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Job Seeker Tools and Tips

Al's Net Biz

A very informative collection of material on Job Hunting -- Employment Tips- Tutorials on Resumes, where to look, how to look and everything else you need to find that perfect job.

Home of the MAPP (Motivational Appraisal of Personal Potential) Assessment. Find out what careers are best for you. View your sample report immediately upon completion. Your personal report will tell you job tasks you prefer and the top 11-20 jobs that fit you.

Career Explorer

Your career training resource. Looking for career training? Career Explorer can assist you. We provide a list of degree programs, a directory of online training programs; get financial aid, scholarships, loans and military aid information. Free career aptitude test and more...

Career Fair/Job Expo Tutorial

Job fairs, if "worked" properly, are a golden opportunity to expand your network and set up interviews. This tutorial is designed for both college students and job-seekers who are seeking to master the skills necessary to successfully attend and navigate career fairs and job expos, taking you through the necessary activities you must do before, during, and after the fair.

Occupation Finder

Job descriptions that include the education levels needed, training levels, and more. If your not sure what path to take, explore the Occupation Finder you just might find yourself going in an entirely different direction.

The Career Key™ test

If you are making a decision about your career or education, the Career Key test can help you. It measures your skills, abilities, values, and interests -- the six Holland personality types that are most often used by professional career counselors. In addition to learning about yourself, you will discover promising jobs that match your personality and links you to information about those jobs in the Occupational Outlook Handbook.

Free Resume Example

Learn how to write your own resume. Using the Free Resume Example links, sources and samples, create your own resume and cover letter. The function of outstanding job resumes is to get the attention of your potential employer. More than simply a listing of your accomplishments, education, skills and experience; a job resume is the first point of contact you have with the company with whom you are seeking employment. No matter what skill set you bring to the table, if your resume isn't effectively presented, you may find it difficult to locate work.

Internet Career Connection

The Easy 10 Step Job Hunting Guide -- How to conduct a successful job search and land the job you want without killing yourself in the process! 10 "tried and true" techniques that through the test of time have helped millions of people secure employment.

JobBank USA

Job Bank USA provides you with the most comprehensive suite of career building tools available. By using Job Bank USA's online employment services and job search you will gain the valuable knowledge necessary to succeed in today's employment marketplace. Find everything you need to advance your career.

Job Fair Success

Job fairs are not a "get acquainted session" for you to meet prospective employers. They are multiple interview sessions where the plain vanilla candidates are stepped on and over by those who are targeted and prepared. Yes, even the two to three minute greeting and exchange of sound bites is considered a real interview. You are being evaluated, whether it is for thirty seconds or thirty minutes. You always need to be at your very best. Learn more...

Job Star Central

Job Search Guide from your local library. "How To" Information for Job Seekers Everywhere: Resumes, Career & Salary Info, Hidden Job Market. One size does NOT fit all. Choose the resume style that suits your job history and target position: Chronological, Functional, Electronic Resume, Curriculum Vitae. Let Job Star Central show you how.

Job Watch

The state of jobs and wages. Economic Policy Institute Tracking Jobs and Wages - State-by-state job trends are updated mid-month as new data becomes available. JobWatch e-mail news bulletins available.

Occupational Outlook Handbook

The profiles featured here cover hundreds of occupations and describe What They Do, Work Environment, How to Become One, Pay, and more. Each profile also includes BLS employment projections for the 2010-20 decade. It always help to know what the projections are when switch careers.

35+ Common Interview Questions and Answers

You've heard the interviewers and hiring managers say there are no right or wrong answers to calm you down before an interview. But here's the thing: They are almost always looking for a specific way of answering. Which brings us to this guide. We're going to cover the most common interview questions and answers, turning you into a bona fide interview expert by the time we are done. So, let's get started!

Resume Logic

Resumes for engineers, by engineers, job search tips and resume help. Resume Logic provides resume writing tips and tools to help you land that perfect job. This site explains important facts you should know about cover letters if you would like to succeed in your job search. These employment search tools can be applied to other industries as well.

Student Counseling and Career Centre

Providing information, employment tips and tools on almost two hundred occupational options and resources. Lots of links and great information (This is not a job search site.)

Transferable Skills Survey

As you begin your job search, it is important that you know your own qualifications. Over the years you have developed many skills from coursework, extracurricular activities and your total life experiences. This University of Minnesota, Duluth, offering is an online questionnaire with test results, but does not offer an explanation or interpretation of the test results.

William & Mary Career Center

Provides quality job search tips, tools, services and programs that facilitate the career development process for William and Mary students and alumni.

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