary to the most basic economic principles of a free society, but it is also patently illogical. If government could raise the real wages of millions of Americans by merely passing a law announcing that fact, then why stop at $3.35 per hour, or $4.65, or even $107 Isn't $500 per hour more compassionate than $50? Absurd, you say, and I would agree. But the "logic" is perfectly consistent with the idea of a minimum wage, once you have accepted the premise that political decrees can raise wages.

by David Laband

March 1, 1988

People don't like to think that anyone's labor is worth less than the minimum wage. Someone might end up flipping burgers for $5.00 an hour.

You might think the minimum wage is a way of paying some sort of dignity premium--hence language like "living wage." People with such good intentions look at the direct beneficiaries of these policies, say, burger flippers now making $7.50 an hour. They pat themselves on the back. But they rarely count the invisible costs: willing human beings who never get hired in the first place. "But $5.00 an hour is not enough to live on!," they'll say. For whom? A teenager living at home with his parents? An elderly person who wants simply to stay active? A single mom with three kids? A single woman sharing an apartment with 2 roommates? Of course, not all of these people could live off of $5.00 an hour. But some of them could given the opportunity. Concerns about those who couldn't don't justify minimum wages even if we ignored the invisible costs of the policy, which include reduced margins to businesses that might otherwise grow (and hire more people).

The American Spectator

by Jeremy Rabkin

December 1, 1984

Even before the Supreme Court ended its last term in early July, media pundits had reached a verdict on its significance: The Court had lurched to the right.

As usual, Anthony Lewis of the New York Times gave the charge its most strident formulation. The "stunned reaction among the public as well as legal specialists," he wrote, reflected "the sense that our fundamental assumptions about the Supreme Court must change... The Court made clear that it was no longer set the limits on state power."

January 10, 1963

Truth is the best irony and this video is filled with great satire.

We tried warning President Obama that his health-care law was unworkable. Now, after a glitch-filled week of implementation, Obamacare is under attack from the likes of not only Senator Ted Cruz, but also CNN's Wolf Blitzer. Yes, even the face of CNN is offering Obama this friendly advice: "They had three years to get this ready. If they weren't fully ready, they should accept the advice that a lot of Republicans are giving them: delay it another year."

Carschooling by Diane Flynn Keith

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